THURSDAY, OCT. 25, ARTICLES FOR SALE BIG FARM SALE Woven wire farm fence, 330 ft. rolls, as low as $6.49. Regular $11.95 electric fence chargers $9.95. Milking machines reduced $14; milk coolers reduced $15 to $35.
team harness now only $83.10, complete with breast strap. Hundreds of other bargains. See them now at Sears, Roebuck Elmira, N. Y. BRING this ad and get a reliner free Friday and Saturday only.
Tailpipe free with purchase of muffler rest of week. Moseson's, 200 S. Main. BRICKS KS FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 5254.
BUY DAINTEE at your grocers for? all your washing problems. COMPLETE beauty shop equipment. Must be sold in one lot. Dial 2-6270 between 4 and 8. CEILING--A new textured white ceiling right over the old plaster.
Special suspension. No nails to cover. Attractive. No painting. our new catalogue.
Harris, Achiehor, Baker. CIGARETTE lighters, records, 20c, 2 for 39c; stuffed Novelty Smoke Shop, 122 State. COMBINATION screen storm windows and doors. Harris, McHenry Baker Company. DAIRY barn 60 lb.
milk scales for sale. Checkerboard Feed Store, 612 Railroad Ave. 2-6034. DODGE 2-ton tractor, perfect condition, 5th wheel and trailer connections. Inquire 511 Walnut.
DOUBLE barrel shotgun, 12 gauge, $15. 759 Carpenter St. ELECTRIC icebox, portable radio, guitars, lady's wristwatch, hot water tank complete. Call after 1 p. 2-9467 or 2-2252.
ENDLESS farm belts. tarpaulins, tractor tires and chai. in stock. F. F.
Milne 901 South Horseheads. FORD Ferguson tractors, and implements. Harrows, saws, scoops, pulleys, scrapers, power take offs, snow plows, angledozers. tillers. chains.
lights. jacks. Clute Motor Horseheads, N. Y. FOR h.
p. Briggs and Stratton engine, h. p. Maytag engine, h. p.
Wisconsin engine. Call 5465 or 4106 after 5 p. m. FIREPLACE screen and grate. 8 demi tasse cups, odd dishes, etc.
Boys' clothes, size 12, lady's coat, size 20, suit and dresses, Hats. 103 Evergreen. 2-6764. FURNACE, smoke pipe, elbows, tees, (all sizes). Johnson's, S.
Main. FARMALL S-20 tractor, on rubber, hay rake, grain drill, bottle washer, 1937 Dodge pick-up truck; also used furnace. E. H. Wheeton, Big Flats.
N. Y. Phone Corning 2181-R-2. FOLDING baby carriage, baby bed. 359 Pomeroy Pl.
5392. FEYS-360 N. Main. Rug border, bathroom fixtures, soap, paper and tumbler holders. G.
E. Mazda bulbs. THE. worshop, complete, buffer, grinder. Bado saws, jig saw, bench saw.
drill, wire brush; many other uses. new. Andirons, alarm clocks. Stowell, 954 Penna. Ave.
GAS reznor. boy's bicycle, phonograph with records. 212 Kingsbury HEATILATORS in stock. Schuyler, Wellsburg. FOR SALE -Very reasonably: Davenport, Victorian like new: amoking stand, baby carriage, sand box, boy's wagon, boy's garden tools and hose.
Other items. 453 Fairway Ave. GAS steam table for sale with 4 holes for vegetables, 2 for meat. Call 2-9407. GRAY STONE Try insulating your home with panels which give effect of ashler stone masonry.
Harris. McHenry Baker Co. HAVE you tried Purina dog chow, the dry food that all dogs like? Comes in three forms meal, small and large checkers. Checkerboard Feed Store, 612 Railroad Ave. 2-6034.
ICE WATER cooler for restaurant. good condition. $40. Lockwood-Heath Cleaners 950 S. Main St.
IRON FIREMAN stoker for large boiler, $250 complete if moved this week. Lockwood-Heath Cleaners 950 S. Main St. KEROSENE and fuel oil delivered. Dial 2-2723.
Orson Bailey. KEROSENE and fuel oil. Harry Record, Dial 8140. KIMSUL insulation, 100 sq. ft.
per roll, $4.95. Whipple's Lumber Yard, 8169. KNOTTY PINE and bleached walnut gypsum panels, thick, nonshrinking. Harris, McHenry Baker Company. LADY'S bicycle.
Inquire afternoons or evenings. 355 W. Fourth St. LARGE doll carriage, crib, baby skin doll. 448 W.
Thurston. -Also dirt for All. Delivered. Record, 8912. MAN'S bicycle, hunting knife.
1 inmicrometers. Johnson's, 206 S. Main. MASSEY HARRIS tractor. 1936 model steel, individual brakes, very good condition.
Also plows and harrow. Lewis Curren. Gillett. Pa. NEW McCormick-Deering sulky cultivator, hay rakes, milkers.
and 4-6- 12ecan milk coolers in stock. F. F. Milne South Horseheads. NE E-flat saxophone, girl's Victory bi tele, electric I train, like new: chin's desk.
428 Pleasant St. NEW 12-inch lathe with all attachments and power hack saw. 522 Schuyler Ave. PLY WOOD in stock, no priority. concrete form.
Schuyler, Wellsburg. Dial 6644. POWER freight elevator for sale. $500. 126 Lake St.
