Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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Lewiston, Maine

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Ti UPiU ifeis I Ji Jo'- 4 i'il-'' -V (U -i )LEWI8TQN I AfivmtBJ warn seipaM laadvaa 4f i4rrtr tm IdvMMif VOLUME Established April 20 3861 1 f' 1 i Oar Oifer pwrnly Crwiyftoa Clothing etc U-i Dry 1 x-y -v a vLriih Xh9 Lewiston Journal Tfle EtejEUDgr Journal Tha' Centos WK wwfc paaoe" tioni with whieh wo war at evidently having in mind aeonrately stating tho condition of th Sooth to bo what ths reconstruction note assumed eleven States of the Union without legal elate Seven States Tennessee Arkansas North aad Sooth Carolina Florida Alabama and Louisiana ho informe ua have been uocceafully reconstructed on tha terms properly dictated by Congreae Virginia haring also aooepted these terms ho recommends that I Congress formally reoogniae her reocnatruotion by admitting her Senators and Bepreeentativra elect When Mississippi and Texas shall do tho as ho has no doubt they have practically determined upon in their resent elections he recommends that they also bo reorived For tho eleventh State Georgia which in defianoo of tho reoonatrnotion sets hao admitted rebels and do-ulared oolorod men ineligible to olEce and excelled them from the Legislature he propose a remedy sharp and decisive characteristic of the nan and affording evidence that while Grant is President the late rebel States must make np their minds to submit in good foith to the terms ff reconstruction His remedy whieh Congress sill undoubtedly batten to adopt is to authorise be Governor of Georgia to call together the orig-aal members ef their Legislature expelled Holered men and administer to them the th required by the reconstruction net which will exolude a number of ex-rebels and admit tha colored men aad then have them go forward and organise anew the State Saab an example as this will have a wholesome influence and praba-ily put a stop to farther attempt ft the South evade tho terms of reconstruction This curse of Gen Grant can but Inspire th most 1 omplete confidence in hi administration President Grant directs tho attention of Congress to our financial condition and suggests that naimuoh as wa an now not only meeting all the expenses iff government but also rapidly reducing our national debt it will soon be to the power of Congress to lessen the burdens of taxation yhieh ho takes occasion to suggest to grumblers rere imposed by a wicked rebellion Indeed in one direction particularly that of hardens imposed on commerce and ship-building he suggests immediate relief With reference to tho onrrency question he contents himself by simply recommending that measures be taken not to 1 at once at one blow bat gradually to payments This shows that Pres' Grant irow his Influenoe in fovor of a continuation of the policy which Secretary Bontwdl has pursued during the past six months by which ths premium on gold will be gradually brought down until resumption shall become easy I Among other recommendation of the President are the early funding of the national debt at a ijpwer rata of interest this reduction of tha income tax to 8 per et the authorisation of -a redemption iff greenbacks in a price to be Axed from time to time and finally to be at par tfie postponement of a general revision of the tariff and internal taxes to another year the increase of the salaries of a fow responsible revenue oiffioen tiiat entire repeal of the toareoLoffioo ejot and the taking of measures to secure th early completion of tho Darien Canal He opposes a new reciprocity treaty with Canada ndexprcae the heps that Great Britain will do juatioe lath matter Oftho Alabama claims Much as eveiy American la common with President Grant sympathises with tbs cause of tKe Cubans yet every candid man ean bat eon-4ead the