Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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BB 1SW APRIL a rt'y nd Ircnrri'lali'y fca CUBAN APMY SCENE IN THE PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU AEAS'AU vA 'L'LLLA'Lis AY A LL ASA bL: Jncv Cruise of the Whistlewing Pagan like nd S2U distinct a me if rill of then "hud I 4( ill's CROCODILE ALLIGATOR JOE' harf ft the Passion Play bcramnierj 1 hand b't woMic P'late na lie 'I I ho theory ind lent eighteen tjci formalize de mi in hi vlebi i sold been bum watch iaetories all when COAST DEENSI Ho curtpdre expt run larM in ri for in that and hay D1 ce i any rt poor in tns such uniformly produce sdmilir putts Yvtic ilJy 4Wd fojhr not to a blow to lhe ne to many fn day load Miami is walks are looks and Ho Pl count rt swapped Wc4 bail' bet my mon tains officers tan young il and a THE DETROIT nn! know the reg thy visit all the eoast But when asked for In the Everglade they wfl for they are jealous if to them in the lie cfva washes hi Is the has a men Inch from the burst fanous glade only fix mile from the yacht wn rim up the river for tht ir and frost ueip enough mom oil to a trip made in id we we: BAVARIA THE MAD KING and the rest of lhe Reaching the rap ard Capt Cool he on mil the only him in Lis Infancy ne orth a flpari of inreitl enii in jblish it The onda jour at it was only slightly ch rition formerly existing I1WH1V vmns vtitu3r mmuhh there vji uiMaUbUtfC ui tnv inwu nnd another built on a reef fur her wring the kite War a Crfl WPS inld fn tms to the Jiiamlahd Ud ichment United it ttoopa ki aditAry rt iron the top of thi old tower ford Spa wi ships t4 st do Miami 1 one of the rtuM drfenw lurt riveted 14 epilKg it is pluva the of the cliff in a commanding rcf tian tit rm occupied only a hnt tis The guns turv then taken to Key which will be our next pelt SHKLDVX A WOODg morning th i Thi with the he finds contrnlcut metis and handy is a rrap vs 8 1 a llk OOI fit In fact it has non of the lnfl nv reeks A dightniusr building stand? al i KVA a 1 Xt i i th KA 1 tV'd' HU 1 1 i Tiii rur xi rpx i 'vt un' i i described a n' six feet S3J with bottopi of liiiiostofo' ur a piattnti NORTHERN VOYAGERS SEEK THE BALMY SOUTH ONLY TO IND ANOTHER ROST up the boat a from the boat In daytime ts as easy as forking a pickle The rivers are the high ways of the TIPs Indians es timated anywhere from tn XniM in num bur live on the inlands ion well that towns by boat formation alwit give no answer thJt the only home I distance the tre oveie islands ris frotn the dead level of saw grass Thl plant Is first cousin to the buza diw of Michigan lumber mills Caught between the fingers and the oar it will cut to the twine In dians do not use paddles but push their canoes with poles having a fork at' the r2 ir I'vr Returning we shot the north rapids and for excitement the tilp surpasses the ft mans canoe tide at the Sault Ste Marie Arriving iat the bottom we had a the night which may 'nwnt Bui TRUTH about the freeze of northern papers are allowed offei although wee Joseph and I'd convers' ition is refreshing lhe efforts of tne mar from Jaeison souid crude and atnnt uii' li i et his masterly fictions Hitch his sioru't together and he is at leat "Al years old spent S0n) grading my water said ne As the imp: overrent represent a few REE PRESS tey are and the wi tche ed upon the mistaken supposition that must be necessaitly rough in their'trnctmn and uncx rta An tLeir run i rites a Insrerlng death The credit si heme of applying machinery tx 4belmijH llu this cuun anl is Cue to A Eolprr watchmaker trti oo thy 'ictorj of