Printing Eddinaton a and Franklin, D. Mrs. morning, Mrs. Mra. Pace, George Charles Glenn July survived Newspaper AGENT NASHVILLE BANNER Evening THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN Morning-Sunday INFORMATION AND TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Rates Below Apply to All Classi(led Advertisins orixinatine within 100-mile radius of the City of ville.) Daily Classified ads are published the same day 10 THE NASHVILLE first in THE NASHVILLE SLAN and will be published again on BANNER Publication in the Sunday NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN is counted as one day 1 Day Sunday 60c Line 1 Day Daily 60c Days 36c Line 7 Days 31c Line Daily Rates Quoted include insertion in Both THE NASHVILLE NESSEAN Morning and THE NASHVILLE BANNER Evenings.
Minimum Charge, 2 Lines. Count Five Average (5-letter) Words to the Line The above rates apply to consecutive insertions only Rights reserved to classify and Index classified ads according to rules governing classified pages The Banner and The Tennessean also reserve the right to revise or reject at option any advertisem*nt which is deemed objectionable either In subject matter or phraseology Box. Number address requires tout words Notice of typographical errors must be given in time for correction before the second insertion Office Hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Satur day 8 a.m. to 12 noon: Sunday, p.m.
to 7 p.m. TELEPHONES ALpine 5-1221 ALpine 5-5401 Death Notices July 29, 1959, o'clock. at Wednesday afternoon. her residence. 1507 Ashwood Mrs.
Juliet Dickinson Alexander, widow of Rev. W. C. Alexander. Survived by daughters, Mrs.
W. B. Wilkes, Arlington. Miss Juliet Alexander, Nashville, and Mrs. Robert M.
Barnett. Washington, D.C.: sons. Ridley H. Alexander, Jackson, Tenn. and W.
Carrington Alexander. Richmond, eight grandchildren and sixteen greatgrandchildren. Remains are at Finley Dorris Charlton, West End at Twenty-fifth Ave. Funeral from Glen Leven Presbyterian Church. this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock.
conducted by the Rev. Edwin W. Albright and the Rev. J. B.
Bittinger. Elders and deacons of Glen Leven Church, ministers of Nashville Presbytery, Alfred Haran. Charles Halley, George Hailey, M. F. Lampkin, Eugene Vandagriff, Dallas Jones, Albert Duling.
John Duling and W. H. Whittemore will serve AS honorary pallbearers. Active will be William Hagan, Overton Williams. Elbert Steele, Everett Gourley, Robert L.
Dudney, Charles Webb, S. C. Thompson and C. M. Gooch.
Remains will be forwarded to Concord. N.C. this evening for interment. Finley Dorris Charlton Co. AUST--at 12:45 o'clock Wednesday morning.
July 29, 1959, at her home, 2009 Linden Mrs. Daisy Oliver Aust, widow of the late Judge John Aust. Survived by sisters, Mrs. H. R.
Manby, Mrs: Kirk Hart: grandson. Col. John R. Aust III. U.
S. Army, Paris, France. Remains are at the funeral home, MarshallDonnelly -Combs. 201 25th where services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, by Dr. Arthur Wayne Braden, and Dr.
Roger T. Nooe. Pallbearers: Honorary: John Aust Bible Class Vine St. Christian Church. Carmach Cochran, Hardin Conn.
Weldon White, Charles Cornelius, Chancellor William Wade H. B. Alexander, Charles N. Price, of Nashville, Dr. R.
E. Wilson. Greenwood, Judge Ridley Mitchell, Washington, D. and William Spears. and Overton Dickerson.
Chattanooga, Tenn. Active: Dan McGugin, Joe Carr. John Fisher, Dr. Osborne Rhea, Barrett Sutton. Dr.
William Wilson, Henry Homyer. Hugh Ammerman. Interment Woodlawn Memorial Park. Marshall- Donnelly-Combs, CY 1-0720. BEBOUT- -Tuesday evening.
July 28. 1959. Mrs. Ada Bebout. Survived by daughters, Mrs.
B. P. Roberts and Mrs. Simnson. Goodletteville.
and Mrs. Julia Marie Inman, Nashville; son, A. W. Bebout, Nashville: sisters. Mrs.
Jess Jones and Mrs. Amanda Baker, Nashville, and Mrs. Beulah Miller, Dickson. Remains are at the chapel of Pettus-Owen Wood, 4506 Charlotte where funeral services will be held Thursday, July 30, at 2 p.m., by Rev. H.
D. Burns, and Rev. Frank Collins. Honorary pallbearers: Mayor Ben West, Chief John D. Ragsdale.
Sheriff Tom B. Cartwright, members of the Nashville Fire Department, members of the Nashville Police Department. and County Sheriff Patrol. Active pallbearers will be grandsons and nephews. Interment Mt.
Olivet Cemetery, Pettus, Owen Wood. 2-3392. BECKMAN-Wednesday evening. July 29. 1959, at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. A. F. Biles, 1312 Howard Mrs. Katie Scott Beckman.
Survived by daughters. Mrs. Clarence Bailey, Evansville. Mrs. George White.
Akron. Mrs. A. F. Biles: nine grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
Remains are at the parlors of Roesch-Patton 1715 Broadway. Complete notice will be announced later. Roesch-Patton Inc. Phone AL 5-7467. BELL--Tuesday night.
July 28, 1959, at a Franklin Nursing Home, Mrs. Maggie Cody Bell, widow of the late Tom Bell. Survived by son. John P. Bell of Nashville.
another son was the late T. Cody Bell. grandchildren. Mrs. Emmett Wood.
Margie Bell. and John P. Bell all of Nashville, Mrs. Herbert Jones. of Silver Springs.
Maryland, 8 great-grandchildren. Remains are at the Franklin Memorial Chapel. 1009 West Main Franklin, where services will be conducted Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. by Elder Paul Phillips, and Elder George R. Bethurum.
Pallbearers: Honorary: Elders and Deacons of Belmont Church of Christ. Frank R. Blair, Buck Hawes. Gordon Hillman, George Moor, Curtis Green, W. H.
Parks. and Earl Beasley, Active: Kenneth Pilkerton. Billy Brock, Emmett Wood Emmett Wood W. G. Oliphant, Clyde Brewer, D.
A. McDonald, Benard Schklar, Jonas Schklar. and James Doty. Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery, Franklin Memorial Chapel Funeral Directors.
Phone SW 4-1512. -At a local hospital. Tue day afternoon, July 28, 1959, Mrs Mandy Elizabeth Corbitt. Mother of Mrs. Sadie Fortner, Mrs.
Mattie Griggs, Mrs. Leo Flair, William Eugene Corbitt and Miss Dorothy Corbitt: sister of Mrs. Joe Phillips and Robert F. Henson, all of Nashville. There are 14 grandchildren.
Services Thursday at 1 o'clock. Cosmopolitan's chapel. Granville L. Cullum and Carmack Boyd, ministers. Pallearers.
honorary: Dr. Price Duff. Dr. R. E.
Wyatt H. A. Jones, elders and cons of Selfried Church of Christ. Active: Kermit Sudberry, Marvin Butler, George Helton. Jesse Jones.
