Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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4 lo 4 l' V' 't Or goo ITS so FORT WORTH STARTELEGRAM 1 la I Friday Morning June 22 1973 EASY TO PLACE STAILTELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS-JUST DIAL 332-7722 FOR RESULTS-OVER 200000 CIRCULATION EVERY DAY! tekc)) 'silo hs i 14 4 Q)1' 7 1 1 i I Antiques Art 27A TV Radio HiII 27C no RAO liolmen9HISuct: 4PECIAL-moving to smeller build 1 3611 1 Business 40 1 I I 11 Musical Instruments 281 I Ei 32 011ice qupment Mill 36 I Miscellaneous 1 I Miscellaneous 11 I Building Materials 441 1 I i Itide tsaliery 1 St 14 Vir dey or 'meal IteetroyAm- map" 54-01 5 rm USEO pe coirs Oh AM1LY few taterroine 5 grage si el wee aae Friday end MOVING SALE lk loss of1 FANTASTIC BARGAIN I Plirtablo Mote Iluiltit*siss Now Cotten at laci Heiiletvol urn- (II islit "tun on oeth "'Os's' IPI ly Led to Sell AIT Saituntly Via Cateau Holimark stuff end house Wants 119 Generalifly owner exreoionE opportunity fort Id Woe Ctoect cambratoo tin Vg)n rand mole tt 1a Bu oli vys1 t'o)(II tnInsert III 3-4 -1111- i'LA-'S WATE 1- de- tosarartY neer CAUB 32 0 t95 retired couttle or tensity 1-SlartftShedl FACTORY SIERT QUALITY iowlr st Nutt" slur book awls 9 DIC ration i EAR( it I tuft' TV setyko "mills tnr5 ttv5 Sari 'looms Mid2elepaZo--Artsworing Machine new' In et -10ess'ont i or 0 kd btrstratss Warina For more pitorrita PORTABLE bricta brac tall pernvert3 PlICE ser tiU na 0 BUrLoiNUS I cu Itir -oa tlis buoth 9 ()per' 10 NV't cols iluotI 244 Sitt town Pirwt kt1 University d36-464111 year wrrartly $iO roontn Sunda Acreul (shapers SaturrlaY 9 to 71 Foster Colonial ronvorbole sola 011-11n rad flit 4 24474 atcr -1 '18 stie I I ai Inri si I su 5 rot a eeti rironirs 261-4022 Id -SC14-4tCr day or iiight tie 24st PRACTICE pino very food Condi' 114'DI EIkne 11013 1 0 1114rips No rote-its betwn A I eetil ard PL AM ar id 12 PM CHAIR ber sp 0 in ort 2 le free de er -ara ws 0 ratts ltvy ROI 1 I 'tail itlt own a 1841 Sic eller 6 m- It 14 Ile bon altos 'Ivens (sellrued free L-1401 Si tritaillt ropy rine-nthett1 ltellent locahons Must see io Buy from us and save sort ntUhli and weettetirts ItaTIPE tut of vete 9 do told tyd10-vrn and Organ 901 'Nil Neer dry Dorset no Muting 94-S9U 'RaircmAGE SALE 2 LUE fuly rioihes mix cieie 7' 311) 6 30 PM itt'-itiii 1019CH ANTIQUES Wahl- bom will soil ditor us bh-est in- vesiy 34-4628 block Night West Mc t'S it'll' GARAGE tele WS ii i master biender 6041 375285 LXl eginhned It Easy Financing tiGt 36 oct7 moil Litleiptises PotIon rtthtry 0 (AL ist 5nuus! hal rriatrtioCat 214401 34 wra'y River Oaks 712er)48 arn "-CP' II Et --1---lc 11 yit ixtures stamps now epeuerl le the bode oat mA4L yS Cuiur Lk is- wh il Portable BuildIngs Co loil irenderhun Weetoesday eartriell rentals 515 1VS Very Ake SVS 3a6-46911 WIPE Peaches at our fruit stand I NI iscellaneous I 011'41110ns 1111-41ii OL 10301 Freeway at Coln it 21 FT buffet servinP ilottboT tl- Smith Fruit Farm rrille5 Pug SUrnlaY 101 Friday InUlttlit ton 14 1- Rya J1-0--- pi piaog rebuilt rehroisate ari strtion excellent toralmora par- -west of bet eon on Hwy 6 11930P 1 'eo 6446 laT IRE spa ri stereo and tape Sporting lityrios Toys 364 shoo will sell either business or in NEW anal used DiUntOitg I it 9 azarlins IV Servit a "(AA and play electric 2U fres rolls and in 20 vim GARAGE-Sale- 23rd un-1----il ork-A 71E4' a ANTIQUE Clkinperlai htyle r-ted fully warranted Was 11199 now flanlY1 -Ivecrary oil 'AA room i sYte Seen by opouitat i USED LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CITIENS Bnio moods trans- ISo9S- So hurry Mown PlollOr bO dr ors Siereo sound system velvet couchl ond (hairs Colonial dinette RIVIF RA Pol table ae bied161E-T SHOP svirta5r 4 "1 calve' homa drab base also micro obillackcmnieldr iegs plt 2 MCsultiS ng cent I togn net 261-1470 til mint sute Olny Eti nelt6 Autrey University 34-46M mitrellatierrot furniture and hCause- 16096a- LI builsbug Ptnnta IMO 4 an1444 NOVer 1411 lated machine Misceilaneous eguilio wores 812 Warwick Bedford 26- PRUEESSIONAL Waste rehair ipsditot srtt wtil sell tor S99P Ptl't 'int! VI EITICAL upright Penn water heater mobile weldthg truck 6V 1 1-60-ooll cart with too end Ctall eveninos Onist 2-titiTo co nein and rush weev -i 2j ITO N'inio-rola -71 and 's ing Milati La on UO0 Can't) briViltil kiS0 ra-n y44 ocisi2cr'' (7-114-1-Ek fir Of keino eetelltod er "ktd mnt Call via 9164 alS1 basswood II ties You haul or rolinish deiato- et 292ThS6 or 451-1610 Midtown Piano 6115 harrier SY0 281-3 ELRY STORE iViL bivd 232 atrri Eree e-dirnates II new' loirdolu195i 501 3154528 'LARGE stainless steel reach In 'ocal YARD SALE June 23 and 24 IJE WORE in good locatiOnv IR EMNANT composition shingles sRANitsal sloto repossessed AM I Or for sent cheep 249-2152 After 4 1959 Frerier Dr WE bilY sell or trede for modernNthing over Si500 2611479 lorld tots SI So and 12 bundle s32t VvAtsIT 13 Japaesds aort ahan SPICIAL purchase: New pianos' or antique guns Authorized dealer gerS Ple swor amt describe Nnd 'ali LA akasull ttert Si "if S'49 with Ewalt luning and delivery' so" FIRST GARAGE Sale clothing Ster- for buck knives r)PEC SHOP all fixtures ready Mr 4194 130S Foch 'sr Miller We Ail 4'111 business no inventorv Call 268-2421 letrat Ws 19th SI Long Beach 1 e'l! I4- lc Sir0 L---- TRADE GALLERY clor IV week Ter ree while they lost 'TOMS 6 Mid tyl a0j teeinieb hlr 51 0 lOUrtglit or reslasE trO miscellaneous items Soturday pEpOSsEssED 19 Inch-pormbli town pidtbo 501 Universilw31-46Z8 rnt Sll ilt Use Prlfe arel Sunday 9512 Birchmen 324928 Terry Miller he Alta Mere 244-9111 2-- BRAND-x-- 1972 Kinical Organs co*kE Vending ma chine Compact 0 BIG SALE berte's Antiques 04 America's greatest otuen yew now ygt wain finish 151 Serni Riverasice Dr 10 to 20 Per Cent off Prince Jewelry IL loan 501 Maln 132 193 boron Heath Guns Good stock new and used guns berrv Boutique 1U6 Borah Callaway JOhnston Straw Lumber and Pipe LUMBER loiS HENDERSON Wednesdey-Sunday le 5 i ve la sletelr if upe recorder: On sale come see he one than band aqDr Apt Ile 1 week only 1 Hi 80 West SHOW cases and display tabirets GTO LaARAG 25otiway SALE first time' FOR SALE Fisher Pool table slate GyEcrt2C2EsRIY149STORE with high beer 12tnc board -s voiorrie Will make Si 000 net Per 1 Open Friday nights tit 9 235-07911 toe 4s-6'io6 I and 11It WI( ed from only S49 5 UP 14 shirtier) bicycles picnic table ladies clothei information call 927-2589 many Sniall items furniture Carpet top -HOusE-- of -addities ---sa-l-e---- this Week Eu I NELL 2 aNay Frad'o Sa les 8 'Terms Midtown Piano 50 8' 34 7981 after 6 281-S710 1 month old lust like new For i WAIF OUTLE I store ono