Dec. 15, 1969 SPRINGFIELD (Mo.) LEADER -PRESS Today's Market For complete stock market details read The Daily News, regularly 1:30 STOCKS 2:30 NEW YORK TIME 207 S. Jefferson Phone 862-4363 Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner Allied Stores General Electric 78 Penn Central 2858 Allis Chalmers General Motors Phelps Dodge American Airlines 31 Gen. Tele. Philip Morris American Motors Gillette Phillips Pet.
American Standard .32 Glassrock Inc. Radio Corp. American Greyhound Republic Steel American Brands .37 Gulf Oil Reynolds Tob. Anaconda Cop, 28 Illinois Central 29 Safeway Stores Beth. Steel IBM 357 St.
L-San Fran Block Intern. Harv'str. Sears Roebuck Borg Warner Johns-Manville Sperry Rand Burroughs Kaufman Broad Std. Oil Cal Canadian Export Kennecott Copper 42 Std. Oil NJ Ches.
Ohio .51 Laclede Gas Sterling Drug Chrysler Lerner Stores Studebaker Cities Service Ligg. Myers Swift Comsat Litton 38 Tenneco Cons. Freight Minn. Mining .112 Texaco Con. Airlines McDonald Union Carbide Dayco Mobil Oil: United Aircraft 3934 Deere Co.
Marco UAL Inc. Delta 321 Motorola .135 Uniroyal Dow Chemical Marley Co. 37 U.S. Steel Du Pont Olin-Mathieson 21 Upjohn Eastman Kodak 76 Owens-111. U.S.
Plywood 321 Emerson Elec. Owens-Ill-Pf. Western Union 44 Empire Dis. Electric Pacific Pet. Westinghouse Ford Penney (JC) Zenith Gen.
Dynamics Cash Grains Coartesy MFA Milling Company Feed Grains Corn (per bu.) $1.28 Milo (per cwt.) $2.10 Oats (per bu.) .75 Barley (per bu.) ..92 Wheat Hard $1.40 Soft $1.40 Soybeans $2.15 CHICAGO (AP) Soybean futures prices were strong in early dealings on the Chicago Board of Trade Monday, but grain futures were irregular. On the opening, wheat was cent a -bushel lower to higher, Decembe 1.45¾; corn was lower to higher, December 1.17¾; oats were lower to higher, December cents; rye was unchanged to lower, March 1.14¼ and soybeans were to higher, January 2.46%. The home-built plane is gaining in popularity. To construct one usually requires about $2,500 and takes 2,000 man hours. WEATHER By GEORGE MIDDLETON A weak low pressure system was located over the Ozarks today, bringing an increase in cloudiness to the local area.
Fair skies were the rule over the Ozarks most of last night, except for the extreme eastern portion. The heavy cloud cover moved into the western portion of the ozarks around sunrise and will spread over the remainder of the Ozarks later today. Highs yesterday afternoon ranged from 50 degrees at Springfield and Vichy to 60 at Fayetteville, with Joplin reporting 52, West Plains 54 and Harrison 55 degrees. Lows this morning ranged from 38 degrees at West Plains to 40 at Harrison, with Joplin, Vichy and Fayetteville all reporting 32 and Springfield 31 degrees. An early winter storm continued to move across the southern New England coast, lashing much of the area with high winds and causing wide-spread, adverse weather.
Travelers warnings were in effect in southern New England, northeastern Pennsylvania, northwestern New Jersey and the lower Hudson Valley. The snow was producing a heavy snow pattern across Connecticut and Massachusetts, and heavy snow warnings were geared for southern Maine today. Snow amounts up to a foot were reported in western Connecticut, with possible locally heavier amounts of 12 to 15 inches of new snow in the lower Hudson Valley. Some of the heavier snowfall amounts reported included 12 inches at Bradford, Pa. and Bradley International Airport, and 11 inches at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Snow flurries continued in the vicinity of the Great Lakes and into the Ohio River Valley. Elsewhere across the nation, mostly fair skies prevailed from the Pacific coast, across the Plains and into the deep South. Highest temperature reported in the nation yesterday was 82 degrees at Beeville, Kingsville and Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, all in Texas. Lowest this morning was 14 degrees at Roseau, Minn. Data supplied by U.S.
Department of Commerce Weather Bureau: first column, highest temperature yesterday; second, lowest last night; third, precipitation during past 24 hours ending 6 a.m. Stations High Low Prec. Albuquerque 58 31 Amarillo 60 36 Birmingham 64 29 Boise 52 23 Boston 41 31 .05 Buffalo, N.Y... 32 26 .05 Chicago 24 T. Columbia Denver .67 31 Des 31 12 Detroit Duluth Fort Smith 31 Fort Worth Kansas City Little Rock Los Angeles Memphis .56 33 Miami Beach 74 52 Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Omaha Phoenix Pittsburgh Salt Lake City Seattle St.
Louis .03 SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington 48 West Plains Wichita Temperatures: Highest lowest yesterday 50; lowest yesterday 30; this morning 31: highest this date in 81 years 73 lowest this date in 81 years -4 in 1943; high a low a year ago 6. Precipitation: Rain or melted snow from 6 a.m. yesterday to 6 a.m. today heaviest rain this date in 81. years 1.20 1911.
Sun: Rose this morning 7:20, sets tonight 4:57: length of daylight 9 hours, 37 minutes. MISSOURI Fair to partly cloudy and cool tonight. Low mostly in the 205. Tuesday increasing cloudiness from the west and warmer. High temperatures ranging from upper 40s through mid 50s.
A chance of rain western portions into eastern portions by night. ARKANSAS Mostly cloudy north half to increasing cloudiness south and colder over state tonight. Tuesday partly cloudy and continued cold. Lows tonight 20s north to low and mid 30s south. Highs Tuesday mainly in the 40s.
KANSAS Considerable cloudiness through Tuesday. Lows tonight upper 20s to low 30s. Chance of light rain east portion Tuesday, Highs Tuesday mid 40s to low 505. OKLAHOMA Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday. Cooler tonight.
A little warmer Panhandle continued cold elsewhere Tuesday. Lows tonight mid 20s north to lower 30s south. Highs Tuesday near 60 panhandle and 40s elsewhere. 40 30 20 10 COLD STATION FORECAST I 40 Figures Shaw Law Temperatures Expected Until Tuesday Merning Isolated Precipitation Net Indicated Consult Produce Missouri egg market: Market steady at unchanged prices. Supplies generally balanced with needs.
