Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

le 4 cTr' I I 1-Bishop C. P. Anderson's rk Daughter, Whose 1 Engagement Has Been rmally 'Announced. 1 otti, .4.,. 11; tk lts.

It 11 kiti 1 2" 7-PENZ- Bishop C. P. Anderson's P- 1r- ceirt 4 1 i ql tr, .1147 -N4 14 udiVOT-irS- 0 t'de 0 1 1 11 1 it ikw i 1 st '46 IC 4 Aio .144, Oil 11 101i: Engagemeht Has Been- 1 1 1 0.01111 libiltril It 1 kit '1 kl) ktiltam AtatUgli I .0 FormallyAnnounced. rill. 1 Whit 6 0 aS2MI 1111, Ts 47:..1 0 7 Mi n) rill STATE MADISON AND DEARBORNL1 Ns Ti iiar 11401 I Lrt criT STATE MADISON AND 1 By Mme.

X. Coats, ECe. oats, III 1 11 1 .11 1 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11.1 11111 1 1 11,1,11 111 11 11 i 1111 It marriage of their niece. Elizabeth nester Curt lee. to George Eugene Fatrio It on Thursday.

and Mn. Charles F. Viwenham of cm Michigan avenue announce the marriage of their daughter. Florence. to John F.

Fre lick. 1 marriage of their 4 4 1111 l'-' 7'' till I 1 I 71 III I illilli i li i to ..0....,, III ill li Iiiiii 11 1111111 1 I 1 1- i 1 1 tr'sil i 1 sil 1 11, 1 11 l'1111111ti PPle' 111111111 11 11 1 1 1 1 I I I k'''''''N1 11411 1 I I I 11 I 111 I II; 1 ee tbe roar- bter Florence. to It itat ill, 1 1 I I 4 -N, 11111 11 tilt 1 4., .4 7 1 1 II I ''('' I -n s4 11 I I 1 i 1 11 I 1 Ili 111 I I 1 ,111 11 I 1 I 1 1 II 1 I I 1 I I e. v. 2 ''s 4 ''s 't 4-, s.

7 it. I t- 2 Is. -z i 4 1 It' qo 1 I 1 I ex 4. 1 1 1 1111 4'. c'ont II LN st, 4)- I II i 1.

'SS t', I tH.11 1 I I 1 I I 11 1 ill 11' In 1 I I Si 1 I 1 1 I 1I .1 i s' 7: 1 'E, i I 1 r.2-;. 1 14 111! 40, Id; v.11.),, WLAatitkr Women's and misses' coats, chk modcls, of all wool tins, crepe cloths, coverts, kiln, belted, flared and tailte. models, malty Ar Alo. lined 0V.11AL., out with sill .44.. a' cadet.

tan, rat and 7 gw ia 1. cluici belted. flared INIT. omen's iIsegac' ArAPit 1 i i ---r .4. ea at ct i i 0 I gaca II lat.

nt coverts. larva and ...0,,,.. models, Tnik'n" alit i6ith sick MeSSaline; wiry values, 10T MAL 1 (lake 1141: 1 4') a I I I ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank A. Hanco*ck, 1239 Asbury avenue. EVIallit011, announce the engagement of their daughter. Frances. to Thomas Leonard Daniels.

son of Mr. and lira John W. of St. Paul. Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Young.

704 Independence boulevard. announce tbe en4agement of their daughter. Pearl. to Vedi G. Watson.

eon of Mrs. IL E. WatAt. 4357 Weft End avenue. Mrs.

Cherie Catlin of 451 Belden avenue announces I engagement of her eon. Frartklin to Miss Alta C. Kirkpatrick. "101, the daughter et Mr. and Mrs.

Charles, Ellsworth Kirkpatrick of Lincoln. The engagement of Miss Margarette IA)111 Redileld. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I H.

IL Redfield, 0422 Yaleavenue. toJames S. Beretta. ton of Mr. and Mrvo.

W. D. Banque of Newark. N. is announced.

The engagementof Miss Mated E. Sutton. daughter of J. W. Sutton of the Plaza hotel.

to Edwards C. Burke of the Congress) betel has been announced. Mr. anti Mrs. Samuel 0700 Lawrence avenue.

announce the engagement of their daughter. Rosa. to George Helga. At home next Sunday from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10. Mr.

and Mrs. William T. Coed of 1(40 Loyola, avenue announce the engagement of their daughter. Gerda. to Harold' A.

Gavin. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Burr AISMS011 Kennedy of 3720 Sheridan road. Dr.

and Mrs. Charles P. Caldwell. 4429 Ifichtgan avenue, announoe the engage, mient of their daughter. Alice.

to Ivo Washington Buddeke, son of Mrs. Intim-be speed Buddeke. 5439 Hyde Park boulev a rd. Mr. an Mrs.

