The Marysville Appeal from Marysville, California (2024)

THE DAILY APPEAL: MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1893. the Early Days of cod-liver oil its use was limited to easing: those far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo, phosphites of lime and soda has rendered the oil more effective, easy of digestion and pleasant to the taste. Prepared by Scott Bowne, N.

Y. All druggists, DRUG STORES. SELLING LOW FOR CASH G. HORNUNG, 72 street, between Second and Third, MARYSVILLE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Perfumery, Paints, Oils Varnishes and Brushes, At prices as low as the lowest and quality guaranteed.

Manufactures the well-known Ague Pills, Cough Mixture, Rheumatic Mixture, Condition Powders, Sherry Wine Bitters, etc COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Agent for Humphrey' Homeopathic 8pecifica ienidwt! J. A. WOODWARD, DEALER INDrugs, Fte.

PHYSICIANS PRESCR PTIONS A SPECIALTY. FINE WINES LIQUORS. I carry the largest and best selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, SUNDRIES, AND FINE LIQUORS AT LOWEST PRICES. Call and Examine Our Goods and Prices. Corner opposite Rideout's Bank.

my27dwtf J. A. WOODWARD fo THE UNFORTUNATE. DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary, 623 KEARNY STREET corner of Commercial, San Francisco, Cal.

Established in 1854, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such AS GONORRHEA GLEET, STRICTURE, SYPHILIS, all its forms, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCY and Lost Manhood, permanently cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtainIng a great deal of valuable information, which he is competent to impart to those in need of hi services. The Doctor cures when others fail Try him. DR.

GIBBON will make no charge unless he effects a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT HOME. All communications strictly confidential. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Call or write.

Address DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1957.

San Francisco. Cal. oct23tf BANKING HOUSES. The Rideout Bank Authorized Capital, $500,000 Paid Up Capital, 250,000 N. D.

President NORMAN RIDEOUT. Vice- President C. 8. BROOKS. Cashier DIRECTORS: N.


Exchange on the Principal Citics of Europe. This Bank has special facilities for ettending to collections on points in Northern California. DECKER, JEWETT CO BANK. No. 60 Street, Marysville.

Paid Up Capital, 150,000 ELLIS Vice-President President Cashier DIRECTORS; J. H. JEWETT, W. T. ELLIS C.

BINGHAM, V. E. KNIGHT, THOMAS DOUGALL. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS CORRESPONDENTS; American Exchange Bauk, New York. Anglo-California Bank (limited), San Francisco National Bank of O.

Mills Sacramento. Colusa County Bank, Colusa. Bank of Tehama County, Red Bluf. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Northern California Bank of Savings, MARYSVILLE, CAl Guarantee Capital, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. J.


ECK DIRECTO ts. J. U. Hofstetter, Justus Greely, G. R.

Dan P. Donahoe Norman Kideout, Dan T. Cole C. A. Glidden.

Deposits in amonnts from $1 upwards re. ceived No entrance fee charged. EE-SAW CIGARS lave You Ever Smoked Them! TRY ONE FIVE CENTS. Pat Cotter Sells Them. Next to U.

A. Hotel, street, Maryerille This Date in History--Jan. 12. 1519- Maximilian emperor of Germany, died. 1583- The bloody Duke of Alva died in Lisbon, aged about 90; while ruler of the Netherlands he put some 18,000 "heretics" to death.

1737 -John Hanco*ck, statesman and "signer," born in Quincy, died 1703. C. Lavater, writer ALVA. 1801-John on physlognomy, died in Zurich. 1872-Jean Gilbert Victor Fiolin, duke de Persigny, died at Nice, aged G4.

1874-Surrender of Cartagena, Spain; tho Carlist war assumed serious proportions. 1875 -Thomas E. Bramlette, war governor of Kentucky, died; born 1817. Young-Tchi, emperor of China, died, aged 1890-Lord Salisbury sent a threatening note to Portugal, causing the latter to recede from her position concerning Africa: popular demonstrations in Lisbon and threats against England. 1891-Baron Georges Eugenie Haussman, famous engineer, died in Paris.

Clara- am sure that George loves me and will make me his Jennie "Has be proposed "He has not exactly proposed, but know he is going to. There is one thing that convinces me of it." "What's that?" "His antipathy to dear mamma." Texas Siftings George Francis Train says that the word "damn" in Asiatic and synonymous with banana. This may explain the use of the word some times when a man slips on a banana Utica Herald. What it Sounded Like-Mrs. Windleigh -Gracious me! that stone crusher sounds like a pandemonium.