eagarions suggestions of th Chief Magistrate with reforeaoe to th demand that th United State ehoold recognise tho rebellion In Cub It is- Mfloient to feay that to rcoognisc the Cuban insurgents In 'their present status vould not only Ibe ihoonsistent with international and comity but also to -acknowledge thiu England rand acted herself properly during the rebellion in thls bountry 0 It Is indeed a Mane of satisfaction and Vril tklculated to! inspire the fisllest eobfidenee in7 Wr Chief Magistrate that hn able" fa? srem the popnlar tide and even t- I A Si H1 1 -'V pfese his own sympathiesiii Oc'casa when notj pnsonaltrUhee batlatnstunialawmastidio tatie th policy of th aatioo: I ft fete lA I Th rays that'aa a man named Patrick tiaIa 4wa orooring' High tt atraeWcPorttoad ly merniBg' ho foll and Immediately bx dteearawae the It te etated faat Gov Gra Shoptey Is li orf for the apprintmaakae CUoM Judge' for aewUireuit of Maine New' pahira Mteeariioftette aad Bhdfr IslaaL ThftJniernatioaaiStramehip Col-havq canted jpireeftfWflriikral Bfc John N-IB4 the poet Ste rfk eleven months 121776 bbl floar lUdftslb 6 AAA mm A A A sn a on A Mlafa member wero toforred Committee reported IJlflada spemal order for Wedneeday A free bankiag bill wae pnoentod aadrefcnAbiUrMrganistogthftTroaeaiy Department aadf fiing aaterira thereia wae late-1 dooed and yeftrred to the pihtinV'' Mr Batlar ef Masaechiuetta infre-! dated a bill repealing tha tenure-f-affio aof Beforrad tathe Jadieiary Csmmitta A bill aboliahiag the freaking privilege was introduced and reforredte the Poet Offloe Committofa Sev- ami bills were introdooad acoong them one to re- peal the daty oh ooffce tea and'writlng'aad printing paper Itoftorred tCL the Committee on WayaandMeenE'Mr8teveuoE'-ef GL pie-eented a bill whieh war referred removing po- litioal disabUity form ex-rebels of SUtee- that hall ratlfythe 15tb exoept persons indioted for a crime in aid of rebellion or who wore gniity ef really to prfaionera Pros Grant's Hirst ftloasay The fint annul measage of Pres Grant like its distinguished anther is laoonlo frank phdfi and eminently jadieioos and praetioaL With-out single word for more effect or ornament In tha ftwest poeeible eentenees he plainly sett forth the condition and presents the waptft of the nation aid suggests praetioal teeans and meaaorea and when he has doae this ha stops While therefore we have the shortest memageerer presented to Congreae by a President we at the same time have onft fnli of practical enggestiona and entirely in harmony with the frank open common senes character and the previous sagacious and suBBSsefal parser ef its author- As we reed It we ere reminded of the earlier laconio epiatiee of the great general proposing surrender' or to fight it out on that and wa unconsoiotuly fiiul ourselvee placing the mum confidence in Grant the Chief Magistrate aa in Grant the Commander of our armies After aettteg forth in a fow brief strokes the unbounded resources of our country President Grant recalls th condition of tha country nt tha lose of the a rebellion which he takes to say in suggestive manner was Fall and Winter Goods i 50 EIOHAEDS -X of IIABOHAbLX SOON Have lueriwed a very fan' Moscow Heavers Eskimo Reavers Pur Beavers ChinchiUasi Cloalcings Scotch SuMtnffs Plaid Suitings TRICOTS IN ALL COLOSSI With a vary large line FANCY CA8SIMERE8 Adapted to the wants of all BOOTHBT Ctttorpro- at the shears perfeet satisfaction to all who fever hin with their patronagw A Very Large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing! tH ALL AT LOW THIGHS! Furnishing Goons! Hats Caps Ace of the gbopewillbe offered at the Lowest Market Prices RICHAMDS A MERRILL Lmriaton Oefabar SM 189 i Worli Reioni DQ Them Maohinesars Afepluf to Hoary rorlelgeJhsa-ily Sowing And Xasufitetaring JIOHABDS St mngBBTTT AOENTtl No 2 Journal Stock Lewiston Me octMeodfa PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Greatly Bedueed Prices Th undersigned would ifespeetfally infer lb ettfata of LewUton and vicinity that ha has a Well Selected Stools Ready-Made Clothing HATS CAPS AHD GBHTtf fUlHBHO GOODS which win be eoM at oory leer prices bargains hi alee OVERCOATS i whloh-w manunsetnre annelvea Also XARG-E ASSORTMENT Foreign American BEAVERS AND OASS whfaft we mu prepared to make up in the beat style under the supervision efth JOT Bates Beaver Remnants Having purebuoad the entire stock of tie tfaj weti known Btuvem they wUl bo odd at th MhHUIAO TDURV PBIOX8 and would therefcru tori th ut-tratiou of the Ladies in partfenlar who are in want of Cloak Vatten teesember the plsee No 23 Lisbon St IV'iil Pulve esxt New Hat anif Gap Store Just opeoad a Hew Btoek Of Cf-A-F-S UMBRELLAS i Undergarments Nedi Tie Sco in jrMohwfll baaeld a teuaawehle prises-1 Bilk Hats Blookedjtnd Made over at short xiotice IvbttV Fv GOUJLD US U8B0B STw 6ar Maaj UWX8T0B Oofc IB XSBft-aedtf 1st 63 XiiaboABtreet ysMis uk-: taW gg: iSPMe snlerilO Jc'S'l i COB FHE AID 8ZBBET8 Lewiston Maine aUtha Medarm Fimt Clem Hotel taj every Tbi and to It to bum tha Depots and tt thaoity gy Ho pain wM be eparel to Hama fer th Tourists wall aa a atomtaaf itndaelr of TERMS RKASOXABXJL WATXRHOUBB ft MELLKH Wamua Clerk MAINE HOTEL Auburn Mnine The above named hom*o has p-rtiiy tefaiutohefl awf to uSirt nuy hotel In tha fUraat srould Infers hto friends and th pubOa to ready toreeeivu transient or permans the advaategue ef new farnBnre good eleao eoft bed and a tab auppitod with good substantial toalargraaduanvuntontatal I the heet ol Jhoetirrs to attmdanna JAMBS DAYI8 Proprietor Anbwm May IE MSS iodtf wuhtba SAGU HOTEL Meohauie Falla Maine1 jr JPHAXH8 Proprietor The present proprietor having leased fltia flue hats! far a term of years would remeetfaily inform thopabUohoia now ready for business To travelers boarder or parties eensldertag the nice aeenmmsrtstione and moderate margm wa srould aay without Star of aosttradtotfan this Mala ataada witbout a rival Mechanic Mb Jan 16SB HOTELS All hotels keeping the DeUy Jeuntof regularly ou flla or'tha urn of their guest will be gratuitously advertised this ooinmn on their proprietors notifying us of the foot XKWlSTOir DaWrrt Waterhouse ft Motion Pnpriaton Asrumun Paine Proprietor Taauoa Housa 0 Tracy Proprietor AUBUKIT 9 ft AToung Proprietors Man Horn Davis Proprietor Arainuf Iivermora Proprietor IT ORTH AVRURH Monx Aunofef Honiii-W Hi Poster Proprietor BAHQOR Pusuur McLaughlin ft Bon Proprietor BATH Siiumwm Jerry Bhannnn Proprietor Batk Hotkl 0 Plummer Proprietor BETHEL Csuumua ft Chandler ft Cos Proprietors Auu A Btoakhridge Proprietor CARMEL Oabnbl Hows -B Pike Proprietor DAHriLLK JOfCTIOir Katoo House Grind Trunk Builwny Btatioa Clark Proprietor VIXriBLD Anaoaoooam John Jsektoe Proprietor Hatkmai Marble Proprietor TARHllTOTOl DEPOT Em Otilay ft Btaplee Proprietors IS LAS POND PT bum Poan Waterhouse ft Col Propria-iOMu LISBON FALLS AxsaoaooooiK Iittiefleld Proprietor LIVERMORE FALLS Bookomuka House Capt A Lane Proprietor OXFORD Lakh IloPia A ft Hind Proprietor MECHANIC FALLS EaoU Hathaaiel Peakes Proprietor 8XOWBEQA Tuusa Housa-J HI Humay Proprietor WEST WATEBPILLE Doardmaa Proprietor 8 IS MAY OO BROKERS JTO 3 LISBON bxxjbMt zxn riBTOH III i State Oounty Oily Paper fto Towa and Railroad Bonds HIGHB8T PBXOB PAID POR GOLD ABD SILT: BEAN ft STETSON 47 XAsbon St keep oouetantjy on hand GENERAL ASSORTMENT or Parlor Office and Cooking STOVES latest Improved Patterns HOI AIR TURN AC BB RBGI8TBR8 ft YBHTILATOBB LEWX8I0H ME A I Bsax Ermor A Great Fall in Prices Double Extra Flour $725! OWING TO THE LARGE AMOUNT OP TRADE IH flOUB GKOGBRISS fcO AT THE OOOPEEATIVE STOBE LISBON ST We can now seU and deliver anywhere in Lewiston or Auburn a Good Article of FAULT FLOUR FOR $W5! Working