PENET-RAY LAMP--Ideal for aches and pains, complete with adjustable fixture. $3.90. Wright's, corner Water and College. ROMEX cable, entrance cable and complete wiring. Cash Electric, 224 W.
Water St. SAVE THE PIECES -Lenses duplicated on premises. Frames repaired. Eyes examined. E.
I. Fisher, Reg Optometrist, 120 E. Water. Dial 8023. SET of Encyclopedias "The Knowledge of Power" unabridged.
Mrs. Jennings, upper Oakwood McCann's Apartment, Elmira Heights. SLATE ROLL ROOFING- 90 lb. Red and slate gray. Wrapper slightly soiled.
Regular $2.75 grade for $1.89. Come and see and buy a bargain. We deliver. Schuyler, Wellsburg. SHOTGUN-410-22 over and under.
Ammunition. 212 Kingsbury Ave. STAR-GAZETTE route; 85 customers, vicinity Church and Hoffman. Dial 6854 after 6 p. m.
STEMPFLE Electric, 224 William agents for York Air conditioning and commercial refrigeration. STOP THOSE WINTRY BLASTSPut storm sash on your house. We lave several sizes and our stock is arge. Whipple's Lumber Yard. Upper Jake Elmira, N.
Y. Dial 8169. FILE BOARD. for bath and kitchen. Finished tile with black lines; unfinished, all 4'x4' sheets.
Harris, McHenry Baker Co. TRACTOR, plows and drags for sale. 147 Tuttle Ave. VICTROLA. radio, boiler heatrola.
heating. oak heater, hot water for metal kitchen cabinet, papering tools, desk, chairs. Loop's, 2-9345. USED tires for sale. 920 Lackawanna Ave.
WALL PAPER BUNDLES 35c up. as is. Horton's. Broadway. WASHED sand and loam for sale.
Dial 2-4781. WHIPPLES FOR STORM stock is large; our price is low. Whipple's Lumber Yard, Upper 1 Lake Elvira, N. Y. Dial 8169.
chair, practically new. Box 78. Lawrenceville, Pa. WALTHAM WATCH-21 jewels. Nearly new.
Dial 5937. WOODWORKING machinery for sale. 3 sided sticker, double head boring machine. Horton Machine Works Seventh and Magee Sts. 8-HORSE gas engine, $30.
Large wicker knapsack, $4. Telephone Millerton -ELMIRA' FEMALE HELP MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted for care of baby days, 8-5 p. m. Inquire Linden Pl. Dial 4227.
PANTRY workers wanted. Apply in person before 2 p. Elmira College Kitchen. RELIABLE girl or woman for general housework, doctor's home, small family. Live or out.
$20 a week. References. 810 W. Water. SMALL girls' home needs house mother, good salary.
and maintenanco. Permanent position. Apply Superintendent, Davenport Home, Bath. Phone Bath 245. TWELVE girls with working papers for pin setters.
Dixie Bowling Alley. UNDERGRADUATE or practical nurse at once to live in and care for invalid. Address B-715, Star-Gazette. MALE HELP WANTED A PART TIME man for washing cars and trucks. Can develop into full time job.
Standard Operating Service, 201 E. Second St. work. Good salary. Excellent opportunity for right person.
Address G-720, Star-Gazette. DESIGN draftsmen and detailers to work on steam turbine $. Previous exdesirable but not necessary. Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp. Moore Steam Turbine Division, Wellsville, N.
Y. EXPERIENCED short order cook wanted. Schanaker's, State St. GLASS cutter and general glazer. Steady year around work.
Give qualiActions, references and salary desired. Address W-710, Star-Gazette. GAS STATION attendant wanted. Dial 2-9450. HANDY man with tools wanted to install hot water heating plant and bathroom fixtures.
connect water system, etc. Call 9658 after 11 a. m. L. C.
Passmore. HIGH school boy wanted over 16. Must be able to drive. Murray's Service Station. Corner Gray and College.
2-6616. MAN to work in warehouse and on furniture truck. Steady employment. Union wages. Inquire Edgcomb's, 161 N.
Main. LEARN MOULDING LEARN CORE MAKING LEARN CHIPPING No Experience Required Learners Eligible for Incentive Earnings 48-Hour Week Steady Employment ELMIRA FOUNDRY COMPANY Woodlawn Ave. Elmira, N. Y. WANTED DESIGN ENGINEERS FOR AN ORGANIZATION WITH A FUTURE ANSCO, manufacturers of cameras, film, and photographic supplies, has several openings in its Design Department for men who are qualified as capable design engineers and draftsmen in the fields of architecture, air conditioning, equipment design and machine design.
Men who are desirous of long-term opportunities and excellent working conditions in a progressive organization should contact us immediately. ANSCO 29 Charles Street Binghamton, N. Y. STAR-GAZETTE- MALE HELP WANTED KITCHEN man wanted. Schanaker's Diner, State St.
LABORERS wanted for yard and factory work. Plenty of overtime. Covered yard, no lost time for rain. Steady post-war pob. Elmira Building Units Inc.
Dial 5465. MAN wanted for general farm work. House with electric. and fuel furnished and milk. T.
J. Lowe, Barton, N. Y. MAN for outside and other general work. Apply Chief Engineer, ArnotOgden Memorial Hospital.
MAN to drive truck and work grocery store. Apply 610 S. Main. MAN for farm work. Good home, good wages for right party.