Courtney -I think, mamma, that it sounds more like a dentist buzzing hole in your There are still over 15,000 survivors of the Mexican war who are still drawing MARYSVILLE MARKET. January 11th. FLOORWHEAT No sales Flour, wholesale 00 Cornmeal, yellow 2 50 Corn 1 00 1 15 Barley 75 80 8 Bran, ton, wholesale. 16 00 Ground barley 180 1 05 Middlings, wholesale 20 00 POULTRYHens, wholesale 00 5 00 Turkeys, wholesale live. 14 15 Turkeys, dressed 18 19 PRODUCEButter, ranch Petaluma, roll 60 65 Eggs, doz 30 Silver 1 10 Potatoes Sweet Potatoes.

75 00 Salina Burbanks 25 Cabbage 80 1 00 1 00 40 HAYBest, ton. 9 Second best 7 00 8 00 MEATSBeef, dressed, Mutton, dressed, Veal, dressed, Pork, live, wholesale Eastern sugar-cured hams 16 California hams 13 Bacon, 100 tbs 11 Lard, wholesale, Cal 12 FISHSalmon 10 Flounders: 10 15 Herring 7 10 Crabs, doz 2 50 A running account at a store soon gets ahead of a man's pocket in go-as-youplease race. -Picayune Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy try Electric Bitters. If la grippe left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters.

This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those orare afflicted with sick headache, you will gans A to perform their functions. ji you find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c, at J. A.

Woodward's drugstore. 6 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUIT, ETC. W. T. ELLIS SON, Wholesale Grocers AND- Liquor Dealers.


114 Third street, corner of High, MARYSVILLE, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN- All Kinds of Country Produce FI. F. HYDE. FISH, EGGS, FRUIT, GAME, BUTTER, PRODUCE, POULTRY, CHEESE, GROCERIES. Third street, opposite City Hall.

-Fruits and Vegetables receired fresh every day. H. FALK, Corner of Third and streets, Marysville, Cal. Headquarters for all kinds of DRIED FRUIT, London Layer Raisins, Stemmed Raisins, Thompson Seedless Raisins, IN SACKS OR BOXES, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. PRICES: WAY DOWN! n27tf SEEDS.

SEEDS. THE selection of the seeds is the most important part of gardening. No matter how favorable all other conditions may be, poor seeds means certain disappointment. GOOD SEEDS, Reliable Seeds, That is what every farmer and market gardener is looking for. Lipp Lumbard sell seeds that are as TRUSTWORTHY As seeds can be.

Garden seeds, flower seeds and bulbs of the most popular varieties. Good seeds. Don't forget the place: LIPP LUMBARD, Grocers, Third street, Marysville. 12. LIVERY STABLES.

THE GRANITE STABLES, Second street and Maiden lane, MARYSVILLE. Handsome Carriages and Good Driving Stock. Transient custom well treated. Hacks for funerals and private parties. oct9ti GEO.

L. JENKINS. Proprietor. California Feed and Sale Stable, Corner of Fourth and streets, P. KELLY Proprietor.

Baled hay for sale. Teamster trade solicited. Large corral for their accommodation Horses boarded -day, week or month. Best of care at Reasonable Rates. my2stf Marysville Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, STREET, BET.

FOURTH AND FIFTH. HORSES at BOARDED reasonable BY THE rates. DAY, WEEK Special attention given to transient custom. myltf J. G.

GILLESPIE, Proprietor CENTRAL STABLES, LOCATED ON AND HIGH STREETS, Reopened under an entire new management. LANE BROS, Proprietors. LIVERY OUTFITS. HORSES F' boarded by the day, week or month. Large sunny corral connected with the stable.

Our rates are reasonable. Give us a call nd get -alue repoived v25tf Where Do You Put Your Team Up? When you come to town you, generally speaking, put your team in a stable, that's right. Your object is to give them a rest, and they get, as well as yourself, some refreshment. The Next Time You're In Suppos'in you try Bennett's Stable, corner Third and streets, and see what kind of shape your team is turned out in when you get ready to go home. My word for it, they'll step high.