Odell Pardue, Curtis Tosh. Interment Woodlawn. Remains are at Cosmopolitan funeral home morning, July 29, 1959. at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
Joe M. Warren, on East Valley Mrs. Barbara Bertha age 90 years. Survived by daughters. Mrs.
Sam Rogers. Mrs. H. S. Earnest, Mrs.
Joe M. Warren. and Mrs. Galbreath Blackman. 6 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren.
Remains are at Roesch-Patton 1715 Broadway, Funeral services will be from the First Lutheran Church. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted Rev. Paul E. Monroe, and Dr. I.
W. Gernert. Following will serve as pallbearers: Honorary: Members of Council of First Lutheran Church, and F. C. Sowell.
Active: Karl Edward Haury, Thomas Hagan, Donald H. Earnest, Edward G. Blackman III. William E. Rogers, Chris Carl Kuhn.
Karl Haury. terment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. LYNCH- at 5:57 Tuesday o'clock afternoon local July in- 28. at, A firmary, Thomas F.
Lynch, aged 60 years. Survived by daughter, Mrs. H. Lloyd of Charleston. 8.C.: parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gilliam: sisters, Mrs. Margaret Doug1As. Miss Stella Gilliam, Miss Thelma Gilliam. all of Whites Creek.
and Mrs. Mildred Ashabranet of Arcadia, brother. John L. Gilliam of Whites Creek. Tenn.
Remains are at Martin's. 209 Louise AVe. Funeral Thursday morning July 30. 1959, leaving at 9 -o'clock. Requiem High Mass at Church of the Assumption at 9:30 o'clock Interment Calvary cemetery.
Members of Plumbers Local Union. No. 352 will serve as honorary pallbearers. Active will be. John.
Gill. John Dept. E. 8. Pruitt, George Frensley, Donald Shaw.
Mayberry. Jack Riley. Ellis Linder. The Rosary will be recited Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Martin's, 209 Louise ave.
CY 1-0610. In- 28, M. E. LOCAL will NO. he held 8 Business Services GUIDE Offered SERVICE 12 THINK BUSINESS and and GUIDE REMEMBER! 15 THE 1-B Legal Notice 1-B Legal Notice Papering Painting BRICKLAYERS 4 A called meeting Thursday night, July 30th, at 7:30 at Bricklayers' Building on Sideo Barney Hows, President NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The Undersigned will sell at Public Auction for cash one 1956 Lincoln Coope.
serial number 56WA19920L at 3 p.m., August 7th, 1959, at Abernathy Auto Parts 900 Lebanon Road, Nashville, Tennessee. The Undersigned reserves the right to bid. ASSOCIATE DISCOUNT CORP. ASSOCIATES CORP. All persons having claims against the estate of the late W.
B. Pence dba Pence Hardware Company please present same properly proven to the undersigned on or before October 15, 1959. Bowling Green Bank and Trust Co. Administrator W. B.
Pence Estate Bowling Green. Kentucky 2 Cemetery Monument WOODLAWN-4-grave lot, $425. Call TU 3-7642. WOODLAWN- grave lot, Sermon on the Mount, reasonable. AL 5-5146.
3 Lost Found ENGINE -9 h.p. 1 cylinder Sears Roebuck, $50 reward for return of engine and arrest and conviction of guilty party, AL 6-1814 or CA 7-0781. DOG--Hound, red female, Roy Hill name on collar, vicinity Fall Creek. between Vine and Jefferson Springs. Reward, Nashville AL 4-0571: Nolensville SWift 5-2498.
DOG- -Beagle, lost in vicinity of McGavock Pike and Mills Creek. black, tan and white, small female. REWARD. AL 4-3142. PURSE- White straw.
Vicinity of Cooper Lane and McGavock Pike. Keep money and return personals. AL 5-6478; CO 2-6749. CLIPBOARD Lost Saturday, Centennial Little League Diamond: Clipboard with camp records. Reward CY 2-6449.
BILLFOLD Black. Sunday night, Theater Green Hills. Reward. Frank B. John.
1916 Blair Blvd. DOG--Red Bone Hound. female, Nolensville Rd Old Hickory Blvd Reward. VE 2-3555. DOG -Boxer, lost Centennial park playground.
Saturday, after 3 p.m. Reward. 312 19th Ave. North. DOG--Lost large Boxer, answers to name, "Fritz." If found please call CY 7-1498.
Small reward. DOG Male Pomeranian. lost 9th and Bradford. medication. CY 2-9435.
PURSE -Black. large, Important papers, reward. VE 2-3390. KEYS on ring, lost, can identify, reward, AL 5-9242. Mr.
Davis. Personals BLOOD DONORS ALL BLOOD TYPES NEEDED Donor Fee Paid BLOOD BANK FOUNDATION 1913 Broadway AL 4-3551 WILL PAY CASH FOR Diamond from Karat Up WEINSTEIN CO 225 6th TRY FIGURAMA Rent or Buy 1t REDUCE Inches in Minutes CY 1-3091. 9 to Res CH 2-9783 ATTENTION- Women. See our advertisem*nt under classification 13. FIDELITY DETECTIVE ACADEMY PERMANENTS Machines $5.50 Cold Wave $7.50.
ARCADE BEAUTY Shop. AL 6-9624. 88 TYPING- Other office work. done at home, will pick up and deliver. Call AL 6-5653.
CHILDREN KEPT. My home, Tusculum area. VE 2-3631 CHILDREN KEPT ANY AGE. EAST. CO 2-1281 CHILDREN KEPT $1.50 Per Day, Hot Lunch.
CA 8-5240 5 Special Notices LANDSCAPING Spreading and Finishing Yards. Old yards reworked Seed sowing. Shrubbery Setting. Shrubbery and Hedge Trimming. Also Lawn Mowing.
Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. AL 5-7194. BULLDOZER ER Traxcavator-GRADING Dirt. Expert Operator.
Prompt Service. AL 4-8504. UN 5-0311. Cushions--Boats Upholstered NASHVILLE CUSHION CO. Terms 1012-8th Ave South Al.
4-8813 After 5 P.M. AL 5-9836 UPHOLSTERING SOPA AND CHATR. LOW AS $49.50 VE 2-1180 GREEN'S CA 8-6354 DEBTS -I am not responsible for debts made by anyone other than myself. Earl E. Lee.
Route No. 1. Kingston Springs. Tenn. LEARN TO DRIVE EASY METHOD Established 1933 CY 7-6526 24-hour CY 8-1780 Draperies, Slipcovers Made to order.
Guaranteed Satisfaction. Call CA 8-4378. UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates, Terms, cO 2-6883 TAYMON TWILLEY AL 5-6557 WAKE UP SERVICE Do vou oversleep. let us awake you. For information, CA 8-5168.
Mirrors Resilvered TENNESSEE MIRROR co. 1600 West End Ave. AL 6-1838 TOP SOIL CRUSHED STONE. CALL CY 1-6260 RICH TOP SOIL FILL DIRT CY 8-5371 SODDING GRADING, Washed away yards, banks. CA 7-4552 GOOD BLACK DIRT Lawn Mowing and Hauling MAHAN'S GROCERY AM 9-9150 HOME FOOD SERVICE Call AL 4-7574 LEARN TO DRIVE DRIVE RITE TRAINING.