E. J. Gnaedinger of 3340 Washington boulevard. Austin. announce the engagement of their daughter.

Edna May. to Louis P. Nissen of Austin. No date. ha.

been set for the wedding. Miss Jennie Mayer of 31)07 Grand boule.i vard. announces the engagement of her niece. Miss Lora E. Mayer.

to Hymen L. gaclii son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.

Raclin of 049 Grace street. Mrs. Frank A. Ila to Thomas beona A 4a lira John w. Danizia of St rata.

air. and Mrs. P. tr. Young.

704 Inds- G. wat8 on of Mrs. IL atmowlinTn.lirms.aaJoljetInlard.. Drit air. and Mrs.

P. :Irdva.n.aeunTgriu:e:enrc'e: tnldtliktedaramanune.g.ohhWutaneatecritetotRoa7:htea:ti;.intantrgoauovemfrnidrmlies501:.licrinBt:eciaLlittell:beeta.0:EaSeov:es:: rdiraluk 1 I gilre: be ootfe INNtheatwrsiacrink. Nba. no mle. ut Si nd a he) onga gegtmm.ennttol' Milored gut- tomr4rd.

drt.lo.ods64.f:Js.12-..til'.ftellimr:VaAtu:le01rtillaloctItt:0:11nnKuore.ft.rtItitth:Pojdar'ta'ricre:a usnrkde of the Mr. Mrs. 'William T. Coad of 1(40 eei sal: teAnrtou en: al tnonloou. floe to erti; their (01 ntIttalutgalh.

tnctke rh.oafa rGn1 en; 0 ors at aot 4 i guA2 At) Joel guo on fmKatehynciennreud yi I tot mt boulevard vsaill gto. a Blanche Speed 8: noag td iszo Mrs. onm 4,: e7 Arnn a udoe sud tt ut 1 An ng. i trnor 1 of Et 11 tni1Nnt4s oae( date. has, been set for the wedding.

In. omae et Im d. obil In hl 1 eLe- gactint son of Mr. and Mrs. A.

L. Raclin of 040 Grace street- li. "Ill; IhnIttni ssesew 4 i wool serge 't'i 1 1., (4 military. lit ti, f11711711 (.1.11 lar and waistect a plain styles) neatly em.1 broidere4, sill braid, CI: efi. 1 I 1 mai l'''11 fl.

1, 1, ..11., are i 111.141 if 1 and box plait- I cd skirlcir a11 0001201., black, nits yi tan, cadet aod gold, broker 1 sizes and colors, specially t) prieN1 for Nlanday at Women's and misses' al- skirts, suspender, Mu ed and plain tailored styles made of wool serge and black and white shepherd checks, full cutotaist hands 23 to 30, lengths 37 to 42, 2.75 elsewhere, 97 Monday 1. Heavy ual ity Jap silk over ettillroldecd and raid flora: designs. self or orgAndy vest, ole lar and evils, three-quartet ai full length sleeves. in Hack ot white. sizes 34 ta 44.

Genet- n7 '1 ally 1.50, Monday wit 1 as nplalf It inaeigrdrtt I it db al ye, is, 1031 t. g. if 1 cutit NIVaroamnd nit, and misses. wool verge military li'it LIAwaisteci in Pla styles) neatly sm.1 broid ered, sill braid, sdk cel. cd skirts, ir black, net tan, cadet and gold, broker' day at 'nil misses' tal.

suspender, Mu i tailored styles; 001 serge and white shepherd cutosaist banrs ngt hs 37 to 42 i 1 07 iJo dap silk and raid nom: organdy vest, three-quartet ai eeves. in black or ta 44. NV anti i 111 ugh 4 i woo V- t-'0 drcs, 4, Malt I 'I I wais. i iln leaal broii brai Jar i i Illigilibig flarei and H.Ii cd blael gold and colors, speciiii. 1 tut tn.sdrsdce-l!I made of no! serge black and white she cliecks, full 23 to 30, lengthS 37 2.75 el where, 1 pailidi tlesigt)s.

sell or ay ifaa rt Illy ilae.nrn:g) white, sizes 34 tealesh4riee2iGng: artirN green film is oonstanttly the Acreasing in density and intenstity04 Chicago fo1iage-4 yearly miracle that never falls to thrill the observerand daily thousands look St the little groves rows of tree. and shrubs In that hitherto barren. unsightly district bordering Michigan avenue on the fast from Randolph street to the Art inonit ute and watt with baited breath or the drat signs that the experiment in park risaVong there has succeeded. in arpit of limo e. soot.

and cinders. Should those trees arid ehrobe bees leaves and blossoms. should that naked earth become clothed with grass. should towers spring up at intervals it would Ue 4 realisation of a. part of the vision Clhicassoons have cherished for over a quarter of a century.

if this patch yisids to treatment ft win te enly a questlim of time when the district south of the Airt institute toTwelfth street will also be converted into a beauty spot. and all of that desert known sits Crant park east of the Illinois Central Intel(' will be similarly embellished and ilins Chicago would have the most beautiful city front in the worldanti this Is no ii per bole. The Art institute. which will stand as a sort of shrine in this wonderful new vark. will be the only strusture allowed in Grant park.