the rei ea cart in the cidcilinon tie prostrate rm the erourn Tt ire ot paw erod by the Lun One'oi the Characters ted to the most I appria rmacy wi would na will out betaiK tl ia nor vine machine a A A 1' i ri a cu fi ir i i ilH U1 maUc ina hinery found in Qfelopmvnt vve enum Hu ujj of joi Mi nee It ''jl to In 71 nk al Bavaria nn "I His Beauti ful Home great tract is a blank gp ima as it? lAteeitn century probably knef more of tlls Coiii trv wo ''r "a th for the fountain of and imaglnaty wealth Tho American Des has been surveyed and partly settled vtr iVt'c iut rsi iT' fvpr IO) lOll'T 10 Vfiip 11V two of SvI'ite rrtn in modern times and tlcy did ren lP: pair of tubbcr boots V'e had ft hi poes on oi those bouts but this we felt there was a fitness In his having tht in find nobody offered to liorrov' net il dry of tr ir sratl kint with iei the reeel i opuiar and oi protrises in be 'n enlig't ned rr or a re It Tiive to the I euutlful i ilvir' of ur fortunate kin is fu orr xcuif tox ist line e'l worth rhe vfiort gro ids mil pt'' re side if when the ry to il I hear 1 amwin inc the anprKh of rvmr' The curt iln The mid easrln its whole vh the fl niy mo in rin 1 forms th Uni mg urar ae oi wat is pure anti supyl es Mktxrl TVo rbwoil up on of rivet or Game abounds The wild turkty els wherc extinct is found In on thy i xivria is ot tineas lit met wnn ee3c not vbn Vr Ince them to slay A northerner who ht ilowr: a car load of horst's uK to planters at good pront arrived the lhe gr atest drama Tuey are ore wall the gt rfeinn rs sicr ivr giiii pami head of found and fhGiiting the hymn cf welcum Ail all 'I'r' 'wv the as sn po nf rni 1 winds i'P to the set ne of He ian ryf () tnrou rh ILe Pavatian I'Srl is rrr thronged with aJint saf Is rd 'ic ins wi jpe liders As we drove higher anti higmr tn peaceful fi Ids below e'l1' 5 like i quisite oj il in the lit fu'dnr a ny iad of colors The sca and wbbe id ices and blue ski of a omt dotted the fit for of Abb me pw browsed al out Tb were ctlnn of a plank with nails combed from the boat memories of flying rocks that emed to rise from ilm river bed limbs lluil retched' out and piked us and switching branched that struck if wli ldud by a school master Elori lie history shows that the climate is Te 1W pr o' the 1 mUil C' mvrly uised l' sugar can and other pro th nlored gion remaining On duets that can be hart st earlv in Jan' rn thi tr ict is a uaiy The orange craze dates bJ to te map rd a tm tract is a lnrth(l mdsti Ofc the'money made has been lunh as i riAir vam i ro nr saw an icre iu(d oj io north'Tmra at $1 tw an acre Thi pi i "Car branch of ont rp isa wdl la A from Michigan who Invested before Ida and vix rt i' Si id hChii I T'reivcti word that ell bli trees MUn IVHIH VOJ 1 hxJ DJvr co nv ar the pUc xis tinier report lorida i a in no more than and it Is unknown edik aHhcutor) captured by loal to nl1 hut the t' minole Gemrraphors can hunter Il 1 only io i riccntlv thit th' crocodile was known to give no Iniormttion and the precalen extL jp x')rth America 'le differ from lief resrird it a bottomless bog a malar a 11 feit or in betrg numc nvage ions morass and rropital jungle impene anl having loth jaws hinged contrivance who represented the Chrr wi taken tri hsa hcmy in an unron rioiw conouion arimy and strain of tne pstrt sfro greats Ttut a Gsrrnn PALACE ny pde it "Svf II place but trie moq it owe for my th: finis he case or Henry 7e'or i in liio loi da land on everything but his and ui iture A Mtnrn him wth fertilizer mid gi He worked nil day mgbt me wn to get Jroni jtieets ands to eiitii hi land The frot i alt of tils vegetables