CY 2-9003 Sofa, Chair. Wool Rug CLEANED FOR $9 CY 1-6671 UPHOLSTERING HEARN'S. 211 Broadway AL 4-9264 Bulldozer Grading Top soil. K. A.
SPARKS UN 5-0930 ATTENTION- -Men. See classification our 13, adver. tisem*nt under FIDELITY DETECTIVE ACADEMY Bulldozer--Rich Top Soil FINISHED GRADING. CA 8-0722 Baling and Lot Clipping North and East AL 5-5827 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING GRASS CUTTING Reasonable, Free Dependable. AL 5-5921.
GARDENS--Plowed Discing. grading yards. mowing. ditch dizzine, dozer. Gehrig, CA 8-3747.
CA 8-5423 TOP SOIL "THE BEST" Creek Gravel H. D. PAGE CA 8-7159 TRASH-GARBAGE DISPOSAL Reliable service 2 days a week, $1.25 month. Also hauling CY 1-0796. UPHOLSTERING Terms.
Work guaranteed. AL. 5-7470 LEARN TO DRIVE ACME DRIVERS CO 2-5864 SEPTIC TANKS Sewer lines cleaned. CH 2-1134 Travel- Transportation DETROIT, to share Wanted expense. experienced leave soon, 1954 Chevrolet.
Mr Williams, 1020 N. 5th St. CA 1-4785 BUSINESS GUIDE 8 Business Services Offered Asphalt Paving Free estimates without, obligation. gladly CAPCO given Blacktop Driveways. installation Park.
ing Areas. etc. FHA financing available. Consolidated Asphalt Paving, Corp. TU NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN, Thursday, July 30, 1952 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 15 Help Wanted--Male Help Wanted--Maia SKILLED TOOLING MEN Aeronca Manufacturing Corporation, in Middletown, Ohio, has immediate openings for the following skilled tooling men: Class A and Tool and Die Makers Class A and Jig and Fixture Men Rates for tool and die men and jig and fixture men will run from $2.25 to $3.02 per hour, depending on experience.
Please apply in person or by letter Personnel Office AERONCA MANUFACTURING CORP. 1712 Germantown Road Middletown, Ohio 14 Help Wanted- -Female WAITRESSES SKY CHEF'S. INC. BERRY FIELD 40 hours. 5 day week.
Meals, untforms, other employee benefits. See Mrs. Brazier at Sky Chef's (Airport Restaurant), 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
No phone calls. COUNTER CURB SALESLADIES Must be over 21 5 days a week. Must be able to work Sundays. Holidays and Evenines Apply in person. "BURGER BOY 3935 Gallatin Road WAITRESSES We are expanding our dining aren and will have one of the most attractive restaurants in Nashville, Excellent opportunity for experienced waitresses.
Apply Mrs. Smith. GREER'S 407 Murfreesboro Rd BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED. For A Nashville Garment Manufacturer Replies confidential Write for appointment to give past employment record references and when available Box 8-2208 Banner4 RESPONSIBLE LADIES Over 25 with good personality and pleasing telephone voice. Work from 11 p.m.
at CHICKEN DELIGHT. 5617 Charlotte Ave. Apply in person. a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday and Friday. Comptometer Operators For parttime work hourly rates. AUBREY EPPS CALCULATING OFFICE SERVICE. 301 13th No BEAUTICIAN Guaranteed salary and commission MILDRED'S BEAUTY SALON, AL 4-6314, night CY 2-5414 PART TIME White ladies needed to do telephone work. 4 hours daily from our office, straight salary, call AL 5-5600.
TYPIST- Young lady, with expertence in tracing delinquent counts. Reply in own handwriting giving full details, Box 8-3077 Banner-Tennessean. OPERATOR Sewing machine. Expertenced. Good working conditions.
Excellent salary. Apply Industrial Uniform Service. 222 Fatherland st. COOK -All Around Must be able to cook anything. PATTERSON'S RESTAURANT Madison.
Tenn. TW 5-5043 COOK AND WAITRESS Prefer settled. Apply Fuller's Cafe, Dickerson Rd. Old Hickory Blvd. WAITRESS Apply Jewell's Restaurant, 43 Hermitage Ave.
WAITRESS Must be neat. fast. Apply Koffee Shop, 2205 Elliston PI. DISHWASHER- Young colored girl help with dishes and cleaning, closed Sunday, no night work. 424 Union St.
COMPANION Lady needing home. stay with semi-invalid Give facts about self in answer Write Box S-2433, Banner-Tennessean. COOK -Colored To live on place. must have excellent references, AM 9-5661 ext. 232.
Kitchen Helper -Colored Permanent. 5-day week job. CY 2-3374 HELPER- -White woman. live and work in Convalescent Home, health card. Call CY 2-6548.
HOUSEKEEPER children while mother works. Light household duties. References, TU 3-3836. COOK- Colored Apply in person with health card. Playhouse Diner.
Clarksville Hwy, CH 2-9084, COMPANION Light housekeeping, white. live on place, care for semiinvalid lady, Salary. ON 5-1381. WAITRESS -Well experienced. ried lady preferred.
Apply HI HO. 908 Gallatin Rd. SITTER--for children. light housekeeping. live in.
days, $20 week. CO 2-6229. BEAUTICIAN WANTED Inglewood Section. CO 2-1840 PIANO TEACHER Private studio, Smithville Grade School, draw from 600 students, AL 5-6780. HOUSEKEEPER White.
live in. day off. Call CA 7-1842. COOK- -General housework. Live on place.
References. CY 2-4355. 15 Helo Wanted -Male Route Salesman Not, over driving 32 vears of Tractor-Trailer age, capable unit. Must be sober. able to meet public.
willing to relocate and travel. Be at home on weekends Paid vacation. starting salary $80 per week plus commission Also travel allowance Excellent fringe benefits. Including retirement plan. Reply in.
own handwriting tiving Age. past experience and ferences to box 8-2508 BannerTennessean Finance Manager Capable of stepping Into Important post with established firm branch manager in Tennessee. EXperience in consumer finance quired. Fine opportunity combining advancement and security. Scheduled increases and company pald retirement plan.
Contact R. La PHILLIPS. SUN FINANCE COMPANY 35 AUBURN AVE. NE, Atlanta, Ga. 39 Bond Market Slacks NEW -Government bonds showed little price change yesterday and trading slackened in all issues.
The corporate market was mixed with dealings more active than Tuesday. Some oil company convertible bonds made headway and attracted a good trade. This reflected higher prices for oil company stocks. Nashville Livestock Federal-State Department of Agriculture Cattle found early clearance, although cows little slow. Several vealers 31.00; several loads hogs 14.50, one load 14.75.
Spring lambs active, strong, at new high. CATTLE: 376. Generally most classes represented with cows and steers. particularly steers again in majority. Generally little change in price trends, except cows very Generally slow, active bulls and little firm more active.
for stockers and feeders, especially good and choice selections. Small supply standard and 800d slaughter yearlings mostly lightweight heifers 23.50-25.00, few utility and low standard 19.00-21.00, weighty 1150- 1200 lb. slaughter type steers well in good grade with choice end 1 26.00. Utility cOWS dividuals 15.00-16.25, and young few fleshy cows weighty in17.00-17.50. canner and cutter grades 12.50-15.00, instances meaty offerings around 15.50, few heavy Holsteins 16.00, shelly cows 10.00- 12.00.