Demand lacking aggressiveness, but sufficient to effect satisfactory clearances. Prices paid to producers, on grade yield basis, cases exchanged, cents per dozen, for 24 hours ending 11 a.m. Monday: A Large or better, 58-63; A Medium, 55- 60: A Small, 39-43; Large, 50-54. Sales to Missouri-Kansas breakers: Market continues unsettled. Demand non-aggressive.
Trading generally on a restrictive basis. Prices paid by breakers, dollars per case, delivered to dock, 53 pound minimum average, cases exchanged for 24 hours ending 11 a.m. Monday: Unclassified farm run, 11.40-14.10, mostly 12.50-13.50; undergrades and checks, too few to report, KANSAS CITY (AP) Wholesale eggs unchanged; large, 80 percent A 58-63; medium. 80 percent A 55-60. Butter unchanged: grade A lb.
solid 85; grade A quarters 86. ST. LOUIS (AP) Eggs, consumer grades: A large 58-63, A medium 55-60, A small 39-43, large 50-54. Eggs, wholesale grades: standard 50-52, medium 45-47, unclassified 34-35, pullet 38- 40. graded large 53-55.
Hens: heavy 15; light, over lbs 11; under Broilers and fryers 24.25-26.00 for this week's delivery. Livestock HOGS Early estimates 2800. Barrows and gilts mostly 75 cents higher than last Thursday. U.S. Is and 2s, around 100 head, 200-230 tat 27.50; Is and 3s, 25 and 35, 210-260 26.50-27; 2s and 45, 240-280 25.75-26.75.
Sows weak to 25 cents lower. U. S. Is and 3s, 300-400 21.50-22.50; 400-500 2s and 35, 500-650 20-21. Boars SHEEP Early estimates 75.
Slaughter lambs and ewes steady. Slaughter lambs choice and prime, 800-105 good and low choice, 70-90 Slaughter ewes, cull to good, CATTLE AND CALVES Early estimates 1800. Trading active. Slaughter cows fully steady. Bulls steady.
Vealers strong, slaughter calves fully steady, Cows, commercial, utility, 20.50-high dressing Holsteins, 21; cutter, 17-19; canner. 15-17. Utility to good bulls, 25; few at 25.50. Choice vealers, 36-40; good, 32-36. Slaughter calves, 26-29, few at 30; good, 22- 26.
Feeders active. Fully steady with last week's terminal traling, Choice 300-500 lb. steers, 32-36; 500-700 29-33; good 300- 500 27.50-32.50; 500-700 26.50-32. Choice 300-500 lb heifers, 26-31; 500-700 lbs. 25-29; good 300-500 500-700 22-26.
NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, Ill. (AP)-Estimates for Tuesday: hogs cattle calves 200; sheep 400. Hogs barrows and gilts steady to 25 lower; 1-3 200-230 lbs 27.50-28.00; 230-250 lbs 27.00-27.50; 2-4. 250-270 Ibd 26.00-27.00; 270- lbs 25.00-26.00: 3-4 210240 lbs: 27.00-27.25; 1-2 190-200 lbs 27.25-27.75; 170-180 lbs 26.00; sows steady to 25 higher; U.S. 1-3 300-400 lbs 22.00-23.00; U.S.
2-3 400-500 lbs 21.50- 22.00; 500-650 lbs 21.50; boars 18.50-21.50. Cattle calves 150; choice and prime near 1,000 lbs 29.25; choice 27.75- Ibs 28.25-29.00; mixed good and choice 28.25; good 26.50-27.50; standard and good holsteins near 1,250 lbs 25.75; heifers average and high choice 900-975 lbs 27.75; choice 750-950 lbs 27.00-27.50; mixed good and choice 26.50-27.25; good 25.00-26.50: cows commercial 18.00-20.00; utility 18.00- 20.50; cutter 17.00-19.50; canner 15.00-17.00; bulls utility commercial and good 23.00- 25.50; choice vealers 36.00-40.00; good 32.00- 36.00; standard 26.00-32.00; choice calves 24.00-28.00; good 20.00-24.00. Sheep lambs choice and prime 90- 110 lbs 27.00-27.50; good and choice 26.00- 27.00; good 25.00-26.00; slaughter ewes good and choice 6.50-7.00; cull and utility 5.00- 6.00. Noon OTC Quotes Anheuser-Busch 72 A. B.
Chance Carboline 8 Chase Nat. Life Comm. Baneshares 46 Computer. Usage 10 Empire Bank First Union, Inc. 40 Founders 4 Frontier Tower 2 Mallinekrodt 60 62 Midwest Fire Mid-West Nat.
Modern Amer. 11. Modern Sec. Life Ocean Drilling Paul Mueller 11: Russell Stover 31 32 Progressive 4 Pott Industries 13 14 Seven Up Tidewater Marine 24 15-Year-Old Boy Remains in Detention A 15-year-old boy, taken into custody by police Sunday at the request of his mother because of incorrigibility, remains in detention. Deputy Juvenile Officer Bob Robertson said the boy may have a court hearing Thursday.
Also in detention pending completion of arrangements for her return home is a 15-year-old girl, a runaway from Colorado, who was taken into custody Saturday by police. A 14-year-old boy, taken into custody Saturday at the request of his mother because of incorrigibility, was released to his mother Sunday, Robertson said. Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU ISSA 20 40 Shewers Snew 30 Flurries Local forecast -Associated Press Wirephoto Mild in Ozarks Showers are expected tonight in the East and Northwest. Snow flurries are forecast for the Midwest and East.
Cold weather is predicted for the eastern part of the nation and the Rocky Mountain states. Mild weather is indicated for the Ozarks. a SPRINGFIELD: POP. 120,000 ALTITUDE: 1324 FT. CLIMATE: FINE DIVORCE CASES Petitions Filed Sandra Buckle against Gary Ralph Buckle.
Shannon D. Koonce against Phyllis Sue Koonce. Bertha Lorene Maggard against Cecil Lloyd Maggard. Robert L. Mason against Peggy Lou Mason.
Jack Douglas Randall against Diana Faye Sloan Randall. Billie Arneta Williamson against Newton Scott Williamson, Jr. Granted Natalie Waite, 39, Springfield, cashier, against Lawrence Waite, 42, Springfield. mechanic; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $125 a month child support. Janet Lee Patterson, 29, Ozark, waitress, against Arnold Eugene Patterson, 31.