Every yeas besidies its large body of regular studentsand it is tile largest. most important art school in the countryit attracts a sprinklirg of society WOMen. W110 go there 'to study some special course. This last winter Mrs. George ItigginSon has been a regular attendant there, studying drawing with a view to sketch4 ing the dowers in her lovely Winnetka gardensgardens that rival any on the north shore.

She hasspent three or four days a week at the Art institute for the last six months. eschewing luncheons and other daytime festivities. Mrs. Clarence Webster has for two years now devoted herself ardently to studying painting at the Art institute and is doing excellent Work. Chicags has mary amateur artists in se, lier gay world vs hose work vies with that of profesAonals.

Mrs. Robert McGann has really left the ranks of amateurs. )ter pictures are entered at and accepted by various art exhibits here and in other cities. Iter two studiosone in her Pearson street house and one in her country house at Lake Forestare 'the favorite rendezvous for a group Of young almsteurs. arming whom are Miss Agnes Stt et and Mrs.

Edward It. Brewer. Mrs. Cot Cos il Clark Davis graduated some s-cal ago into the ranks of the professional painters. The remarkable portrait of Mrs.

Ilurus Grainger. which she exhibited in tile show of Chicago artists, has tow gone on a year's tour of the country. I Let most tecent work is a vivid and lifelike portrait of Julian Mason. Katherine Dudley is on the fence between the amateur and professional artist. IS Gulps the purchase by the city art CollOn Iles.

of hs portrat study of Mrs. TIcury Harvey tipped her over finally Into the latter Mrs John Carpenter is another artist hose gifts and achievements would put Ler into the ratio; of professionals if she chose to devote herself entirely to art. Iler Illustnitions for her hushands song hooks and her mural decorations for the home for crippled children and in some private houses are all distinguished by a delicate fancy. originality. and modern technique that make her work note.

4tZ, 1 1 tV I C1 411fl 111 41 FUTURE EVENTS. I 1 1 1 i 4. I i v. 411,1, 4 7 1 1 4 NI; ctit I 14 0 i i .1 I 1 7,,:. 7(11 LN'.

'4' -si 5555 ..4 1', ,7,,,,: see, s' 2' 2 I 1 lz 1- 3, 441 I 1 -7 N'' s'- I I 1 44: I I i '4ii, 4 71 I I 1. i'll I .71 7.Sj',. 4...., 't. 'P ..7 I 7: IN 4, I I I 6,41 4 3., 21, i 1 i s''' 's t'-11 iir i ss I 11.4,.,, 7A 's i', i I I 1. g' I 1 1 t.

I S. 4 k''' 1 ''i 's ..11 tS4 7,4 1 l't kSI 1 I l'' 's f- Ns $4 111'''i 1 I 1, I i 'ti 'il I FUTURE EVENTS. I I I -7 I I elfmomm, I I Ts A A iA, I I I I I 'S''''''' I 1 It 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I Nss's, 7: I 1 s. s. sZ 'Z 'e', A''t r'' i 1 I I I II, 1 1 sf, 1 1 1 i I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 'I'l I 1 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 0 I I 1 I 11 1 0,,,,, I z' .0,,,, I 1 ''''t' 4 I 1 1 I i 1V.

1 'i' 1 1 I s111 1 1 11 I 1 I I 11 1 i 1 I 11 I 1 il III 11 I 1 I st I I i II I :7: 4 1 s. 4 ts i 't z.Wqn-is'4 I I I I 11111 1 :.1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1: 1 1 1 1 1 I a 1 'k" ''ro'0 11 1 ..4. '-k Ikikt I i I I 1 11 1 s- I 0 1 I' 1 A 1 1 i 4)'', X-'4 A i ks, 1 1 I 1 I Ys---', 1 4 4. 1 I 1 i1 'W I A I 1 6N1 a a 1 I ,,,,,,4,: 1 ''p k'N 11 1111 i 1 1'11 44 II, ll Vs'' t-t! 4 1 li 11 11 I 1 11 A ,1 --it i i ks. 1 '1' Apr.