otabd 7x6 tenter Match 1 oniy Wicker rockers planter Servit es '11 10 'Mtn 614 744 yt316-408 IL Sx12--xl2 Long Length COMMERCIAL Barbecuo 11-7i-cTri na l8-10) tall man cletrms mower OrtUy gad Saturday and Sunday in west Fort Worth 'flyers- torian drop front desk love seat A-A-STRO-813-0 MOVED nd 5 shelf display food warmer ai SMITH end Wesson 38 ca-iliTer kel ic Wry fixtures fartory Connertions GALVANIZED PIP 91 chi Dotery etc -Turn ott TO NW WEST FREEWAY CASFILFt OafifortlittNIF-S31fift-GIE-457- a S395 each 976-093o plated revolver perfect condition JaChin0r0 Hwy between RockwoOdConvert your to (wadi Unit EXPERT piano tuning 812 A450 ter 1 PM 6S20 Wnitman SHAMROCK 282-2521 NEW or used market fixlures reds -9 Golf Course and Masseygi Club 21 end 2-sneakers 499 99 Quad retreat' taepairs rnS 1 I ypter tV914l Iling eirnost ev must sacrilke 5717 Wonder Dr eMtUtnINQ sSAtLE lsi rain Large Qoantilies Nights Bub Hort 2k4-2131 Hours 65 63G711 1 4Ug4 Ohio Garden Rd 11 to 5 week ors: Marentz Sonv Panasonic 993 141 Cash ter EXPERT PIANO-ORGAN MOVING ---77 I rig a uri a Wt Sritico10USE Eleclric GOlf-571 Exchange and Peckers Ave days 6251291 Fisher liarmonKarcion Teec Dual PES rAURANT-0 GR-OCERY Mil Grady Lee St ra or shine demonstrator new car warranty tts A11 Dynaco JVC AMFM cosset NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT GARAGE' SELL-OUT furnitu I Williamson Battery Co 1418 LIQUOR License snack bar florit coolers ce ReasocLablereieti 53-IL94-4312 4th 136 3006 largest new recreational lake In Nrw BE MOVED OR WRECKED I 1 for yuur car Baroalni like you MUSIC teacher must sacrifice nice Refrigeralor s' -i paintings TV radio boat motor FOR S111kLii SEilets: 478-5118 ing Antiques for sale et sac-din-Ill wouldn't belleve731-2691 smell piano S145 624-4'4 machines titer equipment ranges Mexico Ideal for retired couple Po- toy miKt lianews 74 12 From Arlionton Electronics costs ten ial unhmited Betty Switzer Na- Metal ()electors Cash and You Carry i 817149-3214 549-4473 Jamie Wilson fryers griddles ovens steam tables cintnesa 201 South St Graham l'exilL MARANTZ heat 10 AtAi le find more 915 Park Row dishwashers tables chair booths tdhleAM-FM multipiex ISSR McDonald' HAMMONO-C-2 organ with Lestrit for sale Mark ss Chi Box 210 Blanco Newrinished it Masonite "w16" aluminum windrws Vt? BEDROOM suites dressere RG Maoefeence i-1- ark Frederick Sons LA snic reference 261-9411 Mexico siding No 2 MUSIC teacher must sacrifice nice small piano $145 624-41V HAMVONO C-2 organ with Leslie for sale 11000 534-7074 GUitAR hard Ltne Equipment 32 1 IMiscellaneous 361 1 Business Oppor 401 1 LIQUOR License snack bar OrdFOR SALE ROOM Houce TO Iaroest new recreational lake In NewillE MOVED OR WRECKED 4111-3111L Ideal for retired couple Po-1 6 anti Ynil earn "4 DianCU' Finished ft Mason Ile siding No 2 114 95 I Building Materials 441 i 1 '5 i sneil case $500 2111-0062 PRACTICE Piano $YS 534-40159 UPRIGHT Piano good condition S725 cath 237-930S HOFFNER double culawaY studio base 1300 731-3111 iMALE OR female vocalist organist pintlist who play Rock 'N Roll Also need lead bass and lead guitar plaYer for top name groups 626-6233 for annointment GULBRANSEN Premiere Theatre organ excellent condition horseshoe styling bull-in rhythm 478-9139 WANT a demo tam done at your gig to send to promoters? Stereo village 2443812 --f lure owes anu arLdtat eq Countrers for store: home or shoo household goods '492'5 Sth St we repair and recover all makes of MO Block White Settlement Rd Saturday and Sunday machines and tables Fort Worth Fixture Showcase Co LIOhoisterinst reasonable discount on 3404 Bendel) kle 9761 lis block south on Foch 3170745 material Free estimates 1044870 COMMERCIAL Also Hollymat- (AkeACL SALE Satirday- lc Call 271- un 1611 Sdy verhi a 1 PM 479 011 Rd i 9 Am 0 GloOlt cmtyrt2121 ei I le: 8 a Also Hollymat- 22 GOLF cart 626 trailer $225 lc Call 271-1611 G04AGL SAla t- 9 AM I ur ay -M Sunday 1 PM 479 Overhill Rd NEW 10 speed bicycles 8450 Qua Ar-6 114 110 World Wide Stereos 2652421 2231 Division Arington RENT a color TV or blare() with atothase Option 9231913 SAM'S COMPONENT STEREO SALE AM-FM 8-trark tape player 4-sneed record changer gook''' The whole Pa ado regular $119 now s1l995 basv terms Sam's Appliances Furniture )900 Rosedale 5553 Belknap -----Triway Radio 2022 Riverside Dr 8347591 PANASONIC Stereos $95 scratched In shipment 2 only at this price Beautiful 5-piece walnut component stereo AM-FM stereo receiver 4 speed turntable 8 track tape deck Was $259 now only $95 cash or easy terms arranged World Wide Stereo Center 2237 Division Arlington 265-2421 SACR IFICE 1SB piers Pre-Columbi an Artifact Coilection from Costa Rica 292-5S3O Lee El 'maker MO Lauretwood Drive Portland Ore gon ACCEPTING bids on Land short keyboard box brand piano 132-3167 CROSS COUNTRY Anligues wh141- sale Drinoing Snrings near Austin PERSIAN RUGS wanted used and now pay highest price 200864 CENTRAL ANTIQUES Art Gallery and Old Restored Hotel See our huge stock! Furniture dolls toys advertising brass beds cards Primitives Orientals Wicker chaise lounge love seats lentos chairs etc 8000 SQ ft of 10000 items ant SOUTH FREEWAY (3SW) Hattie Street Exit 10 55000 barrel ianks Plus 70000 barrels oil Call 017-5294223 10 55000 barrel tanks plus 10000 barrels oil Call 811-529-6223 103 Field Equipment 341 t)ariit-waI lvser Viah'rrtli Slastunalguntfil tet71 lity ImportS 292 i rything is one except Sunday until slate I Pl ABLE SALES with equipment I Pm 536 hoYce honeycomb labes $95 up 2 FAMILY garage sale Fridasr used Pi $210 New 1 BILLIOdOiLe hall and fonshalls Poen 8 through Sunda iA vs i ar9ocsmititragratsr clothes 7 r8161k I Misc Machinery 35 Toretst Hill 0)96 1 owner $6959 731844 MOVING must sell 2 Hornet mini- -SPECIAL 30 days only Used arcade BAKER YORK fork lift like new bikes 2 sets twin mattresses and style foosballs S295 927-817 springsiike new large fruit pic- 7- ANT ED: 9 mm German Luger ture lots of other items 4503 Star- 2928608 light Dr 485-1728 CHURCITI ROP garage sale 5605' wales Wedgwood 626-6622 TABLES S415 POOL 5 FAMILY garage sale Jun 22 ELECTRIC golf cart and charger snones ranar4 through 30 3528 Jane Lane Fort Worth Billiard Supply GARAGE sale 411 336-2511 Belknap 3562 Boyce I JUST purchased a 300 gun collecVs 12 PRICE sale on most gifts NOW Hon including Winchesters Colts Ofiransiely() ti-lo IC I o5sg2 Monday Bowe Ssoanva omeasnyR oe mei nrasto on sun 23r-2931 8253 Hwy tO West ANTIQUES primitive carnival and ONE SET Kroydon clubs 1 and nSmHiethathSG Vusiense- cut glass trash and treasures 22 3 wood full set irons and alum- AIR compressors direct factory 23 and 24th 10 AM to 6 PA 3401 inum cart $75 Call 1110 to 5 336- pti I-wat