No cows. Dial 2-1730. MEN wanted. Good wages. Part or full time.
Plenty of overtime. Consolidated Brick Horseheads, N. Y. PIN BOYS with working papers wanted. Apply Dixie Bowling Alleys.
STOCK clerk wanted at Rand's Drug. 101 E. Water St. SINGLE man wanted on dairy farm by month. year around.
1 mile east of Big Flats, turn at white schoolhouse, 1st place on right. Howard Voorhees, Elmira, N. RD 1. STOCK clerk or bookkeeper wanted, with experience. for large petroleum company.
Pleasant working conditions, vacation with pay. Excellent opportunity for right man. Reply in own handwriting, stating age, experience and references. Address V-732, Star-Gazette. SHORT ORDER cook wanted.
Good wages. Nick's Restaurant, 226 Oakwood Elmira Heights. TRUCK DRIVER wanted, 21 to years. Apply in person. Year 'round employment.
Swift State St. TWO first class barbers wanted, big guarantee. Clark's, 116 E. Church St. YOUNG MAN wanted.
Steady work. 130 E. Water. WANTED-First class linoleum layer for floor, cove and counter work. Address 0-727, Star-Gazette.
MEN wanted for bake shop work. National Biscuit 508 College Ave. BOYS Paper routes are now available for boys from 12 to 15 years of age. Call the Circulation Dept. of The Star-Gazette.
LABORERS wanted. Telephone line construction. Board and room furnished when out of city. Dial 2-2168. MAN wanted for janitor work, steady job, good salary.
Apply Kobacker Furniture 115-119 W. Water St. Roofing and Siding SUPERINTENDENT An unusual opportunity for capable and ambitious man who has a thorough knowledge of all types of roofing and siding application including built-up roofing. Must have good background of experience and be capable of hiring, training and supervising a force of roofers and taking complete charge of construction for Utica, N. branch office and warehouse of large, well rated roofing and siding contractor operating throughout central and Northern New York.
Position pays excellent salary, plus bonus. It is permanent and offers a good future. Reply bv letter, giving full of experience and past employment. Address S-730, StarGazette. MALE-FEMALE HELP 68 DISH DISHWASHER before 2 p.
wanted. m. Elmira Apply in College perkitchen. MAN or woman to work 4 hours a day keeping modern store clean. Brooks, 107 E.
Water. EXPERIENCED weavers wanted. Steady work with good pay. Berger and Sherin 116 W. Thurston St.
at College Ave. SITUATIONS WANTED 70 including 8 years public accounting ACCOUNTANT-16 16 years experience and tax work. Desires permanent position. Address N-703. ing and ironing.
mornings. AdCLEANING, cooking, or small washdress N-726. Star-Gazette. GIRL desires steno-typing, bookkeeping, general office work, Friday evening and Saturday. 2-2957.
OFFICES to clean nights, wanted. 41, Elmira. WANTED a job as an undertaker's assistant. Address D-717, Star-Gazette. INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION CLASSES 72 LEARN to sew.
Enroll now in one of our fall classes. Afteroon ing. Make garments while learning. Singer Sewing Machine Co. MUSIC instruction on violin, banjo, guitar and mandolin.
For appointment, 2-2267. Paul Philip Patt, 209 St. FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 75 FOR RENT or for sale. medium size restaurant, good location, good income. Ill health forces owner's retirement.
Call after 1 p. 2-9467 or 2-2252. RESTAURANT and soda fountain for sale. Newly equipped. doing good buiness.
6 miles from Sampson. Owner retiring. E. B. Smith.
Phone 104-M, Box 63, Ovid. N. Y. TWO-STORY store and storeroom, attached sheds and coal scales. Would make ideal gas station.
For sale ur rent. Ralph Hollenbeck, Erin. N. Y. BANK LOANS--MORTGAGES 76 A BETTER MORTGAGE loan, FHA plan, 20 years to pay.
No application fees or commission charged us. Brownlow Realtors, established 1911. Authorized mortgage loan brokers. 1064 W. Water St.
Dial 2-3317. SECURE your home mortgage money in Elmira from your local Savings and Loan Association. Prompt, convenient, direct service on FHA Loans Veterans Loans or any type home loans at the Chemung Valley Savings and Loan Association. 220 E. Water St.
Phone 5116. PERSONAL LOANS 12 Amt. of Charges You monthly Note for year Receive Payments $120 7.20 $112.80 $10 240 14.40 225.60 40 360 21.60 338.40 30 600 36.00 564.00 50 WHY PAY MORE? ELMIRA BANK TRUST COMPANY Main Office-150 Lake St. A MARINE MIDLAND BANK -PAGE THIRTY-FIVE. ARTICLES FOR RENT 48A PROJECTORS and films, 8.
m. m. m. and sound. Complete film library consisting of war, travel, comedy and sports.
Loomis and Hall, 2-0947. TYPEWRITERS rented as low as $7.50 for 3 months. Dial 2-9428. Bunis Typewriter 304 E. Water.
WALL PAPER steamers, floor sanders and edgers. Horton's, 307 way. SWAP ton 1931 Ford stake body, in perfect condition. Any demonstration. Need 1 ton low body pickup for long distance.