Utility and commercial bulls 19.00- 20.00, instances 21.00, cutter bulls 16.00- 18.00. Medium and good stocker yearlings and calves 24.00-27.00. few 28.00. Selected good and choice Angus heifer calves near 425 lbs. average 30.00.
also sizeable load same grade Angus steer, calves 490 lbs. average 31.00. Small supply good and choice CALVES: 625-700 130. lb. feeder Fairly steers active, 25.00-27.00.
steady. Most choice vealers 30.00-31.00. good 27.50-29.00, standard 25.00-27.00, lower grades scarce. Slaughter calves scarce. HOGS: 717.
Active throughout, barrows and gilts 190-240 including small supply heavier weights strong to 25c higher, lighter weights and sows about steady. Mixed lots U.S. No. 1, 2 and 3 190-235 lb. barrows and gilts 14.25-14.50.
some mixed No. 1 and 2 grades at latter price, occasional sales No. 2 and 3 grades around 190-200 lbs. 14.00, one lot selected mixed No. 1 and 2 near 230 lbs.
14.75, small supply mixed No. and 2 180-185 lbs. 13.25-14.00. Several small lots mixed grades 155-180 lbs. 12.00-13.00, few No.
2 and 3 260-300 lbs. 13.00-13.25. Sows in small supply. No. 2 and 3 320-550 lbs.
8.50- 9.50, instances No. 1 250-375 lbs. 10.00. few medium grade these weights 8.00. SHEEP: 549.
Spring lambs active, in good demand, prices again strong. Good and choice 75-100 lb. spring slaughter lambs 21.50-23.00, mixed choice and prime 90-95 lb. lot 23.25. few bunches good 70- 90 1bs.
18.00-21.00, utility lightweights 14.00-16.00. Small supply medium and good 50-60 1b. feeder lambs 13.00-14.00. one lot good near 75 lbs. 17.50.
Small supply cull, utility, and good shorn slaughter ewes 2.00-5.00, also few good stocker ewes 5.00. American Stock Exchange Curb CI. Che. Curb Cl. Che.
Acme Prec Koback 14 Acme 20 Lamson Aero Sup Lam Sess Aeronca MI 113 Lear 163- Alan Wood 35 Lefc Real AllAm Eng 1134 Leonard Alleg Airl Lib Fab Alleg Cn Lith Am Allied Art Lodge Allied Pap 12 La Land Alsco Inc Lynch Cp Am Electn Petrot Mactad Pu Am Photo Magellan Am Mages Sp Am Seal Magna Oil Am Thrdpt Mangel Str 26 Amur Oil Manst Anch AngA Exbl Martin Wt Post Ang LauA Massey ArkF Oll Mead John Gas Menasco ArkLa Armour Mesabi Iro Armst Rub 333 Met Ther AssdEd Str Mich Chem Assd Mid- -W Ab AtIC Indst Midw Pip Atl CstLC Mill Wohl AtlasC Min Min Can Atlas CD Mo Kan Atlas Plyw Molybden 1 Audio Dev Molybden Bald Sec Monog Prec 12. Bant! Oil Montrose Barnes Ens Murphy Cp Muntz TV Basic BarryContB Inc MuskPRng Muter Co BayviewOll Napco Bearings Ind Beau Brun Nat AlfD Belock Inst 19 NatBellH Borne Chem Nat Pet Braz Trac Resch NatCtSarch Breeze Cp CMFWYPJsh sh Br Am Oil Co NatUnEl Brown 43 Nest LM BrownFDis NH Clock Do pi NidriaM BSF Co NJ Zine Budget Fin NewPkMg NY Auct But Eclipse Bunk Hill Noma Lts Burry Bis NorfSoRy Cal East AV Noeast Airl Cal El Pw Nuclear Am Can Jvelin OccidentPt Con Ptrt OgdenCp Canal Rnd 30 Carnation LtE 132 Catalin. 11 Pac Lte Cenco Inst PacNor Airl Cen Hadley Do pt Castina O1 5 Pac Pet Chromalloy Page Her 35 Cinerama Pantep Oil Clark Con Penin eMt Clarost MI Clary Cp 81- Philips El 42 Clopay Cp PhoentvStL Cost Oils PierceInd co*cksht PitRwys Colon Oll 25 PlasticNat Compo Sn Prairie Oil Con Devip ProgressMf Con Diesel Rapid Am Con Mng 21. Raym Int Cn Sn Ray Air Rem Arms Cont Repub Ind Cnt Resistoflex Ck Pt Rio Gr VG Cott Bev Robin Tech 16 Crane Carr Creole Pet RoosevitRac Crow Coll RoxburyCpt Crowley RoyalAm Pet 13 Russ Ave Crwn DaitchCD Russell Cub AmOil RyanAero Crwn Drug 3 RyanCPet Salem Bro Davidson SapphPet Desilu Pd Saxon Pap Det Gask Det GrayI ScurryRain Develop pt 19 Air Devon POils Seaporcel Dome Pet 11 SecFreePet Dom Tar SeeburzCp Dorr Oliv SeemanBro Dorsey Cp 11 SentryCorp Draper Servomech Expl 12 ShatDenn DuMontLab SherwWm 235 Duraloy SignalOllA 37 DynamAm Silex Co EastStaCp 46 SilvCrkPrec EdoCorpA SilvrayLt Simca Electronics SingerMf El-Tron Skiatron EmpMillw 12 Slick Air EmeryAirF Sonotone Equity Cp SoPennOil FactorMax SCE4.88pf Ero Erie Forge Spear Co SoMater .60 Mig Sperry Rwt Felmt FaircCam Pet Std Fore Finan Std Thom Filmways Prod Firth Sterl Gen 10 St TubeB Fly Tiger Stanrock Ur Ford Ford Statham In CanB Star, Cp Ltd Fox Head Stein Gen Buid Sterl Prec Gen Devel Stroock Ind Ent Stylon Co Gen Plyd Sunset Int Gen Strs Sup Tool Gen Transt Sym Waywt Do 43 Technico Genungs Teleprom Giant Yel 8 Telev Ind Goldfield Tenney Eng Gorh MI Texam Oil Gird Rap Tex Thew Cale Shov 24 Lak GtW Fin Thom*o Star Guild Films Tilo RI Am Todd Sho 32 Harman Kar Tr Car A 15 Hartfid St Tr Ind Hath Harvard Idus Inv Trans Lux 12 Tr Cu Oil Hazel Hazeltine Bish 29 Two Guys Tri Ct wt Hecla Unexcell Ch Hell Coll Un Invest Here Gal Un Airc Herold Rd Un Can HighwayT Un Pac Ceram A Hiller Highw Airo 08 Foll US Hoe Co Unit Stores Hofm Hoffm Ind Int Univ Con Univ Amer Hillinger 35 Univ Mar Cont Holly Corp Univ Home 00 A Univ Wind Home A 16 Valspar Hydromet Victoreen 16144 Imp Oil Vinca Cp Ind El Va Ir CC Indust Ent 16 Vita Walth Food Int Petrol 36 Int Int Prod Resist 18 Wichit White Star Iron Firem Wickes Irving Air 24 Wms MeW Tronite Williams Israel Jeannette Oll Gl Woodall In Wilson Br Woodler 53 Kaiser In Zanata Pet Kidde Kaltman ChiTrans Kinesid Pa Nat Thea 82 Kin Kinest Ark oil 35 83 Klein Kirby Str I SoCalEd Pet Peru 97 Caox A BoCaIEd Other Obituaries On Page 44 Marshall L. Smith Dies of Heart Attack Marshall Link Smith, 46, of Brick Church pike, died of a heart attack p.m.
yesterday in Margaret Ann's super market. 3561 Dickerson road, which he owned and operated. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. body is at Eastland funeral home, 904 Gallatin road. Mr.