Springfield, carpenter; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children and $120 a month child support. Samantha Jean Pilkinton, 32. Springfield, housewife, against Charles Edward Pilkinton, 34, Springfield; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children and $40 a week child support. Rebecca Jane Pickens, 19, Springfield, student, against Stanley Kieth Pickens, 19, Springfield, student; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child, $40 a month child support and $750 alimony-in-gross. Donald Ray Casada, 25, Springfield, mechanic, against Patricia Ann Casada, 35, Springfield, housewife; divorce granted to plaintiff.
Glenda Ann Roberts, 18, Springfield, housewife, ajgainst Kenneth Eugene Roberts. 24. Springfield, laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Marshall, restored. Gwendolyn Kay Gilmartin, 25, Springfield, factory employe, against Fred D. Gilmartin, 25, Springfield, sign erector; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children, $100 a month child support and $1 a year alimony, Phyllis Jean Richardson, 23, Springfield, clerk, against Sidney Durs Richardson, 25, Springfield, carpenter; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children and $100 a month child support.
Georgia H. Hammers, 43, Springfield, machine operator, against James Phillips Hammers, 48, Las Vegas, divorce granted to plaintiff. Carrolyn M. Hayes, 27, Springfield, physician's assistant, against James A. Hayes, 27, Greene County, caterer; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children and $150 a month child support.
Alice Y. Green, 30, Springfield, housewife, against James Dewey Green, 30, Springfield, electrician; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children and $150 a month child support. Carolyn Fillmer, 18, Republic, housewife, against Larry Dale Fillmer, 21, Springfield, Army; divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Foster, restored. Ardith A. Brown, 34, Springfield, against Jerry Brown, 31, Springfield, machine operator; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Newberry, restored.
Patricia Morsch, 18, Springfield, secretary, against George Peter Morsch. Springfield, laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $60 a month child support. Riley H. Hindman, 26, Springfield, salesman, against Linda Sue Hindman, 22, Springfield, secretary; divorce granted to defendant on cross-bill and awarded custody of minor child. $100 a month child support and $1 a year alimony.
Evelyn K. Whiteside, 29, Springfield, housewife, against Dale E. Whiteside, age unknown, Blue Eye, laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff. Kathleen A. Bass, 28, Springfield, housewife, against Marvin J.
Bass, 30. Springfield, sheet metal worker; divorce granted to plaintiff. Louise V. Bilyeu, 39, Springfield, beautician, against Glen D. Bilyeu, 40, Springfield, television repairman; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Rhoden, restored.
Judy Joyce Hodges, 26, Fair Grove, machine operator, against William M. Hodges, 27; Springfield, Marine; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children and $150 a month child support. Leona Dean DeLong. 27, Spokane, factory employe, against Billy Ray DeLong, 27, Columbia, lineman; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child. $50 a month child support and $400 alimony-ingross.
Marie E. Robbs, 40, Springfield against Otis Charles Robbs, 58, Springfield, laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Necessary, restored. Elaine Sikes, 25, Springfield, key punch operator, against Warren Sikes, age unknown, St. Charles, factory employe; divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Cardwell, restored. Doris Charlene Tepovich, 21, Springfield, housewife, against Ronald Lee Tepovich, 25, Springfield, foundryman; divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Huffman, restored.
Inas M. Barnett, 48, Springfield, waitress, against James C. Barnett, age not listed, Springfield, materialman; divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Titus, restored. Norma A. Bradley, 31 Springfield, store kitchen consultant, against Beryl O.
Bradley, 44, Springfield: divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children and $80 a month child support. Edwin A. Erven, 49, Springfield, fieldman against Helen Louise Erven, 46, Springfield, waitress; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child. Barbara Elaine Hall, 22, Springfield, against Larry Cleo Hall, 23. Springfield, welder; divorce granted to plaintiff; for.
mer name, Cunningham, restored and awarded $250 alimony-in-gross. Marilyn Kay Groover, 26, Springfield, florist, against Clifton Reese Groover IlI, 28, Springfield, accounting work; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Peer restored: defendant awarded custody of minor child. Mary Lou Mitchell against James Morris Mitchell, no information available; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children, $100 a month child support and $1 a year alimony. Kathleen Zelma Horner, 46. Springfield, checker, against Joe Horner, 46, Springfield, truck driver; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $75 a month child support, Dale A.
Barnum against Mary A. Barnum; decree of Nov. 7 set aside and reconsidered by court by stipulation of parties; divorce granted to plaintiff. Darrell Keith Carter against Bonnie Lou Carter, no information listed: divorce granted to plaintiff; defendant awarded custody of four minor children and $100 a month child support. Carl Edward Henderson, 36.
Springfield, club owner. against Shirley Margaret Hen. derson. 30, Kansas City, waitress; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children. Genene Schroeder Raby, 24, Springfield, against: Robert Lee Raby, 32, Springfield.
laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Schroeder, restored, Jewell Ruth Van Laningham, 26, Springfield, nurse's aide, against James Lee Van Laningham. 23. Kansas City, laborer; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $60 month child support. Margie A. Helms, 26, Springfield, factory against Maxie G.
Helms, 30. Springfield, factory employe; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor children, $25 a week child support and $1 a year alimony. Paul E. Nickel, 53, Springfield, taxi driv. er.
against Arlene S. Nickel, no age listed, address unknown, housewife; divorce granted to plaintiff. Nell RoseManning against M-Sgt. Jack E. Manning, no information available; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child.
Loran L. Petty, 58. Springfield, construetion work, against Elizabeth A. Petty, 56, St. Joseph.
restaurant business; divorce granted to plaintiff. Rena Ritter, 34, Springfield, machine operator, against Clifford Ritter, 37, Springfield.machine operator; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor daughter and $40 a month child support: defendant awarded custody of minor son. Virginia Mae Hicks, 43, Springfield, housewife, against Clarence Wilber Hicks, 47. Springfield, molder: divorce granted to plaintiff. Glenda Kay Kissee, 22, Springfield, machine operator, against Robert Eugene Kissee.
24. Marshfield. Army; divorce granted to defendant on cross bill: former name, Keeler, restored to plaintiff. Dismissed Mary Jean Roper against Max F. Roper.
Rose Ann Hogan against David Lee Hozan. Martha J. Shoemaker against Morris C. Shoemaker, Mae Belle January Sutherland against Jack Sutherland. Lathem against Bennie B.