Must be late model and in perfect shape. Will pay difference in price. See Mr. Steklo, 1059 Penna. Elmira, N.
Y. SWAP-1939 Dodge 4-door sedan for late model station wagon. Must be in same condition as my car. Will pay difference. See Mr.
Steklo, 1059 Penna. Elmira, N. Y. WEARING APPAREL 50 AQUA coat, fur trimmed, 16, like new, $25. 542 McDowell.
ADJUSTABLE MATERNITY Dresses. slenderizing concealing. rayons, cottons, $5.95 to $15. Schwartz's, Main St. BLACK fur coat, also black cloth coat, fur collar, size 38.
214 Frank- CHILDREN'S clothes. Coat and legging sets, sizes 1, 2 and 3. One-piece snow suit, size 1. Dial 2-2983. CLOTHING, rummage.
311 Grove. Mrs. Campbell. Northside entrance. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 to 4.
Tuesday-Thursday, 7 to 8. FINE assortment of ladies' clothing, sizes 12-14. Call after 6 p. 460 Ralph Southside. GIRL'S coats, black tuxedo, size 14; Teddy Bear, size 16.
6955 evenings. NORWEGIAN blue fox jacket. Also hair dryer. Dial 2-6756. TWO men's overcoats, 38.
Good condition. Reasonable. 2-3614. TWO men's suits, size 38; lady's black coat, size 14: wool house coat, dresses and suits, size 9-14. I.
Miller shoes. 5-7. Hats. Same clothes for children. Baby's to 4 years, excellent condition.
Any hour, 256 Allen St. COAL DEALERS 51 PLENTY of anthracite soon. Plenty of semi-hard now. Hughes Coal Co. Dial 8582.
KEEP warm now with semi-anthracite, co*ke or soft nut. Anthracite soon. Williams Coal Co. 2-4539. WE HAVE genuine Morris Run nut.
Also mine run. Reppard Coal 9551. COAL WOOD TRUCKERS 51A A-1 BODY wood, We draw ashes. Bennett. 2-6141.
CHEMUNG body and slab wood. Dial 5302 after 10 a. m. HARD body wood, green. One-half mile east of Tioga Junction.
Robert Wheeler. Tioga, R.D 3. Telephone Lawrenceville 23-R-14. HARDBODY wood and seasoned a slabwood. Dial 2-1730.
Boston Wood Yard. HARD body wood, partly seasoned. Dial 8603. HICKORY logs, seasoned body wood. Hansen, 331 River St.
2-4807. KINDLING Last call. About 25 cords left. Dial 2-6096. SLABWOOD FOR SALE Dial 2-7052.
SEASONED hickory fireplace wood, 24 in. length. Dial 2-4807. SEASONED, 6361. and slab wood.
Ray SEEDS, PLANTS FLOWERS 52 A PARTIAL shipment of Holland Tulips has arrived including City of Haarlem-Zwanenbury Noire Afterglow Giant-LaTulip of Haarlem--Rev. Yellow Giant--The Bishop. Balance of order should be in this week. Banfield-Jennings 220-222 W. Water St.
HARD maple shade trees, 50c up. Dial 2-3902. LANDSCAPE your home with the finest in evergreens from Reilly's Nursery, 915 Maple Ave. For appointment. Dial 2-1434.
GOOD THINGS TO EAT 53 BROILERS-800. Wholesale in lots of 10 or more. A. C. Wheelock, 1454 Caton Ave.
Dial 2-2867. CABBAGE Cauliflower, peppers, squash. pumpkin, potatoes. Benedict's Vegetable Mart, Elmira- Wellsburg Rd. 2-4405.
HAM supper at the Masonic Hall. Auspices 0. E. S. Saturday night, starting at 6 p.
"children all are served. Adults 85c; under 12 FRYERS 60 reds, lbs. Alive or dressed to order. Charles Dix, Millport. HOME-MADE chicken pies and chili con carne in containers to go.
The Food Store and Delicatessen, 507 E. Church. Open evenings. NEW Hampshire Red hens for sale at Beckhorn's. 438 Schuyler Ave.
POTATOES, spinach. Cabbage, Riverdale cauliflower, Farms, 1255 Maple Ave. 2-5831. POTATOES Hill grown. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Benedicts' Vegetable Mart, Elmira-Wellsburg 2-4405. SHOP AT CARROLL ST. FARMERS' MARKET, INC. 432 CARROLL ST. Choice Potatoes for Winter Use in Large or Small Quantities.
Live and Dressed Poultry. Butter, Meat and Eggs. Homemade Pork Sausage and Sauerkraut -MARKET DAYS WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS WANTED--MERCHANDISE 55 A FEW steam radiators wanted. Must be in condition. Phone Horseheads 55900 days; 27-F-6 evenings.
ALWAYS BUYING scrap paper, magazines, rags, metals. Official paper receipts furnished. I Shulman Son. 161 Sullivan. Dial 2-0352.
BEST prices for paper. magazines. rags. School certificates issued for papers. Kaplan.
617 Baldwin. 2-6927. CURTAIN stretchers wanted. Also toys and snow pants, sizes 12 and 16. Dial 2-2085.
COMPLETE bathroom Also cabinet sink. 165 Washington St. Dial 9795. CASH register urgently needed, any condition. Address P-683, Star-Gazette.