touts Own Starr eeatlOMWPtf FLOUR I FLOUR! XDireot from the "West EBCXITED AMD TO AERIYB 200 bblaExtra Superior 200 BflitFwxulj 100 -M Best Amber Double Ex Beat 8priiig Double Ex i--s- TfPkA faWaatfa WIibbHH1 9UiAlMA qIVMI I The above Phwf wmu uufahesea oireotarom the Mills if win aril thus at "WehtwualaathadUfcreatfradsa fe the City-Mils We have ala the dUhrent pads kUftRMd bW till' low! JDIHGLBYJEftCO i a 4' 1' I A- SwJsiW h- 'yit-V- Mid jiirimMV i-' bdscVHEYDinUDLf It tartohtah ostore and amkes fas haads lit Xt torsU Iwhito tv Dry Goods JPUECSA8EE8I WH HATE A YERY LARGI STOCK OS First- lass Dry Glroods I Bought during the ireent tightaem la tfc ket tor CAMS whisk enubliw alnudy know offer EXTEA INDUCEMENTS To purehasers Please eaU and ezamiao I jl rxirx lies or xxcx Paisley Shawls Joel Beoelved Particular Affoseffma to InoUoA to our CLOAKS BEAVER CLOAKINGS ft- Iiadies purchasing Cloth of us can have any style of Garment Gut and Fitted with but flow minutes delay WITHOUT CHARGE Good Fit warranted in every case JORDAN LITTLE 51 Lisbon Street Jjumber Wood aSc G-older LUMBER WOOD and GOAL Always aa hand a good PINE LUMBER Planed and kept under cover Shingle Clapboard Xafh fto SOFT "WOOD Oevu HARD AND PITTED TOR BTOYE Sausooed May axid Straw tt abh COAIiand CUMBEBIsAND of th beet qnalitiee ET Order a by nuMjnromptlfsttondad to THE Lewiston Steam Mill Company would respeotfany iafarm their at false that they havu to their aoilitiee FOB MANUTAOTUBINtt-JSUILDnrG LUKBEB A MACHIMB of the iatet improvumeuta fer making -a Mouldings Gutters They prepared tofundsk all klnda af Building Lumber at fair prices andwMh either line of BaOroad between g7 Orders Boston will be attended to wifa ANDi Dimnufea Luuifafi BeewHagJeerft 2 Floor Beards Xmtha SMnffloo end risnsd Clepfaerds JAMBS WOOD Agent mil tfeef aprM laul'oaieod Lumber at Lewiston -Saw Mill Sd Maonfeetwenand Wbainab and Betail Dealers In IiUMreii i -r' Would rmpeotfally announee to their nunseimii the pubiln that they ere enuehmtly uieusifarfwnngu have oo hand far eel all kinds of -I ilv Short Lumbar Long and eoniftitfitf of Beards Pfsak Dfewailt Luoifarba beard IMagU jCSr JWofaof jfa beet quality to any quantity and at th la any quantity anf Pntw All klu of I i1 PLAMDfG JOIHTIHG X0HQVXIH8 AHD GR08YIHG DOHH XH XHB BBBI MAHHXE IPU PBP SSBWHB VMi BfaNfa MBW MWNPf nfWVUh Karros Paormuvo: Sill Dlnglp Jr- Fraak Li Dimgtey 1)5 Trui Oorrospoadinf Editor 'X'lse igyanlntf Journal lltuei daUr (Botay -xoepSM) at lt lC wipT noo odiuoo lTta fOlimnWo and tud th tin mt Th noon adlUon (Mug trtvgrapM wiw 'UP to that hoar far airenfatfaaoatha bid Srtfao an toth Portland and and flrra irm -nd to twtofa having with rruak The edltJoota far an the and fa all peiataaaat cuoaocUan with the rol to OFM Si fr local Ulrrt liitellig telerP TrrmM $7 yrr year or SLT6 far three m-tha qr aeir year or $2 for three month by earrlere In i Jne $1 additional per year if Mt paid In ac NopP KOI by mall for a period lea than sin which $1 1 Stumr rthrea cenu oedSng ubtrml tjnn to loaf far amended 26 0nt- dmawimenta 1 J'rnaI always be toand at Waurrillei Bixby 4 and Dyer ft Oaah-IufN rtowhnPiniawJ ofaewibeyaonth Maine Central an-cln and P- K- fiic Weekly Journal iLeof the Lancet Paper In Hew England to faaoadln I tm erery Thureday uwxninc with a fall dlgeat of Lotl and General Hewe Miaoellany he fte in i $380 Jrr rear Ikon which 0 eente fa iftlucted far advance payment Tenaa of advwrtlahif $1 yt uare far fint Insertion and 50 eenta far sad snoceed-i- iueertion 36 psr cent estra far speolal notices t'l cununanieatloos should be addressed to the Pnhllah-r Uwiatoa Me UMes in Jovnaai Block Bui or Icanaa Of DINGLEY Jr ft Co FaUlnhon 'Hie Daily ournal FOR 1870 1 Publtaben of the Cwenfny Journal are happy to 'i-iuuia-e that they hare perfected arranfementa whieh iddlargdy tothe Interest of the DoU Journal dar-i the