nrirp A9A1(19 AAartin 1 vrinn 715ii bag 12 PRICE sate on most gifts NOW Open 10 to 5 Closed Monday Agnes Beasley Herel 5422 Camp Bowie 71O 2931 ANTIQUES primitive carnival and cut glass trash and treasures 22 23 and 24th 10 AM to 6 PA 3401 Martin Lydon I I Air Cond Heat 27D I UPHOLSTERY Sewing Machine 145' Pilaff S475 firm 335-584 WOODWORKING equipment radial arms jointer jo-in table saw routrs sanders and miscellaneous 100i5 and equipment 263-5331 SHARPENER reel type lawnmower commercial Ideal bargain 624-B055 Y2 BUFFALO iron worker attachments and dies new '58 491-2265 T-400 Vermeer ditcher less than 500 hours 1 year old extra cutters for 116 In ditch with 5 In dePtIL 1117594- 16698 UPHOLSTERY Sewing Machine 145 Pilaff S475 firm 335-5284 WOODWORKING equipment radial arms jointer 10In table saw rout- ers sanders and miscellaneous 100i5 and equipment 263-5331 SHARPENER reel tYpe lawnmower commercial Ideal bargain 624-8055 BUFFALO iron worker attach- merits and dies new '58 491-2265 T-400 Vermeer ditcher less than 500 hours 1 year old extra cutters for 16 In ditch with 5 in depth 1117-594- 6698 RESTAURANT AND HOME Insulating siding10 colors $1675 ON 2 ACRES No 240 white $eif seal it's a money maker and WHY rootino 15 yr priced This is a potential motel site Odd size aluminum screenclOori SIIS4 VS with a very good restaurant on a 'Aluminum window screens 14 nO main highway Unbelievable return 4x8x12" iheetrock $119 on your original low investment paneling wide selections start $298 Owner will give exceptional terms 46 finished bathroom board SO 85 S55000 total price 12x12" floor tile each l'AC WHIGHAM CO 268-1551 ceiling tile each 12c Wall' corrugated 'ran 5171 MOBILE home park 53 spaces 24 26'x9'corrugated iron 1210 acres land more land available corrugated iron cl 96 335-3855 Jack Crowell 6214850 wood screen door $195 x4 8)04" CD No 1 grade S5 95 EXCLUSIVE 2x4 stud Pre-cut FHA anoroved $112 1x6 rough fencing 100 in It $119S BRITT LUMBER JOBBERSHIP 3410 Grove Phone 626-8283 Weekdays 7:305:30 Saturday 12:30 Sunday 10 to 4 FOR TARRANT COUNTY OLD SCHOOL in Glen Rose Texas being demolished Excellent antique IT TAKES MONEY brick cast iron heaters (ideal for To MAKE MONEY lake cabins) excellent lumber 924 1939 976-6269 If you want to see the best product CASH SPECIALS ever see our display of the actual 2x4 fir lineral ft 7 tents merchandise locally lx8 sub floor lineel ft 8 cents SAFETY PRODUCT 4x8x3" exterior plywood ea S465 4x8xlis" exterior plywood 1665 But not anythng you've ever seen 4x8x19" particle board $275 before 4x12x14" particle board $500 4x8x13" perticie board S140 SELLERS LUMBER 411 Grand MAS4-3141 No Gimmicks No Competition CASH AND CARRY on Doors doa7d-p- danerrrict ag) o' Teague Lumber Co Fd' No Franchise Fee 2501 White Settlement Rd 3114393 JONES-KEITH LUMBER COT2 Consumer Financing already set up 3132 MANSFIELD HWY 5354836 which makes it easy to secure Cash and Carry 41dealers Aluminum storm doors $1195 Aluminum screen doors $1575 I OPEN ACCOUNTS aluminum windows $11 all aluminum windows S1420 3Tx52" aluminum windows lx4 thru lx10 rough cedar S2150 1x12 white pine shelving 1712i RAILROAD SALVAGE RAYS 4012 NE 28TH ST 4 BARGAINS IN BUILDING MATERIALS i SPECIAL 1 WEEK ONLY Over 300 squares of black and black blend heavy tab square butt self Seal root shingles $595 per square Ray's 4012 NE 28th St 04-5481 8342664 2 II PAY TOP Prices for nonworking re trigerated air conditioners 8340115 AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS CentralWindow units-Commercial Circle Heat Air 332-9491 CASH for air conditioners furnilure tools working or not 132-3589 Omega Belle's Antiques 2103 Clinton Ave 624-4311 GRANNY'S House elfts 3005 Springdale 20 percent off of everything in shop We are moving next door with Bills Antiques at 3001 Springdale to serve you better Come and browse at Bill's while taking home bargains at Granny's Sale starts Monday 18 through Friday 22nd 10 am to 6 pm 834-8291 834-2001 ANTIQUE AUCTION Texas Pythlan Chlidran's Home 14 mile of I-20 Exit 410 in Weatherford Saturday June 23 at 1:30 PM Items may be viewed on Friday June 22 and Saturday mornino lune 22 and Saturday morning 9438 1 10Y2-1812 PATT ERN By MARIAN MARTIN Pin a glowing jewel at the point of interest and flattery on this softly flowing princess dress Very easy to sew in knits blend linen weave Printed Pattern 9438: Half Sizes 1012 12 1412 1612 1812 Size 1412 (bust 37) takes 278 yards 35-inch fabric Send 75 cents in coin for each pattern add 25 cents for each pattern for air mail to Marian Martin Fort Worth Star-Telegram 112 Pattern Dent 232 West 13th Street New York New York 10011 9438 lot2-1812 FEDDERS INSTANT CREDIT GARAGE SALE Saturday Sunday 3443 Shelby Dr GARAGE SALE like new furniture washer-dryer new refrigerator odds and ends 3S33 Wharton GARAGE SALE couch recliner bccks skates many more items Saturday 9 to 7 4004 Ken ley NFW Ventura base hard case $19950 Terms take trade rental purchase lessons 6247863 -NICE standard guitar Terms lake I trade rental purchase lessons 624- 7863 SUNN SENTURA II lead amplifier with 2 JBL DI30 speakers 100 watts RMS If new $695 good condition OniY S395 Terms ayalleble Mc- Brayer Music Box 451-4500 USED FENDER twin reverb lent shape was $575now $375 One only Terms Avallaple McBrayer Musk Box 451-4500 DRUMS -6 PIECE LUDWIG 2770559 $600 100 WATT Marshell mpilfier $300 Call 277-8497 GIBSON RB-250 Master Tone 5 string bango excellent conditiOn $150 817433-2790 WE BUY PIANOS-ORGANS Call nowl I Spot cash 834-7411 BRAND NEW PIANOS World famous Kohler and Carnobell spinets and console pianos Must move Immediately From $595 to 5695 All styles and finishes BRAND NEW ORGANS Brand new Hammond Maverick Completely loaded Regular $1269 buy now and save at $1169 Brand new Fartisa regular $1095 now $895 with automatic rhythm BABY GRAND PIANOS Brembech baby grand S495 Fine Packard grand $795 Beautiful walnut Steger grand regular $1295 now $995 Starr grand $595 GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS 7 nice uprights from $195 to S295 Easy terms free bench tuning end delivery All Instruments guaranteed TradeIns welcome Open all day Memorial Day TEXAS PIANO ORGAN 2300 Haltom Rd 834-7411 Open weekly 9-7 WANTED: Spinet or Console Plano from individual 261-9551 261-8918 ll Room Ilasi room air conditioners 1 I fcroonndittiWS L4org'S22Sr9oo ImnSttisiniVgidr I Sewing Machines 27B 1 it (see instant credit terms under 27 this section) GE room air condition Singer Golden Touch Sewlery Al's Furniture APers from $99 Incredibly fast City 4400 Mansfield Hwy 531-3661 test model 620 Stretch stitch but- SAM'S AIR CONDITIONER onhole overcast Only $68 For free HEADQUARTERS some