GIRL'S bicycle wanted, in good condition. Phone Horseheads 25F4. TRICYCLE wanted in good condition. Dial 2-1670. WE BUY watches, lighters or anything salable.
Novelty Smoke Shop, 122 State. WHEAT. Y. wanted. Dial 6644.
Schuyler, Wells- LIVESTOCK PET STOCK 56 COACH dog, house broken, very reasonable. Also pedigreed co*cker puppy. Phone Horseheads 32-F-3. DO YOU want a good hunting dog for next season? Have some brown and white puppies, 8 weeks old. From good hunting stock, Dial 2-9493 or 627 Penna.
Ave. PET STOCK PERSIAN KITTENS for sale. 804 Chamberlain St. 9691. REGISTERED English Setter, guaranteed retriever.
Priced for quick sale. Chas. E. Jennings, Daggett, Pa. HORSES CATTLE 57 BLACK mare pony for sale, very gentle.
Complete with saddle and bridle. Leo Kauppila, Van Etten. Phone Van Etten 23-F-111. FOURTEEN ewes and 5 ewe lambs, $120. One pure bred Hampshire ram, $15.
Two nice heifers, 15 mo. old, $35 each. A good Jersey bull, 20 mo. old, $55. Two Jersey cows, due to freshen in Dec.
and $150 for pair. No sales on Sunday. Mrs. Ernest White, Millerton, RD 1. GOOD fresh and Fall cows.
No cash needed. No sale on Sunday. State Dairy Cattle Inc. B. N.
Millard, Ithaca, N. RD 5. Phone 2015. GOOD Western broke spotted saddle horse, part Arabian, 8 years old. Cheap work team, harnesses, good sulky plow.
Will trade for cattle. Vernon Robbins, Columbia Cross Roads, RD No. 1, Big Pond. PART Jersey Holstein heifer, one good mule, very gentle. Willie Hugg Farm, near North Chemung, Dial 2-3416.
PIGS- 8 wks. old, $5 each. Bernard Smith, Van Etten, N. Y. Phone Spencer 13-F-1.
PAIR black. mares, 4 years, weighs 2,800. Pair roans, 1 and 2 years, 9 Holstein heifers, 3 Guernseys, 1 Hereford, part springing. 75 breeding ewes. Will sell 10 or more.
1 Holstein bull. Ralph Hollenbeck, Erin. N. Y. STALLS for rent for working horses or saddle horses at Shaylor's Barn, Caton Ave.
TUESDAY. 30-0. G. Anderson Son Dispersal. 50 registered Holstein cattle.
In tent, miles east of Troy, Bradford on Route U. S. No. 6. T.
B. Accredited Bang Certified, eligible to go anywhere. 13 calfhood vaccinated. Average about 400 lb. with records up to 550 lb.
All animals of milking age, recently fresh or due at sale time. 17 heifer calves and yearlings, 2 high bred herd bulls. This is a splendid herd and they will sell at very reasonable prices. You cannot afford to miss this big event starting at 12:00 sharp. O.
G. Anderson Son, owners, Troy, Pa. R. Austin Backus, sales manager and auctioneer, Mexico, N. Y.
POULTRY, EGGS 58 BROILERS 2 to 3 fryers roasters, 3 to 5 lbs. Newkirk, 1207 Sullivan. Dial 2-3315. HEAVY breed pullets, laying. Howard Baldwin, Hendy Hollow Rd.
HENS-150 New Hampshire Reds and Minorca cross. sell part of them or all. Eliza Rosekrans, Erin, N. Y. PULLETS -Ready to the laying house Nov.
1st. Red, Rocks black pullets and White Leghorns. Phone Odessa 27-Y-5. Rock pullets, ready to lay, $1.65. 759 Carpenter St.
WANTED--LIVESTOCK, PETS 59 ALL KINDS of live poultry. 601 Main Horseheads. Phone 541. LIVE poultry wanted. Dial 2-3308.
H. Tolbert, Pine City, N. Y. $3 to $8 for live horses, standing, according to size and condition. Dead stock removed free of charge.
Phone Montour Falls, Montour Falls Rendering Works. 4151 or residence 4161. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE INSTRUMENTS- RECORDS 60 A BARGAIN in everything musicalinstruments, supplies. Everything for drummers. Terms.
Expert repairing. Frank Hauver, 254 Walnut Elmira. ACCORDIONS -New and used; large stock; repairs. Terms. Momo's Accordion School, 829 Lincoln St.
VIOLIN outfits, new and used. guitars, trumpets. Reduced prices. Terms. Open evenings.
Knapp's, 104 College Ave. 2-1787. PIANOS--RADIOS 61 ANOTHER of the fully rebuilt pianos, new bridles, new felts, vacuum cleaned. mothproofed, tuned and regulated factory expert. Walnut case.
$145. Claude Buckpitt, 154 Lake St. BRUNSWICK cabinet phonograph, 60 records, $15. Dial 2-1561. DECKER piano, medium size upright, good condition.
Dial 7426. ELECTRIC record players, radios, tubes for all radios. Open evenings. Anderson's Radio Service, near Lenox Ave. School.
Dial 2-1046. GRAND PIANO -Mahogany case. good tone, action, $357.00. Ideal for church, school, club or home. Moderate terms.
M. Doyle Marks Son, 309 E. Water Elmira. R.C.A.-10 tube radio, table model; also 2 ten rod rolls, prewar, Pittsburgh steel fence, new. Call 2-4626.