Smith, a native of White's Creek, was the son Minnie Burnett Smith of White's Creek, and the late Melvin Smith. He moved to Nashville 24 years ago shortly his marriage to the former Margaret Nickens, survives. For 10 years Mr. Smith was employed by Jersey Farms Milk company. He owned and operated the supermarket on Dickerson road for eight years and had owned M.
L. Smith Produce company here for six years, selling it in 1957, Mr. Smith was a member of Cofer's Chapel Free Will Baptist church. Other survivors include a son, Gerald E. Smith, Nashville; sister, Mrs.
Clyde Lee, White's Creek; four brothers, Arthur Lee White's Creek, Lawrence Smith, Smith, Bordeaux, Buford Smith, White's Creek, and Claude Smith, Nashville, and a grandson. Mrs. B. A. Hughes Funeral Tomorrow CLARKSVILLE-Mrs.
Bowen A. 1 Hughes, 72, of Clarksville, died yesterday in Clarksville Memorial hospital of a heart ailment. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Tarpley's funeral home, with Dr. Richard N.
Owen officiating. Burial will be in Mount Olivet cemetery, Nashville. Mrs. Hughes, the former Sally Maney, was a native of Nashville, daughter of Merry A. and Gertrude Matthews Maney.
She is survived by her husband, to whom she was married in 1906; a son, Bowen A. Hughes Clarksville; a daughter, Mrs. Buford C. Harris, Murray, two brothers, Lawrence D. and Walter Maney, Nashville, and two sisters, Mrs.
John R. Stewart and Mrs. Preston L. Bates, Nashville. Mrs.
A. C. Earls Sr. Funeral Today GALLATIN Funeral services for Mrs. A.
C. Earls 67, of Gallatin, will be at 10 a.m. today at Harris-Donoho funeral home here, with the Rev. Shugart Martin officiating. Burial will be in Crestview Memorial park.
Mrs. Earls, the former Grace Harrell, died Tuesday at her home, after a long illness. She was a native of Sumner county, daughter of Joseph and Mattie Senter Harrell. She was a member of the Methodist church. Her husband is cashier of the First and Peoples National bank here.
Other survivors are, two daughters, Mrs. C. L. Friddle, Atlanta, Mrs. Arch Bishop, Nashville; a son, A.
C. Earls Nashville: two sisters, Mrs. Woodall Murrey and Mrs. Harvey Crenshaw, Gallatin; and nine grandchildren. Charles Francis Anthony Services for Charles Francis (Jack) Anthony, 51, of 2036 Bernard circle, who' died Tuesday, will be held at 4 p.m.
today at Mackey's mortuary in Greenville. S.C. Burial will be in Springwood cemetery, Greenville. a Greenville Anthony where he was a native of had lived most of his life. He moved to Nashville about year ago.
He was a graduate of The Citadel employed as Tennessee representative of Walker laboratories. He was a member of the Baptist church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lee Etta Anthony, Nashville; a daughter, Susan Alexander Anthony, Nashville; four sisters, Mrs. Fred B.
Downing, Chattanooga; Miss Lucille Anthony, Catskill, Mrs. John Marchant, Greenville, and Mrs. M. Burleson, Arlington, W.Va.: and three brothA ers. Joseph Beniamin Anthony, New Bern, N.C.: R.
Anthony, Coral Gables, and Phillip A. Anthony, Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Christopher Bebout Services for Mrs. Christopher Bebout, 71, of Goodlettsville, will be at 2 p.m.
today at the Owen Wood funeral home, 4506 Charlotte ave. The Rev. H. D. Burns and the Rev.
B. Frank Colling will officiate and burial will be in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Mrs. Bebout died at 9 p.m.
Tuesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. B. P. Roberts, Goodlettsville, following a heart attack. She was a native of Dickson county, the former Ada Mullins, daughter of the late J.
D. and Sara Mullins. Mr. Bebout died about 28 years ago. She was a member of the Park Avenue Baptist church.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. P. G. Simpson, Goodlettsville, and Mra. Julia Marie Inman, Nashville; a son, A.
W. Bebout, Nashville: three sisters, Mrs. Mollie Jones, Mrs. Amanda Baker, of Nashville, and Mrs. Beulah Miller, Dickson; nine grandchildren and 12 grea children.
Mrs. Tom Bell Services for Mrs. Tom Bell, 89, of 1486 Clairmont place, will be 10 a.m, today at Franklin Memorial chapel, 1009 West Main Franklin. Paul Phillips and George R. Bethuram will officiate and burial will be in Mt.
Hope cemetery, Franklin. Mrs. Bell died at 11 p.m. Tuesday in a Franklin hospital following a long illness. She was a native of Williamson county, the former Maggie Cody, daughter of B.
H. and Elisa Cunningham Cody. In 1889, she was married to Mr. Bell, a partner in Bell Bros. Trunk company here, who died in 1936.
She was educated in Franklin public schools and the old Tennessee Female College in Franklin. She was a member of the Church 4 of Christ. She is survived by a son, John P. Bell, Nashville; four grandchildren, and eight great-grandchil1 Idren, Death Notices PAGE- -Tuesday 1950, Tennessee mt Byron, Nashville. Rappaport, Santa Monica, nia: sons.
Eugene D. Page. Jr. Nashville, and Harvey T. Pace, Mobile, 8 grandchildren: great-grandchildren; sinters.
Mrs. Henry Gwinner, Mrs. C. L. Whitsett.
and brother, John R. Page. All of Nashville. Remains ate Finley Dorris Charlton, West End at 25th Ave. Funeral from the chapel Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
conducted by Dr. E. P. Anderson and the Rev. Willard H.
Blue. Members of the Pioneer Club and Battle Clark Class of Belmont Methodist Church will serve honorary pallbearers. Active will be Chas, S. Ragland, Walter Diehl. Haywood Gwinner, Matt, Peck.
Mitchell Benson, Jim Dale and J. O. Reynolds. Interment Woodlawn Memorial park. Finley Dorris Charlton company.
SANDERS -Wednesday, July 29, 1959, Mr. Edward C. Sanders. Survived by wife, Mrs. Marguerite Sanders; father, Mr.
W. D. Sanders, both of Nashville: brothers, Mr. C. W.
Sanders of Dallas, Texas, and Mr. W. V. Sanders of Nashville: sisters, Mrs. Irene Lynch of Nashville, and Mrs.
Mary Lee Conaster of Wayne, several nieces and nephews. Remains are at the Chapel of Pettus-Owen Wood, 4506 Charlotte Ave. Complete funeral arrangements will be announced later. Pettus-Owen Wood, CY 2-3392. SMITH-Wednesday, July 29, 1959, A local infirmary, Marshall Link Smith.