Large open mangers, plenty of first-class hay and a chance to be generally comfortable will do the work. A horse likes comfort just the same as a man, and will repay his owner for a little attention. I'm in the business to see that he gets just that attention. T. P.

Bennett, Third street, Marysville, (near C). First-class Livery Turnouts at short notice. LINES OF TRAVEL. MARYSVILLE LAPORTE STAGE LINE, STAGES LEAVE FOR BANgor, Brownsville, Hansonville, Strawberry Valley, LAporte and -Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 A. M.

Arrive from above points Tuesdays, Thurslays and Saturdays, connecting with all traine. Marysville and Camptonville Stage Line. stages leave for Brown's Valley, Oregon House, Dobbins' Ranch and Bullard's Bar, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 A. arrive from bove points Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. For passage and freigh: apply to W.

C. BURROUGHS, Agent, jy24d wtf Office, U. 8 Hotel. Maryaville. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY COMMENCING Tuesday, November 1, 1892, TRAINS WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS M.

(DAILY) "OREGON EXPRESS 1:00 for Red Bluff, Redding, Sissons, Ash land, Portland, Oregon, and East. 2:25 PRESs, (DAILY) via Roseville CALIFORNIA Junction, EX for Sacramento, Benicia and San Francisco. 4:55 knight's Landing, to Passenger Woodland, Train Davis via and Sau Francisco. Connects at Woodland for Willows, Fruto, Tehama and Redding; at Davis for Sacramento. A.

M. DAILY) Local Passenger Train 8:40 via Roseville Junction, for Sacramento. Connects at Sacramento as follows: At 10:40 A. M. for Lathrop, San Francisco and San Jose, via Niles, connecting at Lathrop with the 'NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS" for Los Angeles, Deming, El Paso, New Orleans and East; at 3:05 P.

M. for San Francisco. via Benicia; also for Santa Rosa and Calistoga; at 5:50 P. M. with "LOS ANGELES EXPRESS' for Fresno, Santa Barbara and Los Augeles.

Connectsat Roseville Junction As follows: At 12:40 P. M. with the "ATLANTIC EXPRESS for Ogden and East; M. with Local Train for Colfax: at 9:43 P. M.

with the "EUROPEAN MAIL" for Ogden and East. 12:01 P. M. (DAILY) Mixed Train to Knights Woodland and Davis. P.

M. (DAILY) Local Passenger Train 5:10 to Red Bluff and all way stations, P. M. (DAILY except Sunday) Local senger Train to lioneut, Falermo, Oroville and way stations. P.

M. (DAILY) Local Passenger Train 9:35 to Honcut, Palermo, Orville and way stations. OVERLAND TICKETS SOLD, Sleeping Car Berths Secured, -AND-Full Information Regarding Transcontinental Routes Furnished on Application. Parties can arrange to join the Semi-Monthly FAMILY EXCURSIONS over Sunset Route by corresponding with G. H.

BAIRD, Agent. A-Street Depot, Marysville. RICHARD GRAY, T. GOODMAN, Gen. Traf.

Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt. RESTAURANTS.

002 MPIRE RESTAURANT, Corner Second street and Maiden Lane. Eastern Oystars in every style. Meals at all hours. Private rooms for Ladies and Families. H.

BORZONE. Prop. STEAKS, CHOPS, OYSTERS, CA BE HAD AT ALL, HOURS AT the EBERLEIN SALOON, southwest corner of Mailen Lane and Third street. Coffee and Cakes, teu cents. Call once and you will come again.

WILLIAM WARREN. d8tf Manager. WHY BOTHER By baking bread at home when you can get 24 Large Loaves FOR $1 AT DOBLER'S BAKERY. Waterworks Building, Marysville. Free delivery to all parts of the city.


R. YOUNG, AUCTIONEER Will Attend to Sales in Yuba and Sutter Counties. STRICT ATTENTION TOALL SALES -Office at U. S. Land Office.

ap2ldwti WILLIAM LEECH, Live Stock -AND--GENERAL AUCTIONEER Will make sales in any town or county in the State of California. New and second- Furniture of all kinds bought and TE THIRD STREET, MARYSVILLE.annocito Carrot store UNDERTAKERS A. B. HOPKINS Funeral Director and Embalmer, East side of street, four doors south of Rideout Bank. MARYSVILLE, Cal.