Silk Sale Satin charmeuse, extra fine heavy quality pure silk. 40 wide, black. white and every light and dark shade, will not no ruff up. usually $1.09, yard, 36 inch rich brocaded and fancy printed Tussah silks, black, Me and colors, also 3( inch pretty printed floral crepe de chines, Fenera ly 4 9c, a) A tomorrow, yard, LuC Pure silk satin foulards, Nut white and colors, dainty floral designs, most desirable itr spring wear, :20 inches wide, tidc quality, )rd. Sale euse, extra fine pure silk.

40 and every nes shaee, will not Sc ly $1.09, yard, rich brocaded 'printed 'Lis, black, white S. also 3O inch Printed floral le ch ines, 4 9 gm vard, Luc in foulards, Nei dainty prit most desirable kr 0 inches wide, is La Silk pr. i ciiaatf.rneu 'a kili, 7, rtelerapeny 74 9 i u'l i 111 I is, c3t 'fit pinjildanuccdkstaul. ra ik. hs 11 i 1 ea.t,bt 0 cd1 i lyel aa rn deoderlt d.

and fancy- printed Itis- and aps anrhtel bnaltatescdok n9e cs satin oti not tr i In foulards, cs idainty lt del rd 9491 sixn t. pine iz fr 9.91 i tri 11 Via 1 14 411 I SN, Nk 11 I 1 1 I 0.,..,. 1 1 s-. kll: II I 'k. 4 oiekliti.niet-, 7 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 111 1 111, 11 1 1 1, 1 11 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 II i :1 'I I.

1 1 ll II. I '''I I 1 i I 'I '1 'C'' i NI -'-s-- s1' 'i': U. The Millinery tillinery la worthy. Mrs. Arthur Ryerson has a studio U.

that hive of art, the Fine Arts buildir where she sets jewels and makfs charr Mg chains, bracelets, pins. earrings. at other spe4-imens uf the jeweler's crLi Assietimr is Ms Atlele Ra.t!er. two men have a cquipt, jewstar11 h. volt with blow pipes, r-iteltipot.

ard all the other adjuncts. At tt other tl of tho studio Miss Virgin. ke Chester binds books in a masterly atsu rtistic manner. 1 Nz ,11 1 NN Mr. and Mrs'.

Frank Meadoweroft and Miss Louise Meadowcroft, Prairie avenue. have invitations out for a dance I on Friday evening. at 0 o'clock at the Virginia hotel. The party Is given for Miss Evelyn Shaw. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Van Doren Shaw of 1130 Lake Shore drive. Miss Shaw was one of the season's debutantes. Mrs. Royal Joseph Whitlock.

26eS Park place, Evanston. has sent out cards for a tea Tuesday. The hours will be from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Cudahy.

Mrs. Kenneth Goodman. Mrs. Arthur Bissell, and Hobart Chat field-Taylor are additional patroneeses for the ball of the Allied Arts of the Theater. to be given in commemoration of Shakes.peare's birthday anniversary next Thursday evening at 10 o'clock in the gold room of the Congress hotel.

The Little Review will give a party on the evening of April 27 in the Fine Arts assembly hall, au which the contributors will do various stunts, and the subscribers. with others who are interested. will furnish the audience. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay will recite some of his poems; Ruby Davis. the violinist.

and James Whittaker, the pianist, will play; Dr. George Burman Foster will speak, and there will be other features. Fifteen hundred invitations have been sent out for the lecture to be given by Mnse. Grouitch of Serbia tomorrow afternoon at o'clock to raise a fund for the war sufferers of her country. Mute.

Grouitch. who Is the rife of the Serbian minister of foreign affairs. sill speak in the crystal ballroom of the Blackstone hotel. The local committee of arrangements includes Mrs. George Iligginson Mrs.

Kellogg Fairbank. Mrs. Arthur Mrs. W. J.

Calhoun. Mrs. Edward T. Blair. and Mrs.

James B. Waller. The Cerny quartet will furnish a pro- i grant of Serbian music. Patronesses for the French war relief fund concert to be given Sunday afternoon. May 2.

under the auspices of the French consulate. the Alliance Francalast, and other French and Belgian societies. and under the direction of Herman Devries. are: Mrs. J.

Ogvien Armour. Mist. Cyrue Hall McCormick, Mrs. 'Watson F. Blair.

Mrs. 13. Blackstone, Mrs. Arthur Bissell. Mrs.

Blaine. Mrs. John De Koven. Mrs. H.

IL Kohlsnat. Mrs. Potter Palmer Mrs. Harry Channon. Ilaronne de St.

Laurent. Mrs. Huntington IL Henry. Mrs. Thomas Prindiville.