Lathem. FIRE ALARMS Car fires Friday in 900 block Drury Lane. 10:52 National and Pythian, 5:30 p.m. Trash truck fire, 2400 block Manchester. p.m.
Friday. Smoke scare, 308 West State, 7:19 p.m. Friday. Trash fire, East Trafficway and Burton, 9:20 p.m. Friday, Smoke scare, 2236 South Florence, 7:56 a.m.
Sunday, Grass fires Sunday at 2539 Nichols. 12:48 p.m.; 622 East Harrison, 3:18 p.m. Portable oven scorched wall at 833 East Elm. 4:07 p.m. Sunday.
Garage fire extinguished at 726 East Commercial, 8:01 p.m. Sunday, Deaths Deaths Funeral services for Mrs. Beatrice Avis, 60, of Route 7, Springfield, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Thieme Chapel with Ben Bettcher officiating. Burial will he in Clear Creek Cemetery.
Mrs. Avis died at 6:30 a.m. Sunday in her home following a short illness. She is survived by her husband, Orville. MRS.
ORVILLE AVIS MRS. BESSIE L. SAWYER Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie L. Sawyer, 82, of 1476 St.
Louis, will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the Thieme Chapel with L.O. Sanderson and Gary Brock officiating. Burial will be in Hazelwood Cemetery. Mrs.
Sawyer died at 8:55 a.m. Sunday at Cox Medical Center following a short illness. She was a longtime resident of Springfield and a member of the South National Church of Christ. Survivors include two sons, Earl of Buffalo and James of Jonesboro, three daughters, Mrs. Dolores Kennemer of East Mill Street Road, Mrs.
Hazel Speake of 2705 East Lombard and Mrs. Mary Dunbar of South Broadway; three brothers, Herschell. McNeese of Springfield, McNeese of Ev. erton and Earl McNeese of Strafford; five sisters, Mrs. Blanche Mills of Columbia, Mrs.
Grace Bench of Springfield, Mrs. Jewell Reitz and Mrs. May Waddell both of Strafford, Mrs. Fern Keen of Reno, and Mrs. Gladys Keen of Springfield; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
ROBERT L. AHRENS Funeral services for Robert L. Ahrens, 39, of 636 Katella, will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Klingner Chapel with Dr. Arbaugh officiating.
Burial will be in Maple Park Cemetery. Mr. Ahrens died at 6:30 a.m. Saturday in St. John's Hospital following a short illness.
Donations may be made to the Robert L. Ahrens Memorial Fund in care of St. Paul Methodist Church. WILLIAM F. BARTLEY Funeral services for William F.
Bartley, 70, of 2701 North Barnes, will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in Klingner Chapel and burial in White Chapel Cemetery with Masonic rites conducted by Gate of the Temple Lodge. Mr. Bartley died at 8:15 a.m. Saturday in Cox Medical Center where he had been a patient since Tuesday.
MRS. VIRGINIA A. WHEELER Mrs. Virginia A. Wheeler, 88, Route was dead on arrival at Cox Medical Center at 4:20 a.m.
today. A native of Gregory's Landing, she moved to Springfield in 1937 from Humansville. She was a member of St. Luke's Methodist Church here and the Eastern Star at Humansville. Surviving are two sons, Don, 505 West Williams, and Richard 0., Route four grandchildren and three great Ralph Thieme will announce arrangements.
SAMUEL MONTGOMERY Graveside services for Samuel Montgomery, 86, of Hot Springs, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Maple Park Cemetery with Rev. Michael McGinnis officiating. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Greenlawn. Mr.
Montgomery died Saturday in Rosewood Hospital at Hot Springs after a short illness. PAYTON POWELL GRANBY Funeral services for Payton (Pate) Powell, 53, of Route 2, Granby, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Granby Gospel Tabernacle with the Rev. Gene Waterbery officiating. Burial will be in Granby Memorial Cemetery under direction of Shewmake.
A native of Welch, Mr. Powell died at 12:45 a.m. today in Sale Memorial Hospital, Neosho, where he had been a patient four days. Surviving are his wife, Edith; five daughters, Mrs. Nona Louise Lynch, Kansas City, Mrs.
Carlyon Sue Cook, Granby, Miss Sharon Kay Powell, Miss Debbie Ann Powell and Miss Vickie Lynn Powell, all of the home; three sons, Jack, Stanley and Christopher, all of Granby; one sister, Mrs. Georgia Karnes, Welch, six brothers, Buck, of Fredonia, Lee, of Severy, Harry, of Miami, June, of Carthage, Jack, of Seneca, Marvin, of Holden; and five grandchildren. glary and stealing in Howell County, Kenneth Dewayne Sanders, Berger, sentenced to three years Nov. 28 on guilty plea to car theft under the habitual criminal act in Jasper County, Releases Jerry Wayne Stafford, Springfield, pa. roled Dec, 2 from three years for grand stealing in Greene County, LOSSES REPORTED Joe Rook, 1917 West Lee, reported theft of 4-foot plastic lighted Santa from him home.
K. M. Williams, 1027 Benton, reported theft of 28 stereo tapes from car. 0, T. Kelly, 2144 Bennett.
reported theft of .22 caliber revolver and box of ammunition from car, Floyd Crowell, 1815 West Lee, reported theft of Christmas wreath from door. Sam Lawrence, 1530 South Plaza; Mrs. Ray Biellier. 2040 West Elm; L. R.
Collins, 201 East Wayland, reported thefts of outdoor Christmas lights. Mrs. Lewis Polodna, 1900 West Lee, reported theft of Christmas wreath. Bion McCurry, 2548 Sunset, reported theft of three floodlights. Mrs.
Darlene Irvine, Route 5, reported theft of clothing valued at $200 from car. MRS. JESSIE M. STAUB Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie M.
Staub, 88, of Galena, were to be at 2 p.m. today in Galena Community Church with John Witmer officiating. Burial was to be in Hannibal Cemetery at Hannibal under the direction of Cheatham-Stumpff of Reeds Spring. Mrs. Staub died at 2 p.m.
Saturday in St. John's Hospital, Springfield, following a short illness. Survivors include two sons, H. Lyman of Chillicothe, and Gordon of Monroe City; one daughter, Mrs. Celeste Warren of Galena; two grandchildren and two MRS.
CHARLES DOTSON BUFFALO Mrs. Myrtle Amy Dotson, 72, of Buffalo, died at 3:10 p.m. Sunday in her home following an apparent heart attack. Mrs. Dotson was a longtime resident of Buffalo.