ensuing year With additional sseietsnoe fan Oorreeposidente and ao juoipiished Beporters sre ean praniee faatea -un-i Of TATK CORKKdFOHBKNCB STATE NEWS BUM MART RELIGIOUS IMTELLIGEHOE CITY AHD OOUMTT HBWB TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS and Correspoadenoe from all parts of the country with teports of all matters of lnteraat throughout the 'iou- will be made more complete Uian tear It la son Shortly presented to the pnbtle aa embodying the spicy md newsy feature eonuspondsnee fte whloh the people tt Ralne Our daily reporta of Maiheta Legfsle re and Cougseestonal mattora with fall daily Ermmrr cf News in the State and Country am confessed to bo Just what Main men able to eommunlnate with daily mails minim The Everting Jounsaf goes to Oxfard Pranklin Cumbortand Kennebee and Indeed to nearly all parts die Bute intersected by Railroads and Daily Stages on the lay of publication thus bringing 13 hours later Telegraph News than morning papsn accompanying the san OUR FRIHCIFIilGS Our direiiari' sir of current topics will be canduoted inn aud proyrveaive spirit aiming to Inculcate truth Irate temperance morality and religion and lore to all gtn Believing in the language of the eClamtion of Indo-jwudencv that all men are created equal and have certain alienable rights we shall at all times make vigorous ear upon every farm of oppression and advocate equal elr I rights far alL this line we intend to fight it JOURNAL The Evening Journal la published dally (Sundays ltd) in three editions each giving Latest Intelligence by auil and telegraph Term i $700 per year by aaail $t00 by carrier lelivmd in Lewiston or Auburui far months $X-T6 3 mouths by mail $200 far mouths by rrma Invariably in advance A Maine Newspaper The Wtokl Journal is emphatically a Main Hewspapor Uving the moat complete eummaiy of Msdne news of any pa-va imblahed inti State Wo employ Corrsepondenta at warty an the prominent prints and intend to emit no ss-KMe or effort to make the Journal unsurpassed in this Department To the Maine man abroad the Journal is in-nluable The Wtokl Journal baa been enlarged to a quarto Lett near the else and farm of the Mew York Tribune bus enabling us to perfect all of our LEADING- FKATURK8 Our summary of domestic and fceulgn news gives a eye view of events transpiring abroad and at home aadour corespondents famish the readess of tha Journal with the lading points ef interest In Hasten How York Washington md tht Orest Wes We have also arranged to hav an Inlsreatlng foreign Correspondence during the ensuing year Terms 50 cents dedusted far advance paymsni r'uk should be addressed to the publishers NELSON DIMGLBT Jsu ft Oo Lewiston Maine Mi8cellaneoi8 It DRESSES Counsellor at- Law AUBUEM ME XTOiBce eecood doer from the Bridge septlOeodtf Ticket Agency Tickets for tke Vest and Northwest Through Tickets for California ris Psoifio hailroad Fare from Lewiston First class through $15640 Fint dan to BnfEhlo Third dasa from thence $7940 EEAVE BOOTIISr AffOn Eseriuia Kzrasaa Orncu juijlcodlf tfihnoulh Plants Harr Iso ST GKOR'JK conk AID onu (90101 1BAVM St Louis Flours Also a good assortment of Michigan Illinois ss-rui Iowa White and Bed WheatFloura in Store and fer sale by -OimiOJV FIERCB A CO PwU Oct lfa-edtf Important to Manufacturers A tbet wsa Spinning Machinery ean aavo TS TpT tha oil tint they now uee on their franx rp their framed and floor neat and elean by using SELF-LUBSIOATINQ Spindle Bolsters now in use xn Machina Oo M's i at: Trank lln Lowell SBABTUS AC Hu 10 Market Bquuu Prevideueek onaedSei -jtOv Lewiston Wedxxesdftj Deo 81869 1 2- Tff jEBITIQN i flVVf'v I 3fi i t-Ihn kibwi rat oCSt: JahaN ara eloaad The PhQaddphia Exohahfe t)UUdinf vu baris ta Toe lL Aa BngjilM Company 3 to lay telegraph eabla fraca India to Australia Dntitf'M irsa will probably be ltpt the aame bot on iteel irlll ba Inureaaed The