Mrs. Arthur Ryerson. Mrs. Charles Lobdell. Mrs.

U. It. Porter. Mrs. James Small.

and Mrs. David Mayer. The Black Friars of the University of Chicago will give their annual play on April 80. May 1. 7.

and S. al. Mandel hall. The Quadraingle fete will be given between the acts on the first night in court. and 1 Mr.

and Mrs. Frank liesdoweroft alovintegyr: a lu; st td.a4:t1:1 -otc)nro; 0 c'u aullnri eri 67. il the o. seas 0 nhr.dso al given Ini faoorillikss 1 Mr Royal Joseph s. illittlock 2.

1l4tS Park carrtious Ifoz to a"Tnh'ishhaoiusreanvitiolrb Mrs. Joseph Cudahy. Mrs. lerineoth Goodman. Mrs.

Arthur Bissell, and 'lilts. I pliaothroanrteeseehsattotirettill-oTbansilloort tahnee Aisidlid additional all, o- 1 of tile to be given In coininem mDlosreenshBehaw of 1130 Lake season's debutantes. was one of the Mrs. Royal Joseph Whitlock. ts.tleS Park 1 6place oa c.

Tuesday o't 1 ecEki aa I CsTnh.ohhaoi:resnivit 17 bcoafrrilems for Mrs. Joseph Cudahy. Mrs. Kenneth Goodman. Mrs.

Arthur Bissell, and llts. I of th Theater to be given in com memo- the Aaidudeldt additional 1 ration of Shakespeare's birthday anniver- sary next Thursday evening at 10 o'clock in the gold room of the Congress hotel. The Little Revie ill gie a party on the evening of April 27 in the Fine Ar wv ts 8.1 su 13 hail 701 .8 1 Ita tnta mitt bre 8-1 era. with others who are. interested.

will ee some pVlbjboe3aueetmtrtn; ese eppleaayttr aDhr4i here NI111 be other features Fifteen hundred Invitations have been sent out for the lecture to noon che affeSeekr lti lea after- yr- the war sufferers of hey country. Mute. Grouitch. who Is the rife of tbe Serbian minister of foreign affairs. 'It III speak in thheetecLryTstisiel lbeealeirtocoonetmotitttcheeent letirerkeentognee rnents Includes Mrs.

George Illgginson Jr, Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank 1Irts Arthur 'I'ho Cerny Quartet will furnibli a Pro- 1 Beautiful indeed are the hats is this group and at a price too. The lot includes natty sailor and poke bonnet 63441 styles. in straight and td --Iv, 4 i I': L-07 brims in t114(k and 1 all shades Ell 0 popular this eprin. Worth mora 1 a dou- fl ble.

at s- 4,..7, '0, i ir 9 7 4 eed are the hats is I at a tunptiney be he lot includes S' .1614 CI U. ,4 V9 ...1 -4': 1. Ps (7 -Al. le( A 1 -1 this an ney group and it Beautiful indeed are the vitheowitat srltrIaligilittanndg cr 1 popular this epnng. Worth mora 1 t.t? a don- it i t' 1 2 I 11 C4S( Ap." t'lliegnI'd :::441:: I 1 I -I 1 I 1 1 i 1 I I I I I I I I 4 HATS TRIMMED FREE 'I AIMED FREE 1 i 1 1 i 1 I i II 1 1 11,, I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 A 1 I 1 s' i 1 F'k 1 I .,:1,..

1 1 i I 11 ts-' )', 11 1 s' if '7 i. 4i: S''' .,0 A 1 A ub f' ki: Vi 16, A 'kDTCe s' PrENS 4 0 I 4- 41.3,:cir GLADYS sc, AN r)m- r-, 110-M. ENs 4 MISS GLADYS ANDMZSON I I I 1 11 11111 I 11 I 1 I I I ,1 1 i 1 4........:.,. I 1 et I 11 ''4' II I 1111 1 III II 1 II 111 1 I 1 I 1 1 i' 1 1 r. 1 i i A 1 1 it i ::,,,,4..::.:,.::.

I ,1 '') I 1 1 .,4,17:,::: -N: 4 01,......,:: i .,1 I 1Z: '4', Nsj s. 0 5 )YS Dress Goods 5 Goods 12 :,..2:: f. ..1 4:.: i i rs 7 'S 's -i''', ik. J. sk.N.