Survivors include her husband, Charles; five daughters, Miss Goldie Dotson Sedalia, Mrs. Geneva Carter of Spring. field, Mrs. Blanche Farmer of Halfway, Mrs. Lucille McDaniel of Buffalo and Mrs.
Virginia Potter of Louisburg; four sons, Vernon and Willard, both of dalia, Donald of Independence and Billy of the U.S. Army stationed in Germany; three sisters, Mrs. Ann Crum of North Fork, Mrs. Fred Smith of Sparta and Mrs. Harley Evans of Modesto, 31 grand.
children and 22 great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Jones-Cantion of Buffalo. MISS ESTHER H. KNIGHT Funeral services for Miss Esther Knight, 82, of 1985 Cherry Street Court, will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Ralph Thieme Chapel with the Rev.
Kenneth E. Gillming officiating. Graveside services will be a.m. Wednesday in Mount Washington Cemetery at Kansas City with Dr. Olan H.
Runnels officiating. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Ralph Thieme. Miss Knight, died about midnight Saturday in Cox Medical Center after a short illness. ELVERT DODSON GAINESVILLE Funeral services for Elvert Dodson, 60, Great Bend, and a former resident of Gainesville, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Church of Christ here.
Cliff Stewart will officiate and burial will be in Smith Chapel Cemetery, under direction of Clinkingbeard of Gainesville. Mr. Dodson, a body and fender repairman, died Saturday in Great Bend. Surviving are two sons. Lyle, Great Bend, and Joe, St.
John's, a daughter, Mrs. Betty Roeder, Riverside, two brothers, Elvis, Dora, and Ross, Phoenix, and a sister, Mrs. Lois Smith, Sycamore. ANNA LUCILLE SCARBROUGH Anna Lucille Scarbrough, 54, of 828 College, died at 4:45 a.m. Sunday in Springfield Baptist Hospital following a short illness.
She had been a resident of Springfield since 1928. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Martha Morris of To. peka, one brother, George Scarbrough of 514 Mt. Vernon; and five grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Thieme. MRS. SUSIE KERR GRIFFIN CAPE FAIR Mrs. Susie Kerr Griffin, 83, of South Gate, died Wednesday morning Pasadena Community Hospital following a lingering illness. A native of Cape Fair, Mrs.
Griffin attended the State Normal School in Springfield and was a school teacher in the Crane School System for many years. She also taught in ruralStone County schools before moving to California in 1919. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Fred McCord, Aurora, Mrs. Lula Rumley, Billings, Mrs.
Ollie Bentley, state of Oklahoma; and one brother, Tom Kerr, Crane. Services were held Friday, with burial in the Cemetery in Whittier, Calif. MRS. BENJAMIN WARNER RECTOR Magistrate Court Criminal Cases Sentenced for driving while license suspended were Raymond Carl Cantrell, Mt. Vernon, given 10 days in Thomas Vincent Higgins, Webster Groves, fined $50; and Charles Michael Cartwright, 2547 West Kearney, fined $47.
Francis Eugene Cornelison, Route 2, Bois D'Are, fined $47 for driving while license revoked and speeding. Daniel Paul Wolfe, 1322 North Grant, fined $37 for driving while license revoked and failure to transfer vehicle license. Fined for careless and imprudent driving were William Claude Whittaker, 1156 South Jefferson, $62; Richard Charles Hudgens, 1851 East Turner, $47; David Calvin Clark, Gladstone, $47; Charles Ray Hulett, Camdenton, $47; George Lee Looney, Walnut Grove, $37; Ronald Gail Farthing, Route 1, Rogersville, $37; Charles Kendall Deberry, 1416 St. Louis, $37; Hazel Marie French, Marionville. $37; Monroe Junior Patterson, 1859 North Golden, $37; Connie Sue Welch, Route 4, Marshfield, $37; John Leonard Morris.
Route 2, $37; Janice Lee Frieze, Pittsburg, $32; Herbert Luzerne Lafferty, Route 2, Everton, $32; Michael William Ball, Route 5,. $32; Benjamin Lee Cox, Route 1, Willard, $27; Larry Leon Clark, Route 2, Taneyville, $27; Tom Dane Smith. Independence, $22; David James Nichols. 913 East Garfield, $22; James Hollis Col. lins, Walnut Grove, $22; Leamon Harold, 626 East Monroe, $22; Holland Keet Phillips, Buffalo, $22; and Hershel Whisnant, Route 10, $17.
Fined for speeding were Randall Ray Hursh, Route 1, Ozark, $32; Terry W. Thompson, 2917 West Latoka, $32; Cleo Rowdy Whisnant, West Mo. 266, $29; Jerry Lee Hash, Route 2, Elkland, $27; Willard Lee Savage, 311 North Waverly, $25; Loyce Albert Hopkins, 3064 Greenbrier, $25; William August Shelton, Route 4, Seymour, $24; Raymond Hayns Donaldson, 2503 South Kickapoo, $22; Franklin Charles Willard, Route 1. Aurora, $22; William Laury Brown, Baldwin, $22; Michael Finley Porter, 3000 North Grant, $22; Jimmie Ray Wilkerson, Route 2, Everton, $21; Kenneth Ray Funk, 2304 South Fremont, $20; James William Robinson, Route 1, Clever, $19; Gwendolyn Osborn, 1132 East Madison, $19; Robert Leon Cotton, Oklahoma City, $19; Kenneth McCullough, Crane, $19; Leslie Paul Shivers, 1423 West Webster, $19; Joyce Ann Young, Route 2, Marshfield, $19; Miles George Schweiger, Route 1, Mt. Vernon, $19; Alice Jeanette Jones, Republic, $19; Joseph A.
Flehmer, Route 2, Pierce City, $19; Dale Eugene Strohl, Overland Park, $19; Joyce Ann Young, Route 2, Marshfield, $19; Miles George Schweiger, Route 1, Mt. Vernon, $19; Alice Jeanette Jones, Republic, $19; and Joseph A. Flehmer, Route 2, Pierce City, Fined $17 each for defective safety cable or cable unhooked were Rudolph Phillips, Oklahoma City; Herbert Eugene Sympson, Arkansas City, Robert Leo Wiggins, Rolla; and Lee Wilfred Lerner, Oklahoma City. Fay Harmon Herendeen, Bethany, and Donald Lee Cryder, Oklahoma City, fined $17 each for defective exhaust system. Fined $17 each for excessive noise or defective muffler were Larry Dale Allsup, Baton Rouge, Emre Lawrence Meszarous, Owasso, James Richard Goodale, 2901 South Stewart; Lyle Glenn Jordon, Cincinnati, Ohio; Leonard Ellis Johns, 1641 Nora; and Gordon Adams, 2029 North Columbia.