A COMPLETE always on STOCK hand; OF also COFFINS Shrouds ANI every description. Orders from city or country will receive prompt attention, day or nigh -Telephone No. 8. Designs furnished and orders taken fo Coral pieces. jal6dwtf COUNTY CORONER.

R. E. BEVAN, (Suceessor to A. P. Barnes), Undertaker and Embalmer Street, between First and Second RELIABLE ATTENDANT PRES ENT DAY AND NIGHT.

A BOOK FOR EVERY MAN Only $1.00. Strength! Vitality? THE SCIENCE OF LIFE KNOW THYSELF. Or SELF -PRESERVATION. A new and on Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS an PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASE: and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 3001 pages, clotl gilt: 125 invalumbie prescriptions.

Only $1.0 by mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospectus with endorsem*nt or the Press and voluntary FREE! SENT testimonials of the cured, NOW Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat sent. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER PAIN CURE. Address Dr.

W. H. Parker, The Peabody Med cal Institute, No. 4 Bulfinch St Boston, Mass. The Science of Life, or Self preservation, is treasure more vi table than gold.

Rend it now every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learnt De Medical Review. Tho Specific YOUNG MEN. A by ents fail, cases 1 el stricture, it matter being ani how tedicine postpaid has receipt internal PRICE $3.00 Sanjose, Cal of For sale by Woodward, Leading Druggist CANCERS. A on Practical Cancers. Treatise Their origin and method of treatment mailed free upon receipt of postal.

Drs. D. H. 8. M.

D. Stockham, 765 Thirteenth 4t Oakland TRADE CURE MARK YOURSELF! Iftronbled with Gonorrhea Gleet, Whites, BIG Big or The your doctor. without any G. guaranteed Universal the It druggist nunatural aid cures not or for Non-poisonous in American to a discharge publicity few bottle stricture. Cure.

of days ask and of a Manufactured by The Evans Chemical Co. CINCINNATI, O. U.S. A. PRice 1.00 sale by J.

A. Woodward, Leading Drug gist." n27-ly MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. COME. Let Us Reason Together.

WE PRESENT Five reasons why people who want Crockery and Fine China Hoods sho. Id call on White. Cooley Cutts before purchasing. FIRST--We San have the goods, having the largest and best stock north. Francisco.

-We buy a few of each design, but we buy so many designs and styles we have the assortment. THIRD-We import our goods direct from the manufacturers and pay cash and get the discounts. FOURTH -We have a very large and commodious store where the facilities for displaying stock are second to none in the State. FIFTH-We sell with a moderate profit which makes the goods advertise themselves. LOOK AT OUR GOODS AND GET PRICES.

Look at similar goods elsewhere and you will be convinced of the trut: of' what we claim. We have on vtew a splendid assortment of decorated Carlsbad Lemoges' China Tableware, and a magnificent display of Lamps with elegant silk shades. We have a superior line of first-class Table Cutlery and Plated Goods and Glassware. PAN INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. WHITE, COOLEY oz STREET, MARYSVILLE NEW WESTERN HOTEL.

STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Rates from $1.50 to $3.00 per day Single Meals, 500. For weekly and monthly rates inquire at the office. Large Sample- Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Free Carriage to and from the Hotel.

S. LEWEK, Proprietor, E. SAYLES, Clerk Completely Renovated and Modernly Refurnished. THE UNITED STATES, Corner of and Third streets, THE LEADING HOTEL OF MARYSVILLE, CAl LEWEK, Proprietor. General Stage Office.

Hea quarters for commercial men. Roomy Sample Rooms on the first floor. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. H. H.

POHLE, Clerk. All roads lead to the It is a good house GOLDEN EAGLE TO PUT UP AT HOTEL. When you get there ROAD ROAD COLDEN EAGLE HOTEL. SO ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD MEALS: Second and streets 85 cents. Marysville, Cal.


Ramirez is now prepared to do House Painting, Decorating, Carriage Painting Kalsomining, Sign Painting, Graining, PAINTING AT REASONABLE RATES. SHOP on street, between First and Second. HAVE YOU THE TIME? IF NOT, WhY NOT? When you can get a good every-day watch for $4 THE QUICK WINDING WATERBURY In Ladies and Gentlemen's sizes. Call and examine them. They serve the purpose well.