demonstration call Friedrich Chrysler GE Whirlpool CARL'S SEWING CENTER all sizes low prices easy terms IO2 Berry 923-7022 great selection PAY REPAIR BILL SAM'S APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE $1840 and this Singer Portable Is 19 00 tours See at Carl's Sewing Center I- Rosedale 5555 Belknao REPAIR-INSTALL air conditioners 123-7022 202 Berry quick service Bass 335-3190 EWING machine repair all makes Air Conditioning service guaranteed Ind models free estimates 838-91191Master Charge 281-0284 HOME sewing machine Leon PARTS and service on water coolers ird's Dept Store downtown 336-9111 and refrigerated units 624-1952 lorth East Mall 284-9432 FRIGIDAIRE air conditioner 12000 972 Singer Touch and Sew in 4 BTU 230V $65 Taylor's 1800 desk equipped to zip zag Berry ancy work V3495 Cash or terms 24500 Signature air conditioner $150 incialmed Freight Sales 4039 22000 Coldsnot $135 838-7030 5elknap 834-8721 Open 7 days a MAGIC CHEF double oven gas Neek range $175 249-2309 Best model 620 Stretch stitch buttonhole overcast Only $68 For free home demonstration call CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-7022 PAY REPAIR BILL of $1840 and this Singer Portable Is Yours See at Cans Sewing Center 923-7022 202 Berry SEWING machine repair all makes and models free estimates 838-9119 NEW HOME sewing machine Leon ard's Dept Store downtown 336-9111 North East Mall 284-9432 1972 Singer Touch and Sew in 4 drawer desk equipped to zip zag fancy work V1495 Cash or terms Unclaimed Freight Sales 4039 Belknap 834-8721 Open 7 days a week I I Euclid L30 rubber tired loader oAf(Aft sale- boat motor -ta rir Ivsa sarcil "0a 00 11 I I 30 CRISP EQUIPMENT CO Invalid's commode chair TV and bon 531-334S 838-6919 household items 2528 Ryan Ave TRAMPOLINE Sale CARRY ON BOOKS 281-4716 ALL BRANDS new and used dir GARAGE SALE clothing dishes Call anytime compressors nailers and staplers toys etc 3628 Clarke Friday and POOL tables for sale 2 regulation UNPARALLEL PROFIT 1 Staples and nails for all brands of air Saturday slate tops Vs0 1 snooker table $7 00 's guns 536-5462 or nights 237-6010 GARAGE sale nice clothes all siz- Call Nick Family Recreaton Cen- STRUCTURE WELDER and air compressor es toys miscellaneous many un- ter 297-4431 ee mounted on flatbed truck good con- used Friday Saturday and Sunday for yourself For appointment dition 738-4600 4i68 Sarita Dr Miscellaneous 36 i call 817-534-5831 out of town call collect bicycles and tools 16000-pound Clark forklift 4 ft and YARD SALE BEAUTY SHOP for sale call after 6 1 8 ft fork lifts 817-529-6223 miscellaneous 3262 TeX Blvd Clothes Sewing 36C or on weekends 478-5016 i RIDING garden tractor old but runs SMALL GREENHOUSE for saie LIQUOR Store well established sell good $225 no equipment 5213 Lov 923-6691 SEWING and alterations Grapevine stock and lease 531-1762 292-9345 I ell 738-8626 MOVING to apt will sell refrigera 003895 TD-9 International track loader in YOU MAKEI WE BUYi for freezer combination with kzemak SAMPLE SHOP NOVELTIES Free training You good condition $3250 677-2763 er clothes washer and dryer I purchase i materials i chrome dinette twin beds box formals Franklin Statuary 261-1426 HYDRAULIC lacks air and electric springs and mattress with frames Dresses blouses Pan ames wodaina a line Rd i tools and tire changers repaired miscellaneous bedroom ferns Cell AIWnS 7" Pi" GOOD BARBECUE business and all I Hydraulic Equipment Co 731-2349 after 5 or weekend Hurst 268-0311 per cent name brands equipment plus eouity in mobile 1824 Lancaster 336-1133 YARD sale TV bicycle and miscel EDDIE'S MEN'S WEAR home Gainesville area 817-665-4781 tractor with blade and front end RuAD GRADER tires 1600-24 12 laneous items 5026 Catalpa Name brands double knit suits or 817-66e-7155 Ply tubeless $200 each Ford 800 GARAGE SALE at Lazy Ranch lackets oants shirts and ties Save LOUNGE FOR LEASE 30-50 per cent 716 Pipeline Rd 3125 Main 534-507 excellent condition $1750 473-4242 Art Gall ry Route 7 Miscellaneous loader S1950 500 ton Clark forklift i 1 "'s Hurst 282-3252 Items form ca boards for shelving For Sale: Health problems dictate Ii011 Must sell with or without and bookcases 478-6629 sale profitable fabric shop college DAVIS 300 Ditcher excellent condi Thursday Friday and Saturday 702 30 I i town 12000 large area good volume tandem trailer 926-5727 YARD SALE Open 7 am to pm I Miscellaneous clean stock Call 817-965-4000 Mgr heavy duty Odelle Cleburne Texas Bottles en- FOR SALE OR LEASE: Attractive I 8000 GALLON fuel tank 332-4824 tlques so forth Firewood 36E well-equipped restaurant excellent 536-4144 or 473-4817 location high potential good traffic PATIO sale I picture ries $13500 Arthur Equipment Ire terial clothes Thursday Friday 2CATERPILLAR 08H Tractor 35A se- frames artiticial flowers dried ma- FIREWOOD Call Archer City Texas 817-574- inn 214-252-8606 Nights 451-5508 4566 or write First State Bank Box Saturday 2917 Gunnison Trail Apt 1 Days 66-0091 728 Archer City Texas 76351 ANXIOUS to sell 6 unit Motel move DRAGLINE Bucyrus Erie 228 Al 1064 Photo Equipment 37 to your location 52750 per unit condition See at Cowtown Speedway GARAGE sale Friday and Saturday Come see 9300 Ftwv 81 So 293-4094 Kennedale Texas Go to 3600 Brown Trail then 2 ARGUS movie prolector 8 MM FOR lease drive in restaurant and International Harvester Co blocks East to 3620 Stephenson Bed- S45 536-5701 Industrial Equipment ford recreation hall after 5 CE 7-9853 Haltom City Parts and Service 35 mm and 90 mm ESTABLISHED 3-Year-old antique GARAGE sale rollaway bed 12x24 265-0902 ft tarp etc something for everyone Summicrons case 274-2360 LE ICA M2R 4517 Harwen Terrace fare near business good growth rate per year WE BUY sell trade anything photo located on major thorough aphic Parr's Cameras 986 downtown Boulder Colorado GARAGE SALE 1217 Marlborough i Arlington includes business inventory real es- eloper 26141131 I i Price I Hallmark Used TV Spanish curtain tate and improvements Owner one- rod clothes miscellanecus GARAGE sale Thursday thru Sun I Jewelry Stones 38 1 lus must sacrifice For Information call Charles Ekberg (303) 494-4040 day 5820 Wonder Dr Wedqwwood 447-0469 Ken Penteld Realty Base- GARAGE SALE many Items InClUd MANS Vs carat yellow gold diamond Mar Shopping Center Boulder Colo- inn Ali fornittir 1015 PitThiloh rim t7c fail R10 to 336-7187 recto 80303 GARAGE sale- Boat motor 35 HP Invalid's commode chair TV and household items 2528 Ryan Ave GARAGE SALE 1217 Marlborough Looper Arlington 261-bial Hallmark Used TV Spanish curtain GARAGE sale Thursday thru Sun I Jewelry Stones 38 rod clothes miscellaneous day 5820 Wonder Dr Weclowwood GARAGE SALE many items Includ- MANS Vs carat