Survived by wife, Margaret Nickens Smith of Nashville: one son, Gerald E. Smith. Nashville: mother, Mra. Minnie Burnett Smith of White's Creek. one sister, Mrs.
Clyde Lee, White's Creek. four brothers. Arthur Lee Smith, White's Creek, Lawrence Smith, Bordeaux, Buford (Boots) Smith of White's Creek, and Claude Smith, Nashville; one grandson. Remains are at Eastland funeral home. Complete funeral arrangements announced later.
Out-of-Town Gallatin, Tenn. BOOTH -Wednesday, July 29, 1959, at Giles Clinic, John Goodwin Booth, age 62. Survived by wife, Mrs. Mary Felice Booth. Remains are at the residence on Nashville Pike.
Services will be held 4 p.m. Thursday at the Gallatin Cemetery, by Rev. Shugart Martin. Active pallbearers: Charlie McDonald, Tommie Kirsch. Buford Lowe John Campbell, Billy Franklin.
Mack Farrell. Honorary pallbearers: Arthur Stillars. Alexandria, Walter Herrington. Atlanta. Edwin Cornell.
Columbus, Ohio, Wilson Colle, and N. S. Erieson. Nashville, John Hanco*ck. Ralph McGothlin.
Dr. C. D. Giles. Eugene Branham, Joe Wise, Jim Dickerson.
all of Gallatin. Please omit flowers. Donations may be made to Cancer Fund. Harris Donoho Funeral Directors. Colored Death Notice JACKSON-Mrs.
Daisy Jackson, 79. 926 Locklayer died Monday night, July 27, 1959, at the home of her son, Joe Jackson. She is survived by two sons. Joe. Thomas of Stirrat, W.
one sister, Emma Bradberry of Shelbyville, three grandchildren, and other relatives and friends, Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 30, 1959. at 2:00 p.m. at Woodfork AME Church, Shelbyville, Tenn. The body 1s at the Bradberry Funeral Home, Shelbyville, Tenn. LANE- Tuesday, July 28, 1959, at local infirmary, Mrs.
Margaret Lane. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Addie Patterson: two sisters, Mrs. Bell Owr, Mrs. Emma Evans; two brothers.
Mr. Sammy and Mr. John Willie Lane: two grandchildren, Robert L. and Carwell Patterson: one son-in-law, Sneed Patterson: one niece, Mrs. Emma Bell: four nephews: dear friends.
Mrs. Viola Reedus. Mrs. Lucy Beach. Mrs.
Mamie Garrett: other relatives and friends. Family will receive friends Thursday night At Hills Tabernacle Baptist Church. Funeral Friday at 1 p.m. from the above church, conducted by Rev. W.
M. Anderson, Rev. E. Hamilton. Flower girls and pallbearers selected from friends.
Interment Mt. Ararat ecmetery. W. E. Hamilton Son in charge.
AL 5-0582. WEBB-En route to a local infirmary July 28. 1959. Mrs. Mary E.
Webb of 64 Green st. Survived by husband. Mr. Clarence C. Webb: brother.
Mr. John C. Brooks; great aunt Mrs. Bettie Walker: other relatives and friends. Complete funeral arrangements announced later.
Wright Bros Hill, directors. ALpine 5-8735. WHITE- July 28. 1959. at her home.
64 Green Mrs. Nannie Lee White. Survived by son. Mr. John C.
Brooks; aunt. Mrs. Bettie Walker: Mrs. Ida Brooks: son-in-law. Mr.
Clarence Webb: other relatives and friends. Complete arrangements announced later. Wright Bros Hill, directors. ALpine 5-8735. Colored In Memoriam In loving memory of Mr.
Robert CASKILICaskill, who passed away July 29. 1958. His memory Is as today As in the hour he passed away. Sadly missed by wife and stenchildren and friends. MURPHY- In loving memory of Mrs.
Velma Murphy, who passed July 29, 1958. Sadly missed, Niece. Magnolia Webb. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-B Legal Notice THE ISSUANCE OF INITIAL RESOLUTION DAVIDSON COUNTY AUTHORIZING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $500.000.00 Chapter 304 of the WHEREAS. Private Acts of Tennessee Departfor 1959 of Public Works in and for created and established ment County, Tennessee: and.
Davidson At its Special Session of April 6. 1959, this Quarterly WHEREAS, County Court authorized the County Judge of Davidson County to engage A consulting engineer or engineers and to take such steps as are sary to the construction and operation by Davidson County of a sewage disposal facility or plant to be Dry 10- cated at the confluence of Creek and the Cumberland of river, David- in the Tenth County, Civil Tennessee, at an aggreDistrict son gate cost not exceeding $500.000.00: and. WHEREAS. Said resolution of said Special Session further authorized said County Judge to employ such persons, firms or corporations as are necessary to accomplish the construction and operation of such sewage disposal plant or facility: and. WHEREAS.
It is necessary that the County issue $500.000.00 principal amount of bonds to finance the cost of the construction and operation of such sewage disposal facility or plant; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE QUARTERLY COUNTY COURT OF DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED ON JULY 20. 1959: Section 1.
That the County of Davidson hereby finds and determines that the County shall issue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $500.000.00. pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 11. Tennessee Code Annotated. Section 2. It is hereby, found, determined and declared by the County Court.
AS follows: (a) The maximum amount of bonds to be stated issued for the $500.000.00. purpose hereinafter 1s (b) The purpose or purposes for which said bonds are to be issued 1s financing the cost of establishment. construction, installation and operation of said disposal plant or facility, (c) The maximum rate or rates of interest which such bonds shall bear is not excerting 5 per cent per annum. (d) Said bonds will be payable, clusively. from taxes to be levied without limit as to rate or amount upon all taxable property within the County of Davidson.
and the full faith and credit of said County will be pledged for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds. Section 3. That no referendum or election shall be required for the issuance of said $300.000.00 bonds unless A petition for such referendum or election is duly filed within the time and in the maner provided for in Section 5-1101 to Section 5-1124. inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated. Section That this resolution shall be published at least once immediately after the adoption thereof in the Nashville Banner and the Nashville Tennessean.
newspapers published and circulating in the County of Davidson, together with the notice provided for in Section 5-1106. Tennessee Code Annotated. w. E. PILKERTON Members of the County Court NOTICE The foregoing resolution has adopted.
Uniess within ten (10) dave from the date of the publication hereof a petition signed by at least five per cent of the qualified electors of the County shall have been filed with the Clerk protesting the issuance of the bonds. such bonds will be issued as proposed. R. E. WORRALL Court Clerk BUSINESS IS YOUR HOME HALF CLEAN? HOLLAND SANI VAC cleans the part of your home you can't clean Warm air pipes, cold air pipes, chimney the entire heating system.
Cleans gas, oil and warm alr heating systems. coal. All of tor the month of luly for $12.95. Holland Furnace Co. 4502 Charlotte Ave.