PETER ENGEL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 68 Street, Marysville. CUPIDENE The Vegetable Vitalizer, cures all nervousness or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, Sleeplessness, tired feeling, Pains in the Back, Debility, Pimples, Headache, Seminal and Weakness, Constipation. Nightly Emissions, all Impotency, Despondency where else fails. The Doctor has discovered the active principle on which the vitality of the BEFORE The reason why sufferers are not cured by physicians and AFTER sexual apparatus is dependent. medicine is because over 90 per cent are troubled with Prostatitis, which CUPIDENK is the only known remedy to cure the complaint withont an operation.

A written guarantee to refund the money if a permanent cure is not effected by the use of six boxes. $1.00 a box six for $5. Send fo circular and testimonials. Addressall mail orders to J' A. WOODWARD Leading Druggist, LIQUOR DEALERS.

PHILADELPHIA HOUSE. CARL SCHOPP, (successor to Mrs. Nesemann). Single and double rooms by the day, week or month. THE OLD TOWN TALK SALOON Is connected with the house and the usual brands of wines and liquors kept in stock.

An excellent glass of beer can be obtained for five cents. ja7-1m P. BARRY. J. GEPSON.

BARRY GEPSON, Wines, Liquors Cigars. Southeast corner of Fourth and streets. Rooms for private parties. Entrance on Fourth street. OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT.

j4-1m The Workman's Saloon, Tremont Block. 5. street, next to P. George's gunstore. Care, Trouble Unnav.

JOHN D. CARSTENBROCK, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. Call in and get 2 glass of good cool BEER-5 cents. The Workman's Saloon, The Hoffart Saloon, No.

81 street, next to Turner Hall WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. De. All kinds of Imported Sausages, Bauerkraut, etc. Enterprise Bottled Beer. Also Yuba 'ity and Marysville Beer.

John Weiland's Bottled Beer, a separate bottle for every glass. Cream Pure Rye Whisky. oct8tf The Finest in the City. THE GROTTO. BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM.

W. W. WARD, Prop'r. Street, Marysville. CHAS.

ROSS. E. MITCHELL. THE RESORT No. 71 street, Marysville.

First- Class Wines and Liquors The Best Brand of Cigars. Sacramento Bowery Beer, Five Cents Back entrance from Maiden Lane. 09tf THE OLD U.S. BAR, THIRD AND HIGH STREETS, Marysville, Cal. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

F. KLEMPP, Proprietor. Entirely Renovated. Having entirely refitted the MENTO EXCHANGE a share of the public patronage is solicited. Free chicken soup daily from 11 A.

M. to 1 P. and from 10 P. M. till midnight.

Cold Lunches at all hours in connection the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars je19t! T. CASTRO, Prop 4 THE ST. NICHOLAS, Marysville's Leading Beer Saloon ALL KINDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS. Best accommodation for patrons. -D street.

twodoors from the Rideout Bank. 430tf HOLLEN DIETZ, Proprietors. Western House Saloon. Fine Brands of Liquors just received. W.

A. Gains Co's Private Stock Bourbon, J. G. Mallingly Son's Standard Bourbon, Cutter Whiskies, Jules Robin's Cognac, Jesse Moore Whisky, Holland and Tulip Gin, La Grand Marque, etc. -These goods will be sold by the gallon, half gallon, quart, to parties desiring the same.

D. McDONALD. Proprietor THEODORE NEISEN NEW EMPIRE BLOCK, SECOND STREE, Near the Postoffice Agent for The Famous Fredericksburg Lager. THE FINEST BRANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS at Wholesale and Retail. Families furnished and goods delivered free.

CALIFORNIA BREWERY The Best Beer in Northern Californla ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO AGENT FOR Buffalo Brewing Lager Beer 08 SACRAMENTO, Which is conceded to best made beer in the State. Sold in Kegs and Bottles All Beer delivered Free of Charge to All Parta of the City. GIVE ME A CALL. LOUTS rop.

-0411 CARPETS. THE HOME-MADE CARPETS Manufactured by T. E. RANDOLPH, are attract. ing wide-spread attention.

The quality and prices are the astonishing features, EXAMINE THEM I pay the highest price for old rags, sacks and bottles, 81.1 other material as is marketable miler the head of General Junk. T.E. RANDOLPH The 011 Reliable, 0 and First streets, Maryaville, Cal. Apl6dwly..

The Marysville Appeal from Marysville, California (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.