ZENITH cabinet radio, late model, push button, long and short wave. 452 Horner St. UPRIGHT piano, good condition, $15. Dial 2-6333 between 5 and 8. WANTED--MUSICAL MCHDSE 65 BAND instruments and accordions wanted.
High prices paid. Knapp's. 104 College Ave. Dial 2-1787. CASH for your grand, spinet, or small upright piano.
Buckpitt, 154 Lake St. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE HELP COMPETENT woman for housework: full or part time. 2 adults. Dial 2-0314. CLERK for bake shop.
part time. Address Star-Gazette. COUNTER girl wanted. Schanaker's Diner. State St.
COMPETENT woman or girl for housework. 2 little girls home and permanent laundry sent out. Live in. right person. 681 W.
Clinton. Dial 4846. CLEANING woman. Friday, or Saturday. Call between 6 p.
m. 2-5133. GIRLS, young women-17 to 25. touch typists. high school graduate.
paid while training, work in telegraph industry. Apply Mr. Cummings. Western Union. Telegraph Elmira.
GIRL for general office work, starting salary, $25 for 44 hours. P. O. Box 648. Elmira.
N. Y. GIRL over 21 to be cashier in grocery store. Maloney's Grocery, 610 S. Main.
GIRL for part time office work, afternoons. Knowledge typing, required. Address R-729, Star GIRL or lady for general housework, 1 to 5 daily. No laundry. 1416 W.
Water. MAIDS wanted. Elmira College. Hours 7-4. day week.
Apply House Director. MIDDLE woman wanted for care baby. 8 to 5. Inquire Linden after 5. MAIDS wanted, part time or steady employment.
Also night. maid. hours 3 p. m. to 11 p.
m. Apply Housekeeper. Mark Twain Hotel. MAID -Can live in or out. References required.
Dial 2-1695. MIDDLE-AGED woman to watch two children. Live in. Dial -4304 after 5. OPPORTUNITY for 2 local girls in hairdressing field to work in large and beautiful Beauty Salon.
You will spend 2 to 6 weeks in our Hair Style Clinic for advanced training, free of charge. On completion of your training, you will work in our salon with an excellent salary and commission. All applications are held strictly confidential. Please state age, whether married and experience. Address X-620, Star-Gazette.
EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Good salary. Apply Mrs. Drew, Head Hostess, Coffee Shop, Mark Twain Hotel. BANK LOANS- MORTGAGES 76 FHA MORTGAGE LOANS Monthly payments for principal and interest, only $6.33 per $1,000.
No commission or service fees charged by us. Corcoran Burke, 133 W. Gray. Dial 2-4815: after 5. 2-0220.
LICENSED LENDERS 7 LOANS $25 to $300. Citizens Loan Co. A local institution, 116 Water St. Dial 9731. WANTED- BORROW WANTED $100 at A newcomer to Elmira with unquestioned backto ground establish and his ample credentials Address wishes credit here.
M-725, Star-Gazette. LEGALS NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the Budget of the Town of for the fiscal year beginning January 1st. 1946, has been completed and Aled in the office of the Town Clerk of Catlin where it is available for inspection by any interested persons at all reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Catlin will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon, at the Town Clerk's Office at 10 o'clock a. on the 3rd day of November, 1945, and that at in favor of or against the Preliminary such hearing any a person may be heard Budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained.
Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law the proposed salaries of the following officers are hereby specified as follows: Supervisor 480.00 Justice of the Peace (Total salaries) 220.00 1 Town Clerk 280.00 Town Superintendent $1,260.00 Assessors 345.00 By Order of The Town Board. JOHN W. PERIGO, Town Clerk. Dated Oct. 22, 1945.
024-25-2tz Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-14960 has been issued to the undersigned to sell wine. liquor and under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at The Melody Gardens, 113-115 Westside Elmira, Chemung County, N. for on premises consumption. Mike Korecki, 113-115 Westside Elmira, Chemung County, N.
Y. 018-thurs-2tz Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-15529 has been issued to the undersigned to sell wine, liquor, beer, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Nemo's Restaurant, 728 S. Main Elmira, Chemung County, N. for on premises consumption.
Henry C. Klardie, 728 S. Main Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. 018-thurs-2tx BIDS WANTED Elkland Borough Council will accept bids for a new medium weight standard width tractor, with the following attachments: Snow loader, dirt loader, mowing machine and bull dozer blade.
Mail bids to Elkland Borough Council, Box 67. Elkland, not later than Council November 10, 1945. the Elkland Borough reserves right to reject any or all bids. 018-thurs-3tz Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-14972 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer, wine, liquor, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Tress' Tavern, 723 Madison Elmira, Chemung County, for on premises consumption.
Harry Tress, 723 Madison Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. 025-thurs-2tx Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-15520 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer, liquor, wines, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Myhalyk's Restaurant, 105 Woodlawn Elmira, Chemung County, N. for on premises consumption.
John Myhalyk, 105 Woodlawn Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. 025-thurs- Wall Street: Stocks Rally Selectively After Slump New York (AF) Stocks rallied selectively in today's market but with considerably less vigor than attended Wednesday's retreat. Steels, motors rails and cialities attracted bidders after a hesitant start and gains of fractions to a point or so predominated near the fourth hour. Dealings were relatively slack throughout.