Califbroia Legialatore organiied Monday by the oholoa of damoeralio ofSoer Brig JohnLawia from St John for Cuba waa totally loaton the night of th' lat test Crew saved' The Hadaon ri ver at Troy waa skimmed over with thick ice im Sionday nlght and navigation appears to be pnctioally eloaad Tha Flour Mills on Commercial Boston wort burned' Tuesday Tha aeotten of the Internet tenal Bailroad '-bo-tween Dorohnter andSaok ville If: A wlU be reopened fiiTtraffio on tha 18th teat Tha Vioeroy of Egypt has a assured a delegation from Manohester that ha hi making preparation to too ream the ootton crop in Egypt Anetria demande tha oonaent of the Raaaian power to oroas th Tarkiah territory that aha may reach Dalmatia by land and extinguish the rebellion In that province The report of the director cf the mint gives the total coinage for tha last fiscal year aa follow: Gold $21828188 silver $840746 nickel oopper and bronse $1279065 Twenty-three cargoes of wheat were ehi pped to England from Ban Francisco daring the month of November Ths total exporto for the same month won' 651748 uoka of wheat and 87000 barreli of flour The defonoe of tha doup d' ttal of 1861 by in the rreneh Corps LegisUUt Tuesday On Monday an extraordinary eounoll waa held at the cleae of whhdt all the members tendered their resignations to the Emperor The British steamer Seat Indian from Aspte-wall Nov 25th bring reports of rich gold discoveries in the district of Chantalaoo Nioaragna by a party of Englishmen The aggregate wright of tha nuggets already taken out are said to bo about two hundred pounds A correspondent of the New York Clipper named Geo Douglass was severely beaten nt 8L Louis Tuesday by Mike MoCoole and Tom Kelly the prise fighters in eoneequenoe of some strictures in one of letters Edward alien friend of Douglass was also badly beaten MoCoole aud Kelly were arrested While a paannger train the Pennsylvania Central Bailroad waa detained at Manor 8 Cation Tuesday by a alight aeeidant a freight train ran into the rear end smashing this passenger and tws- freight ears and an engine One of the freight brakemen waa killed and the engineer injured One passenger wae mortally wounded and four others Slightly wounded Since the refusal of Saoietry Boutwell last week to sell gold tees than 122 there has been more firmness in specie and gold has advanced to 1224 closing on Tuesday at 1284 Money oontinueeoloale at 7 per cent on call and 12 per oent on time Government bonds are firm Flour continues about the same Business generally is quiet with fow buyers of Merchandise The election for Mayor Aldermen Assistant Aldermen Police Justices and School Trustees passed off in New York Monday without any disturbance of importanoe Little interest was manifests! in tha resqlt by the majority iff the oitiiens and the vote waa light Tammany was victorious in every quarter and Mayor Hall will oonttaue in office two yean more Bereral ar-rests won made for attempts at illegal voting The menage of Pres Grant wae transmitted to Europe by sable and published Tuesday with comments of English papers on that portion of it relating to the Alabama claims The Pall Mall Gaietta says England baa done all aha ean and time will amend Amerioan sensitiveness dneh events as the demonstrations in honor of Mr Peabody will tend to mitigate irritation The Taxette oonoludeo that the menage on tha whole la friendly and thinks the President's suggestion that new negotiations be entered upon to prevent similar trouble will be approved in England Mr Merrill of Maine was agreed upon Monday in the republioan Congressional Canons as ohairman of the Committee on Appropriations and also as member of the Library Committee in both eases vice Fessenden deceased Goa Schars was agreed upon to supply the vacancy in the Committee on Foreign Briationo vies Fessenden deoeased Mr Anthony was nominated