1 I STEPP c. asoN ks s'si 4. :4, NN 's kk- ('''4 4 4s, 'k 'N Zx 45 Q70 s. 2. NN ''s -7 iV( 4,, t.

A.1 IX, 4 50 inch black and white sher I herd check so popular 1 for suits, skirts yard 42 inch fine 42 inch cream wh it corde ttne.itist.-ous 1tii strired taffet2s. in on- dr esses. ly. Ivorth fully waists. 5ts double.

ro pieces quali tyeverf for NIt)n- where else. day, yard L'IC the Silk and wool lansdown, la good of light and dark A qc colors, worth S1.00,at, yard. 1 54 inch novelty 50 to 51 inch at striped suiting wool fine brc4 in new color cloth. in inat ions for variety of viois skirts anti soits. $1.00 gercrat'Yworth r.0e.

Monday, clIc at. yard LJC Va rd and white slier jugs, so Polnlli'r 16c yard I 1 42 inch cream white cordee in- striped taffetas dresses. Ily waists. 50; quali tyeverf; 1 where else. IC the 6.46 I lansdown, in si light and dark AG! S1.00, at, ttog' csYrr: 5 $1.: 1t ..1 3, variety uel I.

Sfd; 'hi Lt 21 cn' I. oSO i k'sx -An Perhaps the most original art hobby is that of Nirs Seymour Edgerton. A year or so ago she berame interested in puppets. a form of dramatic art which hae come doa to us from medieval times in Italy. She experimented In making them.

carving them out of cypress wood. She invented a. quite new Joint for them: gave their face ex presaion made their clothe: wrote plays for them: deltigned and constructed a stage for them; and now the fruit of her two years" is the charming. quaint little marionette show at the Little theater. Mrs.

Edgertons husband is a well known lawyer here. She lives in an att motive apartment on the corner of North State and Se-hiller he has two 14onte lots of Mends, and much eocial and yet she has given many hours a day for two years to her work shop in the basem*nt of the apartment building where she lives. busy with chisel. hammer nails. saw, and all sorts of other tools.

For the last few months the Engsculptor. Miss Kathleen Wheeler, has been her. NEss Wheeler took a Iriz at the recent art erhibit here for a delightful little group she did in plaster of the singers, the three Fuller Mrs. Edgorton nays that her puppets have each a real personality for her. She is most fond of Pierrot.

She has made a moat fapoinating five headed. dragon for her lay. The Deluded hiCil 'Mould cause Wrz gyres 'great and glorious worm- to el- or envy. Iler stage is four Get by three. Thep.

ts ate from twelve to fourtevn inehes In height and are deftly worked by the-amateurs hum she has enlisted' to help her. It take-s four months hard traintng to teach even the beginnings of puppet manipulation. Iletaidee having to work the limire. and body In a. lifelike way, each puppeteer hest learn the part pe-rfectly so as to give the words their due weight.

I PERSONALS. 1 whom took part in the wedding of the eldest On April 5. Nhe in a graduate of Kemper hall and was introduced to sncirtY two years ago. Mr. Re Qua is the son of Mr.

and Atm Charles H. Re Qua of 3929 Grand boulevard and the grandson of the late Maher Haven, a pioneer of Chicago. He is a Harvard man. No date has been set for the writ ding. Mr.

and Mrs. Ile.nry A. Blair, their daughter. Miss Anits Katharine Keep. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Chauneey Keep. and Miss Mildred Blair. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Chauncey Blair. are expected to arrive home from California this week. actor anti actress stting in a bare room with a crust of bread on a plate in front of them and a peculiarly hon. hurgry, and savage wolf peering at them through the window. while the wall behind them was covered with testimonials from the different philanthropic enterprises to which they had given their services in charity entertainments.

That cartoon bit (probably the wolf too) and the t.sin of that bite returns now at the announcement of this ball for the bent tit fund to be given in the gold ballroom of the Conexcies hotel next Thursday eV filing. If ull of you who have called upon th e. profession for free aid for your inany entertainments fx years past can go to this hall and (Will go, may be that grislY wolf will not haunt maybe it wilt. Continued on png-e four.) BLID BRERTH The Linens 151, ottth6eri sp-vial Nforlitay, at white bed spreads for full zS with long frinoall art)unol. Mnnday.

at I9c unbleached Turkish towels. 1241 inches. of Isle() imperfcct, cdionut 1 $I09 full bleached hernstitchol di.nt tsk tt.1 doths, rmti4inck6 Pf.lka design. soft fin- fo ish at Pt.lka dcsign. S4'Et 64C 101.

at eir. e.s,; ed spreads for to long fringt.all vir Lay. at ull Turkish 241 inches. 0 hresd, but iipeTifect, 1 ts I at ILL ached hem stitchc.1 tloths, rsign, soft fin- 64C home of the bride's parents. Bishop and Mrs.