The sharp stumble of the preceding session inspired the reinstatement of accounts on the idea the list had enjoyed a worthwhile technical correct of the almost uninterrupted climb to peaks since 1937. The Senate's action on the tax cutting bill served as a counter-irritant for bearishness that persisted over the controversy and labor wage disputes. Dividends, earnings and cheering forecasts for individual companies provided bolstering factors. BUFFALO Buffalo-(AP)-(Producers Live- stock Commission Assn.) -HOGS 100; active. All smooth hogs regardless of weight 15.25; rough sows and stags 14.50.
COATTLE bulls 100; steady; steers fat steady. cows 10.00@11.00; few fancy 12.50; medium fat cows 8.50@9.50; cutters 7.25; light thin 4.50@5.50; 7.50@8.00; weighty canners, 5.50@ few 3.00; thin dairy heifers 7.25@ 9.25: medium butcher heifers 9.50 10.25: fat heifers 10.75 12.00; few 13.00; lightweight bulls 7.00@ 8.50; few thin 6.00; mediumweights 8.75 heavyweights 11.00@ 12.00; few fancy 12.25. CALVES 100; active. Good top vealers sold at OPA ceiling price of 18.40; others downward. SHEEP 100: about steady.
Good 6.00; fancy light 7.00; culls 3.00@ 5.00. Lambs active: good 14.50@ 15.00: mediums 12.00@14.00; culls 11.00. U. S. TREASURY Washington (AP) The position of the Treasury Oct.
23: receipts, expenditures, balance, total debt, 423.23; decrease under previous day, $40,067,505.72. DEATHS Chemung County Frank S. Elliott, 57, of Breesport. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1945.
Survived by wife, Mrs. Beatrice Elliott; sons, William S. of Roscoe, N. James C. of Flint, Frank Richard, gunner's mate with the Navy at Norfolk, Sgt.
Norman with U. S. Air Corps in Tokyo; mother, Mrs. Delphine Elliott of Troy, sisters, Mrs. Ida Drake of Elmira, Mrs.
Bessie Wellsburg, Mrs. Rena Benson of Gillett, Mrs. Norma Newell of Horseheads. Mrs. Gertrude Brace of Troy, brother, Judson of Troy; five grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
The body is at Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, where funeral will held Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Rev. Alfred Ganoung. Southern Light Lodge, will hold a Masonic service at the funeral home Friday, 8 p.
m. Samuel Olds, 81, of Pine City. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1945. Survived by wife, Mrs.
Mary Dorland Olds; son, Edward Olds of Pine City. Funeral Friday, 1 p. m. at the Shepard Funeral Parlor, Avoca. Rev.
B. J. Fults. Highland Cemetery, Avoca. Funerals Mrs.
Isabell Mitchell Hand of Buffalo, formerly of Elmira. Friday, 1:30 p. m. at the Smith and Fudge Funeral Home. Rev.
Leonard Basford. Woodlawn Cemetery. George F. Blair, 525. South Ave.
Friday, 2 p. m. at the Hagerman Funeral home. Rev. Herbert Gordon.
Woodlawn Cemetery. ELKS NOTICE Members of Elmira Elks, Lodge 62, will meet Friday, 2 p. m. at the Hagerman Funeral Home attend the funeral of our late brother, George F. Blair.
Signed: LEE ESTES, Exalted Ruler WILLIAM PETZKE Sec'y. James Burns, 800 Hatch St. Thursday, 8:30 a. m. at the Justin McCarthy Funeral Home, 9 at St.
Patrick's Church. Rev. John WALL STREET Quotations of transactions furnished by Carl M. Loeb, Rhodes Realty memhers of New York Stock Exchange. Amer LaFrance Bendix Corning Glass Marine Mid Rem Rand Shep Niles Thatcher Thatcher pfd Allis Chalmers Am Locomotive Am Radiator Am Roll Mills Am Smelting Am Tel Tel Am Snuff Anaconda Atchison exd At Refining Avia Corp Am Balti Ohio Bethlehem Steel Eoeing Airp Burroughs AM Braniff Airways Calumet Hecla Canadian Pacific Ches Ohio Chrysler Com Credit Con Edison Cont Insurance Curtiss-Wright Curt-Wright Del Lack West Douglas Aircraft DuPont Eastman Kodak Erie General Elec.
Gen Foods Ex Div General Motors Goodrich Illinois Central Ingersoll Rand Har Intern'l Nickel Intl Tel Tel Kennecott Libby McNeill Loew's Macy Mid-Cont Petro Mont Nat Biscuit Nat Central No American No American Avi Packard Motor Pan Amer Air Paramount Penney, Penn Pepsi Cola Phillips Petra Radio Rep Iron Steel Reynolds Sears-Roebuck Smith Corona Socory-Vacuum Pacific Sperry Corp Standard Brands Sinclai; Oil So Railway Stand Oil Studebaker Texas Corp Sunray Union Carbide United United Airlines Rubber Steel Steel Vanadium 'Steel Warner Bros Tel Westinghs Elec Woolworth WISHING WELL High Low 11:30 19 A 9 9 9 50 A 52 A A 59 33 48 48 48 98 98 22 21 22 26 26 57 57 57 57 198 47 71 71 90 90 90 66 32 31 32 8 20 132 132 132 52 52 68 69 27 27 39 39 37 17 17 66 28 28 97 68 79 79 35 35 Registered U. S. Patent Office. 5 3 6 8 5 6 A 6 2 7 00 3 A 8 5 3 6 2 8 I 00 3 7 8 5 2 6 8 8 2 8 5 6 A I 00 AN 8 6 3 4 2 6 2 6 2 8 2 1 letters in your first name. If the number of jetters subtract 4.