Edwin Stanley Kinney, Route 2, Elkland, and William Odis King, Bentonville, fined $17 each for defective brakes. James Arthur Pratt, 1117 North Davies, and Roy Preston Maggard, Oldfield, fined $17 each for no mud flaps. Ralph Bert Pendergrass, Route 5, Lebanon, and Melvin Bruce. Moran, Tulsa, fined $17 each for defective equipment. James Bruce Thayer, 2805 North Grant, fined $17 for no cover on load.
Gary Lynn Richardson, Route 1, Conway, fined $13 for defective equipment. David James Nichols, 913 East Garfield, fined $22 for using improper vehicle license. Albert Archie Hinch, Sarcoxie, fined $22 for failure to transfer license. Jim Turner, 2130 North Pierce, fined $22 for no truck license. Larry Eugene Wiles, 3035 Scenic, fined $27 for no operator license and no registration.
Beverly Jane Johnson. 1266 East Cherokee, and Lawrence Stephen Wilson, Springdale, fined $22 each for no operator license and no vehicle license. Geraldine Ann Demate, 2962 East Cherry, and Thiece Roy Gentry, 436 East Seminole, fined $22 each for expired operator license and expired auto license. AUTO ACCIDENTS R. E.
Dunsmore, Evangel College, cited on complaints of making improper turn and having no operator's license after colliding with car driven by H. E. Swan, 610 South Wildan, in 1700 block Cherry, 1:45 p.m. Friday. Clarabelle, Carter, 1621 North Franklin, cited on complaint of failure to yield rightof -way to car driven by Donna Clemens, 2628 West Thoman, at Chase and Grant, 1:35 p.m.
Friday. Florence Stemmons, Route 1, cited on complaint of failure to yield right-of-way to car driven by S. L. Smith, 1369 Price, at Campbell and Tampa, 9:05 a.m. Friday.
Cars driven hy Pamela Hoke, 2647 Truman, and Cletus Dawson, 1931 Benton, collided in 500 block East Commercial, 1:25 p.m. Friday, Cars driven by Linda Arnold, 845 South Douglas: Stella Pemberton, 2363A Cherry, and Alma Orr, Route 9, collided in 1800 block Cherry, 7:55 a.m. Friday. Ruth Faucett, Ozark, cited on improper lane use complaint after colliding with car driven by Jean Hessington, 1933 East Division, in 1100 block St. Louis, 11:15 a.m.
Friday. Erma Merriman, 2449 South Campbell, cited on improper turn complaint after colliding with truck driven by H. W. Jennings, East Nora. in 200 block East Olive, 1:15 p.m.
Friday. D. L. Anderson, 1447 North Frisco, cited on complaint of failure to yield right-of-way to motorcycle ridden by M. W.
Adams, 309 South National, at St. Louis and Dollison, 12:05 p.m. Friday. Carolyn Long, 906 North Prospect, cited on complaint of failure to yield right-of-way to car driven by Gertie Stogsdill, 1707 East Central, at Central and Frmont, 9:20 a.m. Friday.
V. C. Pleiffer, 2750 North Glenstone, cited on complaint of failure to yield rightof-way to, car driven by David Skidmore, 727 East Webster, in 400 block East Lynn, 5:45 p.m. Friday. Skidmore was treated for head lacerations at Cox Medical Center, Car driven by E.
G. Essary, 1516 North Lexington, struck utility pole at West and Nichols, 12:30 p.m. Sunday. A. F.
Talburt, 520 East Monroe, cited on improper turn complaint after colliding with car driven by S. M. Martin, 2232 West Walnut, at Cherokee and Fremont: 11:40 p.m. Saturday. Marie Pearson, 1139 South Barnes, reported collision with car which left scene, 200 block South Glenstone, 1:05 a.m.
Sunday. G. W. Lewis, 32, of 1921 South Grant, cited on careless and imprudent driving complaint after his car struck parked auto owned by D. R.
Stevens. 2236 North Fort, in 500 block West Cherokee, p.m. Saturday. Cars driven by S. W.
Harbin, Route 3, and D. E. Setzel, 2334 East Sunset, collided at Portland and Kimbrough, 11:40 p.m. Saturday. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Donald Gene Combs, 25, of 2041 North Johnston, AWOL from Fort Leonard Wood since May, was turned over to Army officials; Friday, Bert Felton, Rogersville, reported that the tachometer in his stock car had been twisted off the dash and the sender box broken from the floor board; the tachometer was valued at $70: 6:30 p.m.
Thursday. Okley Hensley, Strafford, reported that his picture window was broken Thursday night, apparently by a snowball; 10:53 a.m. Friday. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs.
Billy Snider. 415 East Glenwood, a girl, 12:11 Dee. 13, St. John's. To Mr.
ani Mrs. Nathan Buasard, 1526 East Florida, a boy, 1:30 a.m. Dee. 13, St. John's.
To Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thompson, 864 Lombard, a boy, 4:07 a.m. Dec. 13, St, John's.
To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Colvard, 711 North Fulbright, a boy, 4:42 Dee. 13. St.
John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Thetis Applegate, 2833 North East, a boy, 11:09 a.m. Dec.
13, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lundy, 1507 North Wabash, a girl.
12:35 p.m. Dec, 13, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Dale, Miller, a girl, 2:24 p.m. Dec. 13, St. John's. To Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stone, 1307 South Oak Grove, a boy, 2:56 p.m. Dec. 13, St. John's.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holloway, Marshfield, a girl, 10:19 p.m. Dec. 13, St.
John's, To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holloway, 1326 North Cedarbrook, a boy, 9:04 a.m. Dec. 14, St.
John's. To Mr. and Mra. Jess Vander Stek. 514 South National, aj girl, 10:05 p.m.
Dec. 14, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.
Guido Morris. Fair Grove. a girl, 12:39 a.m. Dee. 15, St.
John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mitchem, 2317 North East. a girl.