CY 7-5336 ROOMS- -GARAGES DENS Remodeling 18 Our Business No Down Payment-5 Years to PAY Days CY 1-2102 Nite CY 7-8490 MAXIE BIENER'S REMODELERS INC. ROOM ADDITIONS Baths, Roofs, Foundations, Siding FREE ESTIMATES Prompt Service Financing Arranged COPE CONST. INC. 2506 Franklin Road Res. AM 9-6286 Office CY 2-3657 Let Sears Install strange financing of Romari roofing.
insulating or asbestos siding. storm doors. windows. rock wool insulatton asphalt or rubber floor covering Call Sears buck and 639 Lafavette Phone AL 4-5351 Ext 325 Septic Tanks CLEANED 24 OVERFLOWS BUILT. REPAIRED Reasonable rate.
Free estimates. Call RIPPEY'S, CA 8-7501 BLACKTOP ASPHALT PAVING FHA Terma. Free estimates. Murray Paving Cu AL 4-0460 Water Wells Call Clive Anderson, American Drilling Co. For Municipal.
Industrial arid Home wells Drilled any Depth AL 5-3614: CY 7-6802. Blocks, Stone Concrete Retaining Walls ALL WORK GUARANTEED A. A. NAPIER. CA 8-4378 Septic Tanks CLEANED REASONABLE DAY NIGHT.
CA 8-5229 REMODEL--REPAIR Additions, dens, roofing. cutters. painting. concrete work Nothing down. 5 years to pay CY 2-2363 T.
MURPHREE BLACKTOPPING Guaranteed or k-Terms-Reasonable. Free estimate. AL 4-9494: 1-6482. PAVING CO Septic Tanks CLEANED. $22.50 Overflows built.
7-6259 or CA 7-9345 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS Rebuilt $25 plus parts. less Brake fobs $8 plus parts less Tune ups $9,75 and up Eller rage 2109 Nolensville Rd. HOUSE CLEANING Wall Washing. Floor waxing. Windows washed.
AL 6-3838. HUGGINS JANITOR SERVICE WATER WELLS DENSON-1023 Pennock Ave Call 8-7889 after p.m BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS Work guaranteed. FHA financing CHARLIE C. KENDALL UN 5-0343 Res. UN 5-1415 DITCH DIGGING Septic tanks, overflows built water sewer lines, Medley, UN 5-0074 ROOFING GUTTERING Painting.
Carpentry, Block work. No job too small. CA 8-7280 FENCES- -Free Estimate Rio Grande Fence Co 115 Lafayette. AL 4-8861. anytime.
Remodeling Additions New homes to your plans and spectfications. Call TW 5-6809 DOZER TRAXCAVATOR GRADING TOP SOIL. FILL DIRT Large and Small Jobs VE 2-3600 VE 2-1864 BUILDERS PAVING CO. Free Estimates FHA Terms UL 9-5178 FOR BETTER BLOCK WORK and chimney repair CALL FOSTER. AL 6-5703.
REMODELING -REPAIRING Save to Terms CY 8-4849 CY 7-8651 PLUMBING ADDITIONAL BATHS Sinks water heaters. overflows. etc Terms, AL 4-3779 AL 4-8504 CONCRETE- foundations, underpinnings. Repairs, Insured. CA 8-6127.
UN 5-1783 JOBS- Odd lobs. Carpentry. patch plastering. roofing, painting. storm windows CO 2-9535: CA 8-0132 CARPENTRY Plastering.
painting. concrete block. roofs. guaranteed AL 6-0773. CY 1-1935.
Edmondson. FLOOR Finishing. new and old. Workmanship guaranteed Prompt service. SCOTT PIERCE.
AL 6-7690 CARPENTER WORK -NEW HOMES Any kind butlding or repair 35 vears experience. AL 4-0998 CROWDED? ADD A DEN -PLAYROOM Remodel Painting Pree estimates PHA terms VE 2-2446 CH 2-5245 ADDITIONS -REMODELING GENE'S BUILDING- REMODELING TW 5-3372 FHA Loans CO 2-5334 CARPENTER--PAINTING REPAIR WORK Free estimates. DOTSON, CY 2-6974. CY 8-2266 ROOF LEAKS STOPPED Southern Roofing Co AL 5-7506 WATER WELLS Ed Norris 2410 Felts CH 2-9074 BUILD well Vearh A Sons CO 2-5470 CY 7-01h1 LOAD DELIVERED Driveways built Hauling Any kind Work guaranteed CO 2-6853. GUTTER WORK Guaranteed Estimates, co 2-9315.
ROCK. BLOCK CONCRETE Minor home, repairs Hauling. sonable prices, AL 5-5910. TRIM CARPENTER Phone CY 7-1178 10 Electrical Repairing APPLIANCE REPAIRS PACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICES On Ranger -Refrigerators and Air Conditioners Call Modern Appliances 909 Church 8t CH 2-5566 Night and Sundays TW 5-5655 House Wiring New Old ELECTRIC HEAT -EASY TERMS HARDING ELECTRIC -Licensed Free estimates, day, night, AL 4-6020 WE BUY. SELL OR REPAIR Sealed Unit Refrigerators Freezers and Airconditioners Work fully guaranteed AL 5-7851 11 Moving Storage Hauling SAVE MOVE YOURSELF NEW FORDS OTHER LATE MODEL TRUCKS AVAILABLE LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE PURNITURE PADS AND MOVINO EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE U- DRIVE IT SYSTEM NEW LOCATION 143 6th Ave.
No CH 2-1871 TRUCKS FOR RENT Panels- PickupsVans--Stakes -Tractors HERTZ RENT. A. TRUCK Operated by MATTHEWS DRIVE UR HELP SERVICE Inc 121 McLemore AL 9th Ave. Northi MOVING HAULING REASONABLE CA 8-1701 MOVING HAULING Reasonable rates AL 5-0060 MOVING Empty moving Van going to vicinity of Washington, D.C. move you cheap.
AL Papering Painting Eugene BRIGGS daughters, firmary. Makes Good Paint! Special Price to Contractors AL 5-6401, 100 Woodland Drive. PAPERING- -PAINTING All cracks patched free. we go anywhere. Call us first for estimation Exterior Interior Painting MR.
AL 4-7912 PAINTING, STEAMING Papering. Reasonable Reliable Work guaranteed. Samples shown. Estimates free. Harwell, CH 2-8877 HOUSE PAINTING Guaranteed A-1 work inside, and outside.
Free estimates. BLUE. VE 2-9201. After 6, VE 2-2319. PAINTING Inside, outside, Plastering.
papering. 25 years. Guaranteed satisfaction JUDKINS, CY 8-5679. PAINTING--INSIDE OUTSIDE Caulking window puttying. General repairs, kitchen cabinets.
and formica tops. CY 2-5994. Painting Inside and Out Free estimates, Guaranteed Reasonable. Insured CY 2-6810 PAPERING Samples shown 54 room Plaster patching. no waitIng Call McCormick.
AL 4-8089 repairs 36 -outside, months papering. CRIPPS BROS CY 7-2510. CA 8-6561 WALLPAPER CLEANING Expert work CAMPBELL, AM 9-5475 WALLS- And Windows washed. Floor waxing. Furnaces vacuum cleaned.
repaired, Coggins. AL 6-0303 PAINTING Outside, inside work. Guaranteed. Reasonable, L. King.
CY 1-6652. PAPERING -PAINTING Samples Free estimate, work guaranteed. WHITED, CA 8-7303. PAPERING -And Painting. Samples shown free.