Charles P. Anderson of 1612 Prairie arenue, and so persistent were the congratulatory messages that begat' to flood Miss A riderson's post that a formal announcement u-as made this week by het- parents. Miss Anderson is the second daughter of the family of four beautiful young women, all of Tickets can be procured at any theater box office and it is up to us ailto you. and you, and youto go t3 the players' party and help make the erasion a auccess. The French residents of Chicago dind their American friends are busy these days getting up their concert for Sunday afternoon.

May 2, at the Blackstone theater. to raise money for the French war relief fund. Miss Jemnte Dufau. formerly of the Chicago Opera company. and Hermon Devries are actively organizing the musical program.

Part of this program will be an act from the opera in which some of the leading parte and other less important Wes will be filled by Chicagoans. Mrs. Thomas Prindiville. Dorothy Cannon. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Bartlett. Mrs. James Small. and Huntington Henry will be among these local Among the patronesses are Mesdarnea Ogden Armour.

Cyrus H. McCeilThick. Arthur Ryerson. Arthur BIP-Peil. John de KOVer4 If.

H. Kohlsaat. Eintlitalt1 nine. Watson Blair. Arthur A1di4 and T.

Blackstone. her, 01140 by a well known north silde woman and the othcr by the la Bees bachelor brother, eaelt check amounting to $10 MO. And now comes me. Siavko Gm'ultch, bt-illiant and handsome, to enlist our Interest in, the Se who are in even more plight than the Belgians. Her meeting tomorrow afternoon At 3:30 in the ballroom of the Blackstone hotel promises to be well attended.

Mme. Groultch is by birth An American. but with the wonderful adaptability of our race has Po Idntified hersit her busband'a country that she looks very foreign. She is a most interesting speaker. Mitcliell Follansbee.

president of the Chicago Par association. will presde at the meeting, and there will be music. The list of patronesses for th's meeting I given elsewhere in this paper. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It.

When Miss Gladys nderson erred as maid of honor at the wedding of her sister, Miss Janet -4 nderson. and lir. George Royer on Easter Monday, few there Were in the fashionable assemblage who knew of her engagement to Ilaren Re Qua, Dr. best atom But the news leaked out during the wedding breakfast that followed at the be present at this meeting are Mesdames Hobart Chattielol-Taylor, Joseph U. Coleman.

Kellogg Fairbunk. Arthur Alas. Watson Armour. Lawrence Armour, Edward 'F. DUllne.

Richard Fox. Joseph Fish. Lockwood llonorfI. J3 rnksit Keeley. William Prescott Hunt.

Norval Pierce. Morris L. Johnston, anti I lerbert Schwarz. Allen Ilsinee Is to astdst Donald Brian in the work of the floor committee. Mrs.

John Carpenter is helping liugh Garden in the decorations of the baUroom. These are to be flinple rind are to consist of dark blue and gold arches reaching from the floor to the and will dIvide the circumarnblent balcony into boxes, while under the bakony soets will be placed. Among those who have taken boxes are Mrs. Roy NicWilltiams. Mrs.

Jahn Carpenter. Mrs. Joseph Fish. Mrs. Kellogg Falrbank.

Cyril Maude, Arthur Bissell. and Chauncey --e-- The ball will open with a stately Shakspeare pageant. in which will appear most of the theatrkal notables in town at the moment. The ball will be an excellent opportunity to see allot the well known aobors and actresses off the stage. SupperIncluded In the price Of the ticketwill be served in the Elizabethan room and a continuous vaudeville will accompany it.

Also there will be two bands of music for the dancers one in the ballroom tself and one in the big ante-chamber next to the relic de (lanais be honor maid. There A ill bd. tont bridesmaids. the Misses 'Margot Cushing. Catharine Cuahing.

Gladys Spencer, Ruth Johnson. Margaret Small. all of I lighland Patk. and Miss Siargaret Nye of Cleveland. O.

May 4 is the date Pet for the mat-rinse of Miss Marie Lenore Kasten, daughter of NI.r. and 1Irs. Iterinan A. Kasten of Kenilworth. to Hugh Huntington Dyer of Cleveland.

van of Mr. and aim )ugh W. Dyer of Kenilworth. The service wit the read al 7:30 o'clock in the evening in the Kenilworth Union church by the Rev. Charies lierswell, the rector.

A reception will follow at o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents. At the marriage of MIA, Butterfield. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Butterfield.

MO Pratt avenue. Rogers Park. to Earl Rathbun of New York on Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents. the Itev. T.

Anthony Mills of the Congregational church of Battle, Creek, will read the service. Mrs. A. M. Cromley of C0111771 bliS.

the bride's aunt. will attend her as matron of hcnor. Two young sisters of the bride. alisees CaroLine and Laura Butterfield. will be bridesmaids.