9:01 a.m. Dec. 12. Cox. To Mr.
and Mrs. David West, 1012 North Johnston, a boy, 2:09 p.m. Dee, 12, Cox. To Mr. and Mrs.
Stoeven Lyon, Baptist Bible College, a girl. 7:32 p.m. Dee, 12. Cox. To Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Ensing, 1646 East North, a girl, 8:06 p.m. Dec. 12. Cox.
To Mr. and Mrs. Don Shirley, 2850 West Elm, a boy, 1:19 p.m. Dec. 14.
Cox. To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Price, Elkland, girl, 2:431 a.m. Dee.
15, Cox. CHECK ALERT W. L. Butcher, 1152 West Hovey, reported theft of personalized checks on the Citizens Bank; 7:42 p.m. Sunday.
CIRCUIT COURT Petition granted to change names of Francis Y. and Inez McAlvain to Francis Y. and Inez Craig. Edward J. Varner against Dr.
R. W. Reid, damage suit in connection with auto accident; dismissed by stipulation, Dwight Lee against Larry Ray Hutton, damage suit: dismissed by stipulation. George Cotrill, doing business as Cotrill Brothers Lumber company, against Glenn H. Gerdes, doing business as Glenn H.
Ger. des Company, suit on commission; judgment for plaintiff for $2358.42. Vernie and Nada L. Mefford against Kenneth Earl Lea and others, damage suit; dismissed by stipulation. and Hazel others, Hanco*ck quiet against Gene Hanco*ck suit to title; judgment plaintiff.
George E. and June E. Williams against Larry J. and Joyce K. Richardson, suit on note; judgment for plaintiffs for $2418.
Janyce M. Cohen against Richard L. Cohen; divorce decree of Nov. 10 set aside and case dismissed Limited driving privileges granted to Lawrence E. Walton, John Lewis Hopkins, Carl Frank Doss and Raymond Lee Urfer.
Ned Cloud, doing business as Cloud Packing Company, against O. L. and Ruby M. Hall, doing business as Hall's Super Market, suit on account; judgment for plaintiffs for $2757.99. E.
0. Brunner against Stacy King, damage suit: dismissed by stipulation. John E. Bruton against General American Life Insurance Company, St. Louis, suit on contract; dismissed by stipulation.
Shauna June Gailey against Harold Joe Seiling, breach of promise suit; dismissed by stipulation. Georgia and James H. Boyce against Walter Heatherly and others, damage suit; dismissed by stipulation. Robert Schultz against City of Springfield. damage suit dismissed by stipulation, Stanley C.
and Georgia A. Wells against Carl Downing, suit to quiet title; judgment for plaintiffs. Central Mortgage Company, against Newton O. Duncan and others, special tax bill; judgment for plaintiff for $260.96. Mortgage Facilities, against Robert Wayne Eddington, suit on contract; dismissed by stipulation.
Ralph Lee Weatherwax against Tri-State Motor Transit and Willard Earl Dodge, Joplin, damage suit; dismissed by stipulation. Deborah Rips against Marlene and Helen Montgomery, damage suit in connection with auto accident; settlement of $2250 for plaintiff approved by court and case dismissed. Charles C. Meek, and others, doing business as Charles C. Meek Lumber Company, against Darrell L.
and Judy Peebles, 2949 Rocklyn, and others, suit to enforce mechanic's lien for $239.04. Jack Moore White, against McCallister Volkswagen, damage suit for $500; appeal from magistrate court judgment in favor of defendant. Barkley Charles C. Real Meek, Estate and others against Company, others, three suits to enforce mechanic's liens for, $3585.22, $3901.82 and $3967.79. Marriage Licenses Civil Cases Applications Dwight David Mashburn, 25, of 531 North Kansas, and Sharon Kaye Coiner, 17, of 937 Norwood Drive.
Richard Austin Hughes, 24, Independence, and Dian -Lee Sevra, 21, Osage Beach. Stephen Gano Cornwell. 21, of 847 Riverside, and Karen June Steele, 19, Route 2, Fair Grove. Lewell Douglas Gregory, 20. Route 1, Ash Grove, and Frances Elaine Julian, 19, Route 7.
ingston, Larry and Dean Miller, Jo 28. of 1546 East LivMarty Hopkins, 27, Independence. John Steve Whiteside, 23, Route 3, Delilah Sue Laws, 18, Elkhart, N.C. (Issued) David Elmas Davis, 22, Route 3, Rogersville, and Julian Marie Shivers, 26, Route 2, Rogersville. Charles David Bedsaul, 41, of 608 West Walnut, and Judy Lorraine King, 18, of 605 West Mt.
Vernon. Shelby Gene Teague, 23, Route 10. and Saundra Ann Witt, 26, of 521 North Park. (Three-day waiting period waived) James Lloyd Tinsley, 23, of 2641 Catalina, and Phyllis Dianne Laurence, 22, of 2342 East Linwood. William Richard Yancey, 20, of 2945 East Park, and Ann Marie Roe, 20, of 428 South Lexington.
(Issued) Gary Edward Fields, 20, of 1717 East Central, and Jutta Else Gah, 19, Augsburg, Germany. (Issued) POLICE CALLS Officials of Springfield Rambler Company reported theft of 1961 Rambler from lot at 637 College, 1:20 p.m. Friday. Larry W. Williams, 25, Route 1.
cited on petty theft complaint after manager at Crank Drug Store, Sunshine and Campbell, reported he failed to pay for vodka, 9:35 a.m. Friday. Manager of Parkview Apartments, 1400 South Campbell, gave police a blasting cap found on top of doorbell unit in an apartment, 11:45 a.m. Friday. Bob Zanzig, employed at Grandview Golf Course pro shop, reported theft of golf bag, four pairs of pants, four pairs of rain suits.
four sets of shirts and sweaters, 8:20 a.m. Friday. Mrs. J. C.
Arney, 770 South Warren, reported theft of daughter's coat, valued at $111, from car, 11 a.m. Friday. Kathryn L. Sperry, 42, Billings, cited on complaint of petty stealing signed by Officer Bob Sanderson, who said he saw her put 19 Christmas cards valued at $8.20 in her purse as she attempted to leave Crank's Drug Store, 220 West Sunshine; p.m. Friday.
Checking on complaint about loud at 2010 East Page, 2 a.m. Sunday, police learned a man -had tapped on a window with a shotgun in attempt to stop the party noise, and a disturbance then occurred on parking lot. Four Evangel college students reported they were driving on Glenstone, 12:55 a.m. Sunday, when several men in another car threw something at them. followed them to their dormitory, and started a fight.