Work guaranteed. MARTIN. CY 1-5950. PAINTING, PAPERING Prompt, insured. CA 8-5679, UN 8-9539 PAINTING $7 ROOM BY COLORED PAINTER, CH 2-2909 PAPERING -PAINTING discount on supplies Prompt.
guaranteed. Hartman, CO 2-5547. PAINTING -INTERIOR-EXTERIOR All work AFTER 4 p.m ME REASONABLE. PAPER FRITH, CLEANING CY 1-1489. EDUCATIONAL 13 Instruction--Schools BE A CLERK- TYPIST.
COMPTOMETERIST. RECEPTIONIST. IN EIGHT WEEKS FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE Banks, large industrial establish. ments. Government agencies, Are in constant need of General office Clerks Comptometer Operators.
Filing Receptionista Etc Simple, easy practical courses prepare quickly Many other salary- raising courses to select from classes start soon Call at once DAy Night, AIR CONDITIONED Fall's Business College 8th at Broadway AL 6-3679 TRAIN FOR WELDING MECHANICS DIESEL, AUTOMOTIVE BODY FENDER APPROVED FOR VETERANS DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Master top trade for vout civilian Or military future Many graduates earn $100 week and up Nashville Auto Diesel College Office 308 YMCA HELENA DYE'S BEAUTY COLLEGE "South's Most Beautiful and Progres sive Modern Conditioned Approved for Veterans Training 937 CHURCH STREET HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Complete High School nome 1D spare time No classes Books niched Free booklet Write AMERICAN SCHOOL State nessee Office Gallatin. Tenn THE COMPTOMFTER SCHOOL Short Easy Courses. LOW Tuition 110 Nashville Trust AL 6-7969 MEN WOMEN Learn to be a Department Store Detective. Guard. Watchman.
or Private Investigator Work locally or travel Send name. address for Free application blank to deteryour eligibility No obligation. FIDELITY DETECTIVE ACADEMY A-02792. Banner -Tennessean DUFF- HALL SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY CY 1-3541 1706 21st Full Time Day and Night Classes AIR CONDITIONED FREE PARKING LEARN -Radio Announcing. Servicing Mid-South Electrontes.
CY 1-9450 EMPLOYMENT 14 Help Wanted- -Female General Office Permanent, full time. Salary plus bonuses and paid vacation. See Mr. Roberts, Thursday, Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
1008-B Forrest Ave. No Phone Calls SECRETARY to the Employment office THE METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE 201 8th Ave. South SALESLADIES For an Executive Editor. Methodist, College background and shorthand experience required Must sess maturity and good judgment. Work 8 to 4:40 Monday through Friday Excellent working conditions and employe benefits.
mediate opening. Apply in Exceptional Opportunity to earn much As $50 or more weekly on Part Time basis selling Special introductory offers inside leading department store. Experience in customer contacts essential. Apply in person to Mrs. Angell.
CASTNER-KNOTTS PHOTO STUDIO No phone calls please. SECRETARY Must be good in shorthand. typing. able to use dictaphone. Attractive.
unencumbered career girl age 23- 27. for permanent position with local well established firm. Good starting. chance for advancement, employee benefits. Replies confidential.
Write giving age. education. experience. past ployment record and references to box 8-3003 Banner-Tennessean. TYPIST To the young lady with clerical ability and an interest in her bustness future, permanent position with opportunity for advancement for good typist, between the ages of 18 to 35.
Pleasant working conditions and liberal employee benefits. Call Mrs. Baldwin. CH 2-0336 for appointment. WAITRESS Experienced.
For Days. Apply Miss Lindsey ANDREW JACKSON HOTEL MACHINE OPERATORS Garment Factory Operators, Experienced only need apply. Good pay. person HARTLEY GARMENT IT CO. 1811 Church Street CUTTING ROOM FOREMAN Middle Tennessee, Shirt Factory has for Top Foreman (accustomed to mass production) to take complete charge of large airconditioned cutting room.
Top salary plus weekly production bonuses. State age and previous places of employment. Write box S-2406 Banner- Tennessean. Experienced TOOL DIE DESIGNER WANTED BY EVANSVILLE, INDIANA FIRM Send resume to box S-2906, Banner- SPRINGFIELD, TENN. OPENING FOR MANAGER OF SERVICE STATION Must have high school education, good references.
ability to lead men in sales. Ase 25-50. We will train Apply SPUR OIL COMPANY: Springfield. Tenn. Shirt Cutter It you are fully expertenced and top notch cutter.
can produce. and desire to make steady year round, comfortable income with A promising future. then answer this ad Chance In A lifetime for any cutter. Plant located in Tennessee. Stage' age and experience.
Write Box S-2466 Banner-Tennesscan. SERVICE MEN Nation-wide company needs 2 service men. No experience necessary. WA will train you. Salary $75 per week.
hospitalization, profit sharing and many other benefits. Qualifications, age 19-35: with automobile. Apply in person. ATLAS SEWING CENTERS 423 Broadway (No phone calls) Financial Institution Young man needed. high school graduate.
by downtown Financial Institution. Experience with 112- ures and typing for financial reports necessary. Give age, tion, draft and marital status. Fine opportunity. Write Box S-2935 Banner SERVICE STATION need A man who business.
is capable of managing my when Am away. Must qualify as to abilIty in all faces of service station work. Give references. Box 8-2994 Banner-Tennessean. CREDIT MANAGER Downtown Department Store.
PAmillar with Credit Collections and Bookkeeping. Must be able to Supervise 3 Credit Clerks Apply W. T. GRANT CO." 601 Church Street MEAT CUTTER Preter man with Self Service Super Market experience. Age 21-45.
Give age, previous employment record. education and marital status. In reply S-2403. Banner -Tennessean. GROCERY CLERK Experienced in Self Service Super age, experience, education, And Market Operation.
A Age 20-38. Give marital status Write Box 8-2468. Banner-Tennessean. METAL WORKER Automobile. First class.
Commission basis, insurance and other benefits. See, ROBERT MOORE, Beaman Pontiac DETAILER-Experienced, reinforcing bars. Estimating experience destrable but not necessary. Excellent opportunity for right man. Write Joseph H.
Fox 1921 First South, Birmingham. Ala, WATKINS DEALERS WANTED Good Routes available now In Nashville Above averace earnings, Apply after 9:30 a.m. 415 Main st. CLERK WANTED Neat, meet appearance, public. write a References good hand, reoutred.
Prefer person retired or drawing social security. Write Box 8-3004. Banner-Tennessean. Muffler Installer Wanted. Must be able to weld.
No tools necessary Apply NASHVILLE MUFFLER SERVICE 938 Main St. No phone calls BUS BOY Experienced. Age 25-30. Apply Reat. Door to Mr.
Campbell. NO phone calls, MISS MARTHA'S DINING ROOM 2004 West Ave WINDOW TRIMMER TRAINEE High sebrool graduate preferred. Apply W. T. GRANT CO.
601 Church St. SERVICE STATION Experienced not required. Good hours, good opportunity. Age 23-48. Apply in person 1601 Dickerson Road DAIRYMAN- WIth help, to operate Grade-A dairy, do some farm work, references required.
CY 2-2805, ASSISTANT MANAGER Por Super Market, Must be rienced. Call after 1. CY 0-1300..