Little Julia Scott Butterfield and 3 year old lielen. the youngest daughteTs of the family. ill act as flower inflict and ring bearer reapectively. Jane 5 is the date set for the marriage of Mies Dorothy NVella. daughter of alts.

Frank rA-1 Groveland Park. to Walter H. Meta itt of New 'York. Invitations have been tik-nt out by Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Cedargreen for the marriage of their daughter. Minnie Annette, to Carl Richard Jernberg on Se-tur4ay. May 1. at 8 o'clock In the evening in the Ravenswood Baptist church. At home after Sept.

1 at 7130 Normal boulevard. Mr. and Mn. George T. of 4S53 Kimbark avenue announce the uu 11' unuunc In I i 2.50 Shoes 1.69 hoes 1.69 I I WEDDINGS.

There are sevoral famous puppet theaters in Europe. notably at Venice. Rome. ra-t. and Munich.

The one at Veniee is one of the and most interest'nx, It is Intirely patronized by the tsimple folk of Vonice. the geondoliers. entail hcTkeepers. and street vendors. The men take their la Ives and all their children even to the babe at the breast.

They bring food of various kinds. sugared fruits on sticks. caltesa nd bread, and alternately munch and watch the purpot show. The latter la so reel to them that they hugh and crY applaud and hiss, to the theme of the play. Another form of dramatic art inaldng Its appeal to us just notv.

A 1al.1 to raise money for the actors benefit fund, which to being gotten up. Is clamoring for ntion. Cyril the well known English actor. la at the head of the utulkfrtaking and under him are- a lot of conernittees composed partly of members of the theatrical world anti partly of some well known Chicagoans. who are stepping in to aid, the players.

for the latter are suffering fromet all things in theoworld stage fright! They ars so eagtr to make the occasion a success. so anxious to do every-thing to help it. atnd yet so overcorne with diffidence and the fear that people wont want to come to their party that it is up to us Chicagoans who owe so mazy hours of inspiration. and relaxation to the profession. to rally around thrill now.

Aiding and abetting them are RiAard Bissell. Hugh Garden. Allen Mints, Mrs. John A. Carpenter.

Airs. Kellcgg MAirbank. and a formidable list of forty patronesses. The latter are to meet Cyril 'Maude in conference tomorrow morning at 11 in the Oak room of the Congrcss hotel to the sale of the boxes. Amorg those who Lave promised to Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. act gently on the bowels and positiveiy do the wink. leopie afflicted with bad breath find quIck relief through Dr. Edwards' 011e Tablets. The pleazant.

augar-oated tablets are taken for bad by all vitt) know them. Dr. Edwards' Olie Tablet a act gently but tit toly on he bowels and liver. Limit-la ting them to natural action Cleanthe blood and gently purifying the en-Ilia system. They do that which dangerous calomel dres without any 4.4 the bail after 4 fret.

All Use benents of nasty sickening. griping cathartics are derived frotn Edwards Olive Tablet. without pain or disagreeable effects of any kind. Dr. F.

M. Edwards dikpovered the formu1 a. after soventetn years of practice among paticrnts afflicted With bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are ptirely a vegetable cotnpound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color.

Take one or wo every night for a week and note the effect. Itto and 25c per bog. All d'ruggists. rhe olive Tablet Columbus, Ohio. -rho- olive Tablet Columbus, Ohio.

Wo en's shot' with colored tops. lace miNtels as tratcd, rit ent noltFkin, toes. Cuban up to the miner KA wear. srcs 21 to S. to 2.50.

dal NI on dal at cnly omen's shot' with colored teiP5 lace models as iT mc trated, madeol cit era eoltFkin. pAit, toes. Cuban litel. up to the mintrr sari lace trato ent toes. up -vb, 4 Lf lb( 1.....

It Invitations were sent out Friday for the marriage of Miss Cecile Val. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman Vail of Highland Park, to Merrell Follansbee, which will take place Saturday evening, May S. at o'clock in the PreFbyterian church of Highland Park.

the Rev. Calvin Dodson, pastor of the church will perform the ceremony. Mrs. Carleton Vail, Pi2.ttet-1n-1aW of the bride. will attend her as matron of honor.

and Miss Nbar.lorie Follansbee, the bridegroom's slater, will 1 Little and attractive Madame de rage. the eadt faced. soft voiced emissary from the Belgian, Bed Crosy, must have felt eneouraged by the sympathy shown her and her cause. the Belgian field hospitals, here. She is said to have raised in Chicago alone nearly ttC.0.000 in money and promisee.

I know of two chocks given we w-woo1ro Q. 0,6.6 VW Va. 11,. SF N. 16,,,,,,, Ob.

0 bib 1.69 10-. A year or so ago there was a cartoon la a Chicago tktily representing an old I 1 I I I i.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.