yellow gold diamond ing all furniture 3012 Fitzhugh ring S75 Call 8:30 to 5 336-7187 'NO 16 CARRY ON BOO fl UNPARALLEL PROFIT n- STRUCTURE See for yourself For appointment I call 817-514-5831 out of town call collect BEAUTY SHOP for sale call after 6 or on weekends 478-5016 LIQUOR Store well established sell ie -le AAA IA C1117A1 III-01Ac NEED a Portable Building? Call Atlas 834-8244 2840167 PAINT retail S999 sale $295 galtnn Block filter and sealer 5 gallon 11250 New shaker and color disperser General Furniture 834-9881 5037 Broadway at Haltom Rdk Prices Johns-Mansville SOM $975 Contractors check for full loads 12-inch sheetrock S152 14-inch sheetrock SI12 Storm Doors S2295 California Corp Full thick insulation $695 924 Churchill 690781 SAVE FLAT clay roofing tile for large house 248-5150 FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 1638 St Louis 6 rooms and 2 bath loll May St 5 rooms and bath 246- 9191 i0 '5 52 )2 os 92 Dr r- 16- Rent Headquarters Pianos Organs $12 UP Select any new piano no obligation Ali rent applies To purchase "THE MOST FLEXIBLE RENTAL PLAN ANYWHERE" FORT WORTH'S ONLY COMPLETE MUSIC CENTER DUO-THERMS air conditioning for mobile and motor homes 293-0655 SALES SERVICE repair add-on specialists Dependable 535-5621 536-1367 OWENS HOME SERVICE 24 hour air conditioning service at day rates 265-0283 AIR CONDITIONER Signature used 2 months 23000 BTU 261-8648 277- 'FRIEDRICH air conditioner 112 ton guaranteed like new $175 Taylor's 1800 Berry FEDDERS air conditioner 115V 6000 BTU $70 Taylor's 1800 Berry SEARS air conditioner 18000 BTU 230V like new 8125 Taylor's 1800 Berry NEW and Rebuilt central air conditioning Compressor replacements Free estimates Terms 5 Year warranty Fort Worth Air Conditioning 838-0392 REPOSSESSED Used air conditioners 110V 220V all sizes 4400 White Settlement Rd 732-3589 MUSIC 1750 Belknap 834-1974 seminary South Shopping 926-2613 Six Flags Mall 265-2561 247-8236 WE BUY PIANOS AND ORGANS Prompt appraisals cash 451- 4500 3-15 Kustom $250 261-7462 I 3 I ONE DAY sewing machine service in your home 451-2099 FUTURISTIC SINGER 750 Golden Touch Sew In walnut console with drawer space completely automatic 1-touch does everything has new Miracle st-r-e-t-c-h stitch stretch design6 ex- clusive automatic bobbin This Week only $7888 cash or terms Call for free home trial Monday to Friday 9 to 7 Saturday 9 to 5 Camp Bowie Sewing Center 3807 Camp Bowie Blvd 732-1081 1973 SINGER ZIG-ZAG IN WALNUT cabinet makes buttonholes and fancy work 53795 cash or terms Open daily and Sunday 10 to 7 Richland Plaza Sewing Center 6317 Grapevine Hwy 284-9713 DEALER CLEARANCE All Machines sold are fully guaranteed Customer satisfwtion Is assured 3 Full Time Home Economists offer free lessons on all machines new or used Deluxe '72 Nelco zig zag demonstrator $77 Necchl Straight Stitch portable $19 Deluxe Etna excellent condition 539 Necchi Supernova portable finest model available $59 Golden Stitch Sew $19 Necchl Deluxe zig rag $59 Deluxe Nelco portable $39 72 Universal automatic demonstrator $89 Morse automatic trade-in excellent condition does everything 559 7141 721 i r': 7 3 4 i idt: i i 14 2 i i 404 gel! i ft 10: 9Ei 7t" -11 1971 FORD 4500 Diesel 15' hoe Hughes Impactor Ford 2000 Diesel 10' hoe front blade 1068 Ford 34 plckup-20 2 axle gooseneck buckets and misc equipment512500 firm No collect calls 915- 267-2853 AIR COMPRESSORS direct-from factory prices 332-5824 Hughes Impactor 1965 Ford 2000 1971 FORD 4500 Diesel 15' hoe Diesel 10' hoe front blade Ford 34 pickup-20' 2 axle gooseneck 1698 -3 buckets and misc equipment- $12500 firm No collect calls 915- 267-2853 rtIAA0breerine Sr PIANOS-ORGANS OUT OF Pawn bargains in diamonds We buy sad or trade Prince Jewelers Inc 501 Main 332-3937 UNMOUNTED Ilia carat diamond solitaire appraised S1320 sacrifice $1050 Individual 924-7646 HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW-USED PRACTICE PIANOS Pianos NEW PIANOS From $499 All styles finishes sizes I Miscellaneous 36 SAVE SUTHERLAND LUMBER 1 Nights 'Ti 9 PM Kitchen and den carpet sq yd S295 Portland cement 94 lbs SI 65 50 Form stakes 18 in 4415 2x2 lineal ft 08c 2x6 lineal ft -12c 10 ft galvanized gutter $160 I12 ft 5-panel farm gate PO 95 50 bath wall board $330 VA Finished paneling $675 HAUL SAVE Insulation per 100 so ft 5495 6 ft metal post $110 Exhaust fart $10 95 100 ft roll 12-inch plastic pipe $795 Heavy picnic table frame Ali 95 12xI2 Ceiling tile 9c 12xI2 floor tile per box 5'585 Folding stairwav $Z4 90 3125612 treated cost pc SUTHERLAN 1 A BUILDING MATERIAL CENTER Weekdays 8 'tll 9 665 Vickery 332-1153 ROOM SIZE carpet choice $20 -We trade for everything Closed Sunday 5200 White Settlement Rd 737-0331 PORTABLE buildings 200 14E 28th St 626-2641 PORTABLE culiding moving rea sortable rate Ynung 834-2156 CLOSE-OUT Coleman Wall Furnaces regular S115 to $233 (uninstalled) now S45 to $99 picked up at our warehouse 100 Morninoside Dr 336-8381 LONE STAR GAS CO ORGANS IBusiness Oppor 401 GARAGE SALE Thursday Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 2137 Kingsdale Rolling Hills Knick-knacks old fruit lars miscellaneous WANT USED volumes by or about Henry James 732-2866 838-1091 CHURCH YARD SALE Friday and Saturday June 22 23 Clothes elec Inc appliances etc Come see Calvary Pentecostal Church of God 3416 Grove BIGGER THAN GARAGE SALE Selling my shop to the bare walls everything dirt cheap Counters an liques glass furniture tools motors clothes etc Open Sunday 1111 NM 25th St GARAGE SALE Friday Saturday Sunday after church Baby items and furniture child's and adults clothes toys miscellaneous 6432 Drury Ln 737-7970 GARAGE sale dolls clothes glassware 2301 Field St 831-1433 GARAGE SALE something for everyone Friday Saturday and Sunday 6028 Worrell Dr WANTED pair of hearing aid glasses 534-3987 RAILROAD ties you haul or delivered 292-1856 451-410 eu pick C6 bushel Ben nv Phillips V517natown 523-4389 BIG 2 family garage sale 4804 Flagstone Dr Friday-Sunday GARAGE SALE Thursday Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 2137 Kingsdale Rolling Hills Knick-knacks old fruit lars miscellaneous WANT USED volumes by or about Henry James 732-2866 838-1091 Prices drastically cut on many slightly scratched cabinets All styles and finishes Fort Worth Sewing Machine Co 2622 Rosedale 511-1721 FORT WORTH'S OLDEST AND LARGEST DEALER SINCE 1937 TAPE AND record center 535-9690 293-0757 Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Franchise For Sale ArIlnqto Texas Sales of approximately $10C000 per year Good net Income Call 2744503 Ask for Mr Race LOUNGE FOR RENT 335-5592 GOLF Driving Range for sale 292- 978 ARCO FRANCHISE AVAILABLE For lease 2 excellent service