One student, Dave Lupica; was treated for head injuries at Cox Medcial Center and released. William Taylor, 841 South Delaware, reported vandals broke car windshield, 12:25 p.m. Sunday. F. G.
Boswell, Route 2, Halfway, reported two car tires cut and antenna broken, 400 block Kimbrough, 6:20 a.m. Sunday. 1963 Mercury owned by Gene Mashburn, Route 8, reported stolen early Sunday, found abandoned in 1900 block North Jeffer501. Jimmy Dunn, attendant at service station, 2536 North Kansas, reported a man apparently took money bag containing $25 from desk drawer while his car was being serviced. 9:45 p.m.
Saturday. Jack E. Lewis. 20, of 2010 East Page, cited on complain of petty stealing signed by Steve Monroe, 1634 South National, relief manager for Crank's Store, 1500 South Glenstone: Monroe said Lewis took records valued at about $20; Saturday p.m. Bob Monroe, manager of Cranks, 220 West Sunshine, signed complaints of petty stealing against Bonnie J.
Kuhnel, 1835 South Thelma, and Elnor England Sherman, 48, Marionville; he said the former perfume valued at $5.08 and the latter took Christmas cards valued at $6, a valued at $3.98 and a dress valued a $3.50, Saturday, Officer Clifford Hall discovered burglary at Creek Auto Works Body Shop, 1445 East Trafficway; $7 to $10 had been stolen from a soft drink machine, an undetermined amount from desk drawers and several pen knives were stolen: 5:06 a.m. Monday. Officer Ray Fite discovered burglaries at service station at 1501. North Glenstone, where the coin box from a soft drink machine had been stolen, and Tyndall Drug. 2101 North National, where nothing was missing: Monday a.m.
Officer Clifford Hall investigated of a 43-year-old woman that her husband had entered her home and held at gunpoint for several hours, kicked her in the shoulder and then left the house: 2:40 a.m. Monday. A 22-year-old Springfield woman told officer Jerry Coday she was in her home with her baby when someone grabbed her and attempted to assault her; when the woman began screaming, the man got scared and left; entry into the house was gained when the man removed a window screen and opened the window: 11:40 p.m. Sunday, Billy Charles McDonald. Memphis, cited on complaint of careless and imprudent driving after his driving was observed by Officer Leonard Burns in the 2200 block North Campbell; the officer said McDonald forced him into a driveway and that he had to chase McDonald for several blocks at speeds up to 120 miles an hour before his car skidded into a tree at Camp.
bell and Atlantic; Saturday p.m. Building Permits County Walter Schmitt, carport. Route 5, $1000, Bill Bain. live-room dwelling, Route 1, Pleasant Hope, $16.000. Lee Kaiser, remodeling, Route 2.
Straf ford, $500. STATE PRISON This report compiled from information released by the Missouri Department of Corrections. Commitments Thomas Jefferson Reed, Alton, sentenced to two years Dec. 4 on guilty plea to bur- ASH GROVE Mrs. Nellie Y.
Rector, 75, of 853 South Weaver, Springfield, died at 12:50 a.m. today in Cox Medical Center where she had been a patient since Nov. 25. Mrs. Rector, a resident of Springfields since 1938, was a member of the South Street Christian Church and a member of Crescent Chapter No.
21 of the Order of the Eastern Star in Springfield. She also was a member of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. She is survived by her husband, Bemjamin Warner Rector, former deputy sheriff and marshal of Republic for several years; two daughters, Mrs. Wilma Clibourn and Mrs. Velma Blaydes, both of Jefferson City; two grandchildren, one greatgrandson, several nieces and nephews.
Arrangements are under direction of Doyle Daniel Funeral Home of Ash Grove. MRS. STELLA D. WILLIAMS Funeral services for Mrs. Stella Williams, 76, of Niangua, were to be at 2 p.m.
today in Niangua Christian Church with Rev. Brooks Todd officiSeating. Burial was to be in Niangua Cemetery under the direction of Moss- of Richland. Mrs. Williams died at 4:15 p.m.
Saturday in Pulaski County Memorial Hospital, Waynesville, following a short illness. She was a resident of TriCounty Rest Home. Survivors include two sons, L.A. (Bill) of Roach and Lt. Commander Jack Williams of Overland Park, three brothers, M.J.
Whittenburg of Lebanon and Claude and Sidney Whittenburg, both of Niangua; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. GEORGE DEWEY FINCH George Dewey Finch, 71, Route 3, Strafford, died at 10:40 p.m. Saturday in Cox Medical Center, following a short illness. Mr. Finch was a retired Frisco machinist 'and a lifelong resident of Greene County.
He was a member of the Bass Chapel Baptist Church and a member of the Royal Neighbors. Survivors include his wife, Pearl; one son, Donald of Alhambra, one daughter, Mrs. Retha Blades of Route 3, Strafford; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Ralph Thieme. MRS.
HARTLEY F. MARS FORSYTH Mrs. Dottie Mars, 62, Forsyth, died at 2 a.m. today in Skaggs Community Hospital, Branson, after a ling. ering illness.
Surviving are her husband, Dr. Hartley F. Mars; two daughters, Mrs. Robert Hamilton, Chicago, and Mrs. Stanley Tolle, Prairie Village, and five grandchildren.
The body will be at the Forsyth Funeral Home from 7 to 9 tonight, and then will be transferred to Evanston, for services and burial. The family suggests that memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society. REUBEN McGUIRE Reuben McGuire, 64, of 1810 South Missouri, died about 4 a.m. today in his home after suffering an apparent heart attack. A 20-year resident of Springfield, Mr.
McGuire was district agent for the Prudential Life Insurance Company and was a member of First Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Blanche and four sisters, Mrs. Irene Rogers, Tulsa, Mrs. L. L.
Seley, Hannibal, Miss Mary McGuire and Miss Sarah McGuire, both of 1254 East Arrangements will be announced by Gorman-Scharpf, Call, Write or Come to REINHOLDT GARDNER Members New York Stock Exchange For Stock Market Information 407 South Jefferson Phone 862-4363 A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Excellent Service Finest Quality Very Low Cost Ralph Thieme Funeral Service "Your Neighborhood Mortuary" CITY BUSES TO OUR DOOR Almost 40 Years of Good Service and Fairest Prices in Springfield 862-5505 1200 Boonville 50 50 3.