as ohairman of the Committee on Naval Affaire in plaoe of Mr Grimes bat Mr Anthony do- dined bring chairman of the Committee' on Printing Mr Cragin who was next in order of members was then agreed upon Mr Anthony however remaina member of the Naval Cbmmittee CONGRESSIONAL Tho seeond ion of the 41at Congress eon-vened at Washington Monday noon 65 Benatora aad 170 Representatives being -present At 12 Vice President Colfax called tho- Benato to order Mr Morrill of Main was sworn in Tho credentials of the Virginia senators were aid on the table Uie House was called to order by Speaker Blaine Pres Grant's meange was reorived and read in both branches In the Senate' Mr Cameron presented the petition of 80000 Pennsylvanians for the recognition of Cnba Mr William of Oregon intend ooed a bill virtually prohibiting Chinese immigration on this oontraot system making such ooutraeta a miedemeapor but not interfering with voluntary Chinese immigration A bill providing for exeontion of tho jtewa against polygamy in Utah was Introdooad Laid on the tables A Jrill introdnoed foq tha jreoonatrajtion of-Georgia aad providing for the oonveoteg of itb jridlegis-' lature under oertaiaoonditicnalstovniatioa as to the Bod Bivsr Canada rebellion was ealled for-Mr Morton iatrodMsd resolution dshlariog Virginia restorsd to her1hormsl kelitious with tho TTnon und entitled' 'to a raprseeutatien tn Congress whloh web laid over lf Eumner ifa traduced a bill to amend ttie'i hanking uiand to j- ir- S'- ir i pramots a team ts apeci payment t4t repeals tbo Ufaitation'i of aasounL pf national bank obteeand permilsth Beoretesy pftikfaTreasUry tqtene additional note equl Je amount to the gfieojwphtigetiMdbjinl'DH toVfzoesd $G9 JXEUi 99A eMBpsnoeribtedueod a MU tor fiwoeeqoal rights MrCarp9qtsr va9blll teprar: A 'mn j- --i tm MATTERS AT NORWAX AND riclNlTT NonwAT Dee 6th 1869 Totko ElOaro of tho Lomiotan Notwithstanding the ecld and atoray weather bf limt week theTeeobrs' Iaatitnte wae quite olly attended The new echbol-eyatem attempted to introdnoed with th aid of th proper authorities trill doubtless proto very beneficial to the rising generation though boom think orpretmid to thiakthat ths present is good enough' 'All the learning they poems was rr-erived In that iraj jurija jimilar jmrthod is good cnongh for tbeiroMMrenTBata ndteal obaage soon be' made or not one school is a men trill be worth the rouble it Rqairoo to tart it a -i A young led acrid en tally Ml late the mill pood one evening last keck and1 narrowly escaped drowsing Hie erica Speadiy brought aarititaabe but aathe night wae dark a considerable tiara rinsed before ha was reeeued though he remained in tho water bet a fow minute he wea nearly ohQlod to death when taken eat A cooper's shop at South Parte wra deetroyod fir last Saturday ovoaiag Tuuday JUorning-It is snowteg foot aad has been ainoo dark bat night The roads ara piled fall of huge drifts Gil Oar Tori Cssaijr CsrrpSnM EENNEBOEE ITEMS Kmmnvnx Dae 4 1869 Totko Editor of tho Lomiotan Journal! Th 8eo River Toaohoro Acranial Ion has bon in arwion hero this week Bute Bupt Jobneoa was present and Prof Allen of Pennsylvania It wae a very pleasant aad profitable gathering Tho sadden death of Capt Tfm Wiliam of this plaoe by foiling from a ship staging raosat-ly ha east a glocm over th plaoa Tho Congregattonaltets hav about finished the repairs on th outride Cf their house of worship They have now on of tho most beautiful spins in tha county Tho Methodists hold a tea-party Thureday evening Deoember 9th Deo 14th and 16th tho Pork County Evangelical ChristianAasoriation meet here This te composed of all the evaagdtoal mlabters in tho eouatyVith ddegateo from all the ehurohes This Association has been organized some four yean Morsix Hnttar tm Hals A slab has boon orgaxlsed at Watcr- rilla Tho Bath Times urge rigid investigation Into th