station 1008ti0115 Call 624-3122 at night 244- 2353 30x100 FT lighted 3 lane Zip slide S2295 Twin Points Resort 237-3141 NEIGHBORHOOD grocery grosses S90000 yearly Pays for itself in 6 months 332-0463 293-6132 Before You Invest INVESTIGATE SALVAGE BUSINESS prime corner location in busy area Nets $35 to 40K per year 2611478 MOTEL in Mid-Cities area close to Six Flags Has great potential large volume with restaurant and swim min pool 2611478 YOUNG and aagressive CPA desires to purchase accountino or bookkeeping services or accounts Send replies to Box 412 Star-Telegram BLUM drive-in cafe with Inside seating Building lot and fixtures $15000 Terms On corner of 2 farm to market roads 'I main road to Lake Whitney from Fort Worth Reason for selling: conflicting Interests 817-V54521 MID-CITIES area day bar night club large dance floor 283-3868 AUTO REPAIR SHOP Westside excellent location 4 stalls office and repair equipment of ril types By appointment only 246-3624 COIN-OP Laundry and Dry Cleaners for sale Including property Owner retiring good business Call for own- er 737-0346 BEAUTY AND WIG shop for SAN 'Hurst area Will sell together or Se0- orate 268-3692 After 6 281-0230 MOTORCYCLE BUSINESS Must sell due to other interest established business doing good volumn in sales parts and repairs 3 hike franchises $9000 FIRM will buy tools parts and franchises 335- 1911 FOR lease beauty salon business already established reasonable 740829 after 6 WASHATER IA for sale excellent location 20 washers 6 dryers 1645 Henderson call 923-0254 after 630 pm weekdays and Saturdays MOTEL FOR lease or sale 22 units within the 60 mile magic circle of Houston On busy highway Write Bob Wheeler PD Box 857 Bandera Texas 78003 or call AC 512-7963796 FOR SALE 4 cigarette machines with good location In Grand Prairie Also several machines off location Make offer 261-6909 ESTATE sale furniture dish es anitgues and miscellaneous odds and ends Thursday Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 3123 Harding 1 EACH hydraulic and shampoo chair $75 both 293-0835 FIGHT inflation with this carpet buy at $499 installed your choice shag Hilo kitchen den Call 731-3119 INSIDE SALE china cabinet roll top desk icebox glassware etc TCU Health Shop 3504 Blue Bonnet GARAGE SALE baby items Avon 7704 Carlos 246-4668 FIRST TIME garage sale 4 family corner Davenport end Cartist GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday 3864 Wedgwood Rd GARAGE SALE furniture appliances clothes 905 Henson Dr Hurst Garage Sale 3201 West Biddison Saturday Sunday 9:00 to 5:00 YARD SALE great buys on everything (bike 22 rifle sewing machine miscellaneous) June 23 and 24 313 Pleasant View Hurst CHURCH odds and ends sale cen- tral heating unit ceiling tile many Other items 6755 Jacksboro Hwy across from Buddies Shopping Center Saturday only 9 AM to 6 PM GARAGE SALE miscellaneous and furniture 5116 South Dr GARAGE SALE Saturday 9 to 5 23 In color TV movie camera baby furniture Infant clothing Chevy wheels small appliances much more 5812 Whitman in Wedgwood GARAGE SALE 3440 Walton -furniture clothing 'fink treasures starts Friday at 7 Saturday and Sunday GARG-AGE SALE goods clothes household appliances 4124 Curzon Ave 737-6584 Hammond home model $895 Baldwin Organsonic like new $795 Hammond church model with 50 Per cent New Kawai organs 1595 up Lowrey organ perfect $895 FREE FAST DELIVERY TO 250 MILES Easy last financing Piano-Organ Mart 3110 Rosedale 534-1719 534-1710 Open Daily 9-8 Sunday 10-6 ACROSS FROM TWC CoLLEGE ALSO: GUITARS AMPS DRUMS RED HOT SUMMER SALE WAS NOW New Spinets $795 $545 New consoles $1095 $6950 New organs-rhythm $995 $688 New player pianos $1695 $1295 40 Grands From $295 Student pianos From $145 Steinway 6' Ebony 53695 $2895 4105 Hammond 12695 $1695 Used Organs From $95 Our annual wall to wall clearance sale Is now In progress and we are bulging at the walls with our best and most complete stock ever If you Intend to buy a piano or organ now Is the time Very liberal terms With our dependable guarantee Buy from one of Texas oldest and lagest dealers Mc Brayer-Bartlett 5727 Lancaster 451-4522 Open 9 to 8 Monday and Thursday SWAP SALE We'll take any old Instrument in Hammond Organ $375 Schultz Grand Piano 5495 Guthransen Oman 1345 Brand New Baldwin Spinet Plano Regular $972 on sale $645 Story Clark Console Plano Fruitwood finish Like new $495 Many other organs end pianos drastically reduced during our big Swap Gale KILGORE PIANO ORGAN 3717 Camp Bowie 738-5469 AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Low Service Charges 336-5323 THERMOSTAT controlled wall hot or 924-7065 14000 ETU repossessed air conditioner 220V good bargain Gateway TV 3506 Alta Mere 2445114 15000 BTC 220 volt refrigerated unit $60 Works good 834-4534 FOR SALE air conditioner 28000 BTU 5225 Cash Or trade 293-4994 33000 BTU Phi ico $195 individual 831-1170 LOW COST cleaning and repair window or central UnitS 924-4892 If no answer call 443-0221 FRIEDRICH 12000 BTU (1-ton) Taylor's 1800 Berry 23000 BTU refrigrerated air conditioner used 1 summer only For Information call 274-5819 USED 924 Ion 1 ton 112 tom and 2 ton refrigerated window units 110 and 220 volts Good condition Special prices at this time Texas Home Service 332-7016 615 Riverside Dr AIR CONDITIONER repair anytime any kind 531-1818 3 TON carrier (Bryant) central air with 120000 BTU heater complete removed last week Needs compressor Total $350 Call 926-5251 for further information 13000 BTU 220 volt Whirlpool air conditioner 737-3049 LOW COST cleaning and repair window or central units 924-4892 If no answer call 443-0221 AIR CONDITIONER Headquarters Friedrich Fedders FE Whirlpool and Chrysler Best Prices and best selection In town Abby's 4854 White Settlement Rd INDIVIDUAL has 2 ton air conditioner 9140 834-8216 NEW and Rebuilt Compressors and Condensing units Lowest Terms Fast Dependable Service A 5 Year Warranty 332-9491 RAILROAD SALVAGE RAY'S 4011 NE 18TH ST: BARGAINS IN BUILDING MATERIALS Over 500 winduws In stock $1295 $13 95 $1495 3' S1595 All complete witn screen Paneling 4-8 colors fcctory rejects $2 48 Per sheet Plywood St" $458 sheet 12' $550 kir" $695 70" or 1" ph wood i895 34" pressed wood 12 cents sq ft Plywood cutoff all sizes 2-4 lumber 8 cents linear it Heavy tabs sq buff roof shingles double coverage 3 colors brown blend black and black blend $695 sq Roof ing paper roll 90 lb roll root Mg $350 roll Ceiling tile white snowdrift pattern 12524" 5650 box Prefinished 10" siding long lengths 13 cents linear tt Large assortment of 14" finisheo paneling your cheice 5 colors from $395 to 5595 sheet Ye" ash birch and mahogany Plain paneling 3'xi' end 2x7' 51175 $195 and $250 