If the number is less than 6. add 3. The number, Start at the upper left and check your to right. Then read the message, A. Murphy celebrated the Solemn High Requiem Mass, assisted by the Revs.
John S. Maloney and John Kameen. Bearers: John Moretti, W. Cardone, A. Cardone, Walter Tobash.
SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Mrs. Susan M. Clair of Pine Valley.
Friday, 2 p. at home. Pine Valley Cemetery. Ralph B. Coleman, 624 Yale St.
Body is at family home. Friday, 3 p. m. at the German Evangelical Church. Rev.
Paul Frohne. Woodlawn Cemetery. Myles G. Kelly, 660 Park PI. Wednesday, 8:30 m.
at home, 9 at St. Patrick's Church. The Very Rev. William J. Brien celebrated the Solemn High Requiem Mass, assisted by the Revs.
John S. Maloney and John A. Murphy. The Revs. Leo G.
Schwab, William N. Cannan, Ladislaus V. Szczepanski, J. Edmund O'Brien and John B. Loughlin were in the Sanctuary, A representative group of Elks attended.
Bearers: William O'Connell, Joseph O'Leary, John Kingston, Philip Collins, M. B. Carroll, Thomas Mailey. SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary E. Cornell of Portsmouth, N. H. Body will arrive in Elmira Friday morning.
Private service Friday, 10:30 a. m. at Woodlawn CeMetery. Very Rev. Frederick Henstridge.
CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Mary Keefe Balles wishes to friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy during its recent bereavement. NOTE OF THANKS The family of the late Ward W. Buck wishes to thank friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Deaths Elsewhere Lorenza M.
Martin, 77, of Dundee. Tuesday, Oct. 1945. Survived by daughters, Mrs. M.
Booth of Rochester, Mrs. Ray Myers of Dundee; sons, A. W. Martin of Ithaca, John Martin of Hattbora, Elbert Jesmer of Ottawa, sister, Mrs. Jennie Trumble of Fort Jackson, N.
22 grand children; 16, great grandchildren. Funeral Friday, 9:30 a. m. at St. Michael's Church, Penn Yan.
Mrs. Elizabeth Shaffer Purtle, 84, of Riverside. Tuesday, Oct. 23. 1945.
Survived by three nephews and niece, Mary Scollon of Elmira. The body is at Beilby and Son Funeral Home, Corning, where funeral will be held Friday, 1:30 p. m. Rev. Lorimer W.
Crippen. Burial in Mansfield, Pa. Mrs. Mary E. Fuller, 83, of Waverly.
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1945. Survived by brother, J. Frank Meade of Sayre; daughter, Mrs. A.
A. Phalan of Waverly; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. The body is at Geer Funeral Home, Waverly, where funeral will be held Thursday, 2:30 p. m. Rev.
R. W. Lyon. Glenwood Cemetery, Waverly. Francis J.
Hummel 52, of WilkesBarre, formerly of Sayre. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1945. Survived by wife; daughters, Mrs. Allen Gittens, Miss Madeline Hummel, at home; sons, Leonard, at home, Benjamin with U.
S. Navy in the Pacific; sisters, Mrs. Robert J. Sanderson of New Haven, Mrs. William H.
Hackett of Cambridge, Mrs. George H. Jackson of Athens; brother, Charles Hummel of New York City. Funeral at Wilkes-Barre. Funerals Funerals Raymond Monroe Holden of Campbell.
Friday, 2 p. at Bond Funeral Home, Bath. George Perry. Service at NonWebber Cemetery, Bath, in Post, charge VFW. of Percy Sumner Manley of Canton.
Friday, 2 p. at Morse Funeral Home, Canton. Rev. Richard Felton. Park Cemetery, Canton.
Mrs. Charles Mares of Mansfield. Friday, 2 p. m. at family home.
Rev. Floyd Guiles. Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield. OARD OF THANKS The family of the late Martin W. Bartoo wishes to thank friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy during its recent bereavement.
Former Elmiran's Husband Dead Dr. Henry Barnard Kummel, 78, former New Jersey state geologist and retired director of the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Development, died Oct. 23, at Trenton. His wife is the former Anna Goetz Williams of Elmira. Mrs.
Kummel graduated from Elmira College in 1912. Her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Mary Williams Reed, graduated in 1942. REPORTS PURSE STOLEN Theft of a pocketbook and purse containing $11 from her automobile was reported to police Wednesday by Mrs. William Brown, 656 Cedar St.
She said they were taken Sunday night while the car was parked in front of 513 South Ave. SMITH FUDGE 11:45 a. in. Youth Fellowship, 8 p. m.
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 360 WATER ST DIAL 2-0991 2 A 5 3 6 A NO 6 00 2 5 8 5 A Count the 1s 6 or more, result is your key key numbers, left FLOWERS FROM Sheely Brothers 101 S. Walnut St. Phone 2-1105 Evenings Till 9 Sundays Till 6 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS P. M. Buell 211 W.