alleged paper credit fraud The Portland Pram reports the snow considerably drifted In plaocs in that city The Bath Times te expecting that that city will be visited by ths Portland Light Infantry ihte week Mr Aaron Baker of Riohmondhas lately kilted a pig right months and four days old whloh weighed 402 pounds The Bangor Whig says that th body of young Beau who waa drowned at Paseadumkoag on Friday ha been recovered The schooner CL Morrison of East port was andonod in tho storm of Saturday off Portland bat veseaod Sunday The Portland Pnra oaya that Dr Abtel Hall a well known and venerable physioiaa te lying very iok at his house in Alfred Benjamin Merrill esq of Alfred te also in feeble health Th 8 railroad hav nearly completed a first-class restaurant at tho Kennebunk station aad Now Tear's Day will probably see It la running order and ready to aooommedats its patrons Th Argus says that the Portland polios Monday nigfatfbund a man drank in tho streets with $250 in his pookets the last of several hundreds ie had just reorived with his discharge from the army in a SouthernBCate The Times says that a lad raven years ef ago named Fred Everard and son of Lewi Evorard white at play Saturday afternoon on Mono's wharf near tho North steam mill Bath di late tha river aad was drowned The Press says that last Thursday afternoon' boy named Henry Bay aged thirteen yean of Portland waa snapping pereumion capo on a stone wheft on of them flow into his left eye destroying ths right of it fonver Tho Teaehen Institute to bo held ol Bridg-ton commenced Monday It Will oontinue five days Hon Warren Johnson Prof Cruttendca Dr Trot Webb esq Prof Lord aad Prof Gilman will bo present daring th th Tho Bath Times says that ths Chapel Of ths Wesley church of Bath'wao dodieatsd on Sunday by appropriate otremoates Th building te a very good on aad will seat about 400 people Work on the church will bo la th spring A Portlander throws odd water upon ths statement that Samuel Tesgno of Bath was th first submarine diver in 1887 Ho states that a Mr Norerora went down in Portland harbor ia 1884 in aa armor ofhte own invention similar to thora need at present Mbs Delia William a daughter of Mr James Williams of Gardiner' who hao been a great sufferer from disease of tira knee joint and eofino4 to her bod for two yean past had th thigh amputated teat Wednesday one of her fingers wae also taken off at the dams time The Main Central Bailroad Company hav jut oomplatad at Waterville a lrrgo eattlc bare whioh will hold 800 head Also a yard that will hold 700 cattle This te a very convenient arrangement as assay cattle are shipped from that plaoe and daring storms and eokl weather all kinds of stoek ean be housed learn from th Portland Press that the schooner Mary Alio was loot off Beef near Portland In' tho storm of teat Saturday The Capt and jhreo men wen lost' Th Mary Alice? wa oohoonor of aboat' aiiwty tons burden and rained at about $6000L 8hs was engaged in carrying lumber from Liaeoln-ville in this State to New York and returning with ooaL': -f Th Portland Prcu'rayo ihatlaat Sunday afternoon a Jltthi after fire Moobm scamp removed apana of glass from tho window fro stoiro ra Factory blaad? Booo ooenpted by Joha- toaLul a glass and erockary-war store and rioto abat- $60 worth 'of dug off tite'pntty Wttli 'VkBifr tift vth jglsra oom out The thtevrahavo'aoi yt Mes armted thooghi oertaa penoas $ro vhmently suopeeted 5 I David Cterk of KraMbsakprat hra a krai laid sad from la bis Alp yard for 4 ship 1800 toBwhlehl raatom plate bn lldlg neat ''ran-f on Clrk Is bonding a ship 1400 to for -CoLWUim Thompson to bo offJa Fskaary Mr-Cltfk ia alas repairing Brigantine Nora of KiA jmri upper 6okfnew tabln bulwark ftro'hrinff put la and a a fe will bo rated wril for an old loam from the Pretlaad Argus i 1 i.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.