sheet Other bargains In building materials Rays 4012 NE 28th St 834-5481 1134-2484 834-5481 834-2684 NEEDLEWORK By ALICE BROOKS Look fashion-smart in a pretty easy-to-wear wrap sldrt A WHIZ to sew a "wow" at parties gatherings Make this fashionably fringed gaily embroidered skirt long or short Pattern 7141: sizes 10-20 included two motifs Send 75 cents in coin for each pattern add 25 cents for each pattern for air mail to Alice Brooks Fort Worth Star-Telegram 205 Needlework Department Box 163 Old Chelsea Station New York New York 10011 Golden Stitch Sew Brand new slight onint imperfection automatic zig zaq s-t-r-e-t-c-h stitch buttonholes designs etc $33 Free Home demonstration CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-7022 SINGER TOUCH SEW BEST SERIES-429 Automatic bobbin winder zia ma buttonholes designs etc Free home demonstration CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-7027 SINGER 750 GOLDEN TOUCH SEW ziq Zags stretch stitches buttonholes 1-touch bobbin refill like new In 4 drawer walnut desk $34 due assume billance cash or terms CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 921-7022 CLEARANCE SALE 1972 Touchmatic in cabinet has zia zaq stretch stitch buttouholes blind hem fancy designs at the touch of a finger Limited quantity used short time Yours for only $4195 cash or terms Call for free home trial Open daily 9 to 7 Saturday 9 to 5 Camp Bowie Sewing Center 3807 cAryin Rowie Blvd 732-1081 1 It Costs You Nothing For a Report From the Better Business Bureau Of Fort Worth Inc Fort Worth Texas 76101 709 Sinclair (-Oda 3324585 GIFT SHOP prime location Excellent lines Husband transferred Specialty retail foods equipment $5500 plus Inventory Jim Bragg Real Estate 404 Main Weatherford 441-8010 594-2061 594-4633 594-4982 SERVICE STATION garage and wrecker service business for sale in Alvarado contact 783-3233 7838888 DRIVE INN restaurant Northeast Worth buy equipment lease building 284 2068 or 284-4002 OPPORTUNITY in residential home buildind 2 Prime areas with developed lots end complete finandng avallahw Will train In sales and construction Call Mr Herron days 626-2846 evenings 284-4202 DRESS SHOP for sale Call 2911559 GARAGE SALE furniture draper les spread baby items etc 834-102 2013 Hemlock Dr IInvestments 421 USED Morgan Office 12)02 2 air-heat carpet sliding glass door Special $3195 Delivered and financed PLENTY of lots and acreage In Tar- 9300 Hwy el So 793 4094 rant County for sale 926-7713 AMERICAN PORTABLE SLOGS CORPORATION needs 575000 to 5401 Hwy 12IA 838-2863 complete Jet Ski Race-Way Poten- Nod barns storage buildings custom tial unlimited 25 per cent of cornea and "on site" buildings Free local ny available Call our nresident any delivery time residence 265-7229 business Nights call 831-1519 263-2331 NEW FIBERGLASS baths tubs and I shower stalls Harris Fiberglass I I Al I Products 232-0917 431 9300 Hwy 81 So 293 4094 AMERICAN PORTABLE SLOGS Hwy 12IA 838-2868 Red barns storage buildings customn and "on site" buildings Free local delivery Nights call 831-1519 I Office Equipment 32 IMP ILoans IRooms for Rent 45 I pi 1r IP fre BUSINESS Let Garner Collection Aoency collect your hot We WILL BUY first lien notes on checks and delinquent accounts Call ornpertv Estes 3324951 737-9301 CONSOLIDATE LIENS repair re-WELL STOCKED drive in grocery In model private money Call anytime oneration now and makinq some 237-4259 money $5500 2447463 CONFIDENTIAL iOcillS to WOMOO SO ZZq Call Plaza Finance 332 1537 SLAY CAsHFS NOTES 263-6336 CORPORATION needs 675000 tc compiete Jet Ski Race-Way Poten NI unlimited 25 per cent of COMDR nv avitahle rail our president any CORPORATION needs S15000 to compiete Jet Ski Rece-Wey Poten tie! unlimited 25 per cent of COMDR ny available Call our president YARD sale furniture gas stove air conditioner miscellaneous Saturday and SundayS505 Wedgwood Dr GARAGE sale furniture dishes iest a linens adult and baby clothes boat pickup canopy heater air conditioner miscellaneous Items Atter 4 pm Friday all day Saturday 4129 Bildiade Rd GARAGE SALE First time 1440 Hammond Some cement contractor clothes 4129 Alti 19S1 Ford wrouoht Hotel Several 6244316 children's Way out sale 5350 scissors Perbecile $550 200 from 4 Fifty inside to SIB Fire and pool apd mho too numerous new 534- Summit to Trail-weed RUMMAGE SALE Saturday June 23rd 7 am to 7 pm St TimothY's Episcopal Thrift Shop 4201 Mitchell Blvd GARAGE SALE two boys bicycles Figurette reducing machine miscellaneous 1713 Acorn Ln Hurst RARE Elvis Pressley records reasonable prices 277-0209 CARPETS installed free estimates Mr Gipson 485-1786 OLD items china and books 321 14 Emma Riverside 8341854 4 PiLr'E metal yard furniture 1 pair double garage doors rock maple dinette green carpet all in good condition 237-4931 4 REPOSSESSED color TV $3 Gateway TV 2445112 MOVING out of City eveything goes Living room bedroom gas range refrigerator HI-ti etc Starts Thursday 6917 Kirkwood Dr 732-0267 tPORCH SALE Thursday Friday and Saturday Clothes miscellaneous car parts 2419 NW 27th St 1 u' block off Ephralham HOUSE has sold furniture and miscellaneous for sale 2416 Ave 6 A dYARD avR riA SL aE 4 rd'I3av3 Sande som ne wW tdeit mu GARAGE SALE baby and miscellaneous items 2209 Sturges oft Mee- idowbrook -W-A-kTTED: old watches chains 1 rings pins knives etc 478 0906 GARAGE SALE linens dishes 0 clothes many other things Saturdav 8 6 7209 Deville Or MOVING OUT of town garage sale furniture new parts for 307 ChevY motor bicycle lawn mower etc solei Susan Lee Ln WILL do sewing and alterations 927 5933 COCA-COLA low: 0 boy style woodgrain finish like new $750 283-3908 Barber's mat 625 283-3908 REPOSSESSED Kirby Vacuum $911 American Vacuum Co 509 Abram 461-4646 TREE rind peaches Bernard's Fruit Stand 2 miles south 1-20 Tin Top exit Weatherford 5946329 Will Manage complete wile ot your estette furnishings Bonded 737-1S89 r--fiA-NDFATti-F-R cloc beautiful handcrafted solid 'walnut 292-0560 SET of meihinist tools 160 818-5010 FURNITURE Reupholstered Free estimates 926-0938 pool egulPment Burkett Imports 514-5871 461-9279 Metal Detectors From Arlington EleLtronics cost less find more 915 Park Row 26T 9441 UR unclaimed VtiCULIIII cleaners ay repair bill None of bills over S14 Airierirrn Vacuum CO 509 Abram 4614646 GET SLIM no need to be fat any- more 2441220 store Giing out of Lusiness due to Illness Eurnitore end MISC0118110011 items Everythino must go From 10 cents to 120 1101 College 335 0349 Will 1NEY hospill bed ha-new MCI 30k6 STARTING a new trade day Juno 1973 Engl Or and BolknalL Lots of sheltie 81837S6 ANXIOUS to Sell 6 unit Motel move to your loration $2750 per unit Ft will 1NY hospitel bed like-now fl I i 30S6 STAR new trade dov Juno t3 1973 EArllo Dr 11111 "t1 06110 tl 8114'3716 ANXIOUS to Soll 6 unit -Motel move to your loretion $27s0 per unit anytime residence 265-2229 business 263-2231 MONEY Repair remodel consolidate last service Cell 732-6043 day or niatit Mobile Home Owners Mobile Home Owners New and used Duo-Therm central air conditionino system Financing available AI53 Parts and service for all air conditioners For Information 8310391 Metro 26S-1271 WINDOW end central refrigerated air conditioning service guaranteed South and west Fort Worth 292-2940 MR CONDITIONERS 110420 volt sell or trade 831-6123 AIR CONDITIONINti SERVICE All residential 5vstems serving HER twee Authorized Termen diseler PEKEM AIR CONDITIONING CO 283 on16 3000 11TU 270 volt Whirlpool air conditioner 731-3019 AIR Conditioning servce end Instal-lotion All makes 2811561 21141706 RIIPOSSFSSFD 10000 BTU air conditioner 110 volts $3 week Oa lewey TV 1s09 Alta More 211 Sill BAK AIR CONDITIONING Fest guaranteed end reasonable 21 hour service Call 237-101 Itawnmowerssainoor27G1 LAWNMOWERS Rennired while you Welt A 14 A Lawnmower Service 1111 Ronnie Piree 834 Ylie LAWNAM repo 06 Vele lessenehlo reins River Oaks NI and used Wings end Stridin-d end Terumsell ports used MOWAtil end 'dims 5213 Lovell Jerry 73010676 LAWNiVbWr rental all nnerentond 4110 He torn Rd 21111962 Ratilio2LIii-Fi 27C RUSTY'S TV Service 2516 Pearl Ave 626-5134 MUST SELL small 19 in RCA color console TV $130 249-1534 STEREOS $59 Fort Worth Railroad Salvage 271(1 Roosevelt 624-1120 RENT black-white Tv 61316 month with option to buy Robins Furniture (1 Color TV Mart 3016 Veunhn Blvd 531-2021 RENT a brand new TV delivers Welch 9 stations Hoot's 244-6111 Fort Worth and Mid Cities Area REPOSSESSED COLOR TV Take up payments save up to $200 House of Curtis Meths 120 Abram Arlinuien 21-555 DUARANTEED TV's $ITTo-p--- We take bodes Buy dead sets Ty Center WO Allem 976-1H69 -RENt-A COLOR TV The lamest selection of rotor TVs for rent In Fort Worth Mr) li(rren httok and white TVS all styles AM FM tape Means C-1 Rentals 1011 Main 516-2016 PANASONIC Quail tot elver tom And wankars 6 ritoolliS $7'0 24 674 allar 5 pm pii PoSS1 i) 200 wall comounant slam) SI par week Celaway 1V 241 5111 CAN we haat well order home prices? Call us and see 2443812 SIcioo V11111110 It's Easy to Place S-T Classified Action Ads Just Pick Up the Phone and Dial 332-7722 Available now 40000 gallon station on West skits High profit potential tialning available For Information contact A Ce iv davs 8311262 Nights 732-0434 FREE TRAINING I NO SELLING No experience! Full part time! Make novelties You buy equipment material We buy products alter insnertion Franklin 261146 DRY CLEANING Plant In hottest center In East Fort Worth will con skier WTI trade 4S1-6758 or 457 015 I Building Materials 441 WANT LADY around 30 to share large home $130 beautiful cool home 638-6038 FOREST PARK AREA Carpeted toltg0 closet private bath and entrance garage cooler gentle mon 924 4145 1017 5th AVE Private bath ntrance refrigerator air NICE ROOM for lady share the home WA3-4151 Teti Uentlerthin private bath And enlrente 9214811 PRIVATE entrance shower garage 3920 oth 73a1006 Man YOUSICI man tor roommate In 3 bedroom home full kitchen priviiNF after 5:30 923-1940 NICE Bedroom kit( hen n71fle0 lovely home Very desirable to ernnloyed inciv Exchange references 282-7416 Hurst area 1946 Forest Park tiesirnhle redo( orMed private entrance air employed gentleman eller 4 921039 Portable or Metal Buildings NEED A 2NO FARM HOUSE? 3 houses io be moved WO each Carlton Thomas 921-2615 292-143 LIKE NEW matched desks file call- nets machines etc 265-2444 737-9506 GARAGE sale furniture FINGER DISCOUN1 etc 1424 Muse 451-9518 SUPER GARAGE SALE 4 OFFICE FURNITURE Mesa furniture clothes 19 (good running condition) BUY RENT LEASE mar window grills from Wor Big savings on famous brand furni- saturday only tura up to 40 per cent accessories r-- LA chuh $25 desks chairs 4 CredenlaS files' ta RGE rc ent folding chair $100 each hies and reception furniture 5632 Cemp Bowie Blvd 7312161 atter church GARAGE sale furniture DESK credenza electric clothes stove 6358 Waver In model secretartaLdesk Ride lea June 22123 21 6-00D steel office desks chairs LTURKETT IMPORTS close files Cabinets letter opener calcula lust 12 and 6 Clin pITOlati tor etc Patio torches $150 Electric Generell Furniture-- 814-98111 1250 Hair dryers $3 00 I 5037 Broadway at Haltom Rd tools 1350 Coffee servers I MO-SIIR it-Jney cTesil-A-Fe-ady pieces of Spanish piaster fr In ucks $175 each ft double shop lights Art Hoene Office Supply side lioht fixture values 600 Main 332 2109 Redwood fencing and gatr glace logs Chemicals a -W000 and metal desk $4950 UP equipment Some furniture 1 i Art Hoare Office Suppl3yr Milner Many other item Mei 4 merous to list All merchane MODEL IBM electric typewriter Open MM 5019 Lance! $195 elso Renlinoton 25 electric ssil or 4s1 9270 S15 both perfect 332 2109 Ftil 1SS wane sale 408 desks and chairS-cheeP Ridoe Dr north on Main 132-7311 wood Addition BANKRUPT STOCK SALEI BMW CLOTHES un to size Modorn used desks ten Mack and 10 to Ill else heby house gray colored Some like new MS to cdr ittrns S217 Rutland Ave $25 White they lest 5414 Jackshoro rATio SAI r- RI i 1 It i II 001 I Hwy 625-1s69 Piedmont Rri collector 1- oR bAL Mellillik Sale Model 13 books women's clothes $745 2 months old cost $350 1100i men's medium handcraft Cad mornings and weekends inter- dreires large variety of Ile listed trerrtv only 97? i374 9 A hole 23 24 OLD 1OWN copier 850 niakes velY PATIO SALE 1621 Paola good conies $2952611 3907 SaturdavSundev 161-471ALE 1 Pitney Bowes 1 station RIDGI EA HILT-S Moving Insorinr WM COMOdninn Older good Rnid (Arti bean hag iron comiltion 3162i14 ninirts 034 6606 tric grinder couch chest iiT---33x60 851 6tc: 6zos Ilannver Rd ret 4660 TIA-R-ACr -SALE memo MIMI Remit 6411 Wirth' I WANT 5 useri platotnaking nra chine for Arldressogrepg machine PAT-10 SA1 some atlirgi contact Jim Cox b33 Coury Rd metric 2 area rugs dishw 293 Tin? new few children's clot -55-1)esk71711i5 c17711 is ligrkrldne TrAll 7 II 460S New or used Buy sell trader rent HLICE fARAtE Side fop Eurniftrie Barn 4110 Main dolls some antiques rr a I 81 I -shelvIng (or war shoos or clothes Toys all be0Mtiftli MO I( room Joxim99 $33 626 6968 dell Dr North Richland Hi AU 1 ilMA 1 IC tdloghono answering YARD SAL Wordily ninocine Aodin I dh 70 6261 hatosins 4405 Villene (rep LIS-C ditStinied 440 enclave 1- hilt yard sale tools GARAGE sale furniture etc 1424 Muse 451-9518 SUPER GARAGE SALE Mesa 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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.