and before grow more they would be too lite the northern markets ro worth from tile entrance to Jeru salem to Resurrection The last is a tahl au symbolical of triumph entire space of the stage occupied by a lititurie believers In Christ rejo'e ing an I hen 'ns branches 'of the palm tree A 1 1 A I Crn surrouiucu woumis shining stin'l a majestic the miJ cf tile worshipii people lives since: 11 aifesur a he had lived Ixfoiv shin vp Cue U'il tit lltts aee ur tenn alwiu two ir iar Mumn years ni mil liter the freeze with three more car tralde to everything the terrible rep Tie could not give'tbem away tiles supposed' to Inhabit the dense and iiew ivwi ciLieeiw inn hitph vliut cava ted from coral lime ch of si wam: It might be Oid ort Dallas and barracks i described a a' lake' wo to rik feet de still standing Tt was occupied from with a bottom of limestone' ur a piatmti to lri lagler hns built an iminn ho covered with a ntworlc of rivers The toi nere ansi maue tne i rmmua oi no direction date igs ear IS'A Mr st Coast Railroad the most smithe'ly li nn's thi the substitution road in the United 'The oldest svt nal iTiMjplinvs fc'ir Ullman skin would tier live arnsn the river Irani tlio Tmlel and refused' an offer uf JTOoiXtf' for twenty i My ria Is of itiieks ale met with aeiei for a hotel sit Tie Is rcputial to tic The cougar wildcat and d'er Th' the most prr IUic pievaricator in IToriJa water is alive with ti and spearing them iw it snows how rapidly the conned race end mit be leveluping a wage earners We made a trip to the famous ver coast The five miles MIAMI LA i nton jrepsramry to witnessing the solemn I he i assion rlay Piay 1 place in a theater tuul ng upon a hill just li it bie the village and 'ats all day with a for lunch The Impressive Drama tnactea Before the 4Wa: presentation takes place lh re re WO tallltHS TfepI es Kg the 1 Oberammergau saeTilLe of Isaac arid lle utoialion at the IP itoss' The sobmnty jrd of tie jen is enh'iPiril bj the rha1 if! of a IN THE valley of'tl Ammar lies the cnon nglnq pro'ngm irirpo of the village of amjrirTik 1 1 tr rhL is lhe are insent of pavem' nts its i voptc 1 ture fores aidow mz the reuempi ion are as anlovt'lied In world the will rmu' the fur'urentil ilea of the ze the 1 I 1 1 1 tl Iglaw ba and between them an'4 it 1 or harmony with tle 'Ie''ri church lhe smoke o' ful: of the tragedy vlirh iow at'tu li the cries of I'T 'I nd the The imir ''l pre roar of ils eliei be the freh peace niao i non th mind ami fol flow opvs of tn lt 3 tnr fcfCirs to tin the mountains ter years a lV iB tenih tv eaiertain hut is the world thee and r'd' Ice Col MI a thequie: ns jm http js inur Mn tor 1 ni formed ft is a very of nrapturen nnl is Everv civtined hcCiv the world tn tt represented the 1 rent pnheurr of rf anii devotion an I grad Pic who have ceme all mt ti the Until ai so grand compass to viire nt i ho uop 'd thus re nied before 1 and mt unlqu? neta li i'a T) owing pli of the jo' i etrt c' tdy has taken the'form of' stupor the neca ftnal Gatbrcaknee There has nevtr been any his: recovery ti nd it i really 1 lament tide fact that hp physical health is excellent He occu lies a suite of 'rooms on the ground floor of tlie pita the tin it being lw l't open during the daytime is 11 the front windows of and since the gla s'd by wire Nothing else about the palace w'ould mdicae mat Piratic inliabied it The king is always dresed in black and in this country and the riesp foreign Ci times Time was watches were made by' hand' made in Europe to dav prejudice against nuicliine maile DASHING CAPTAINS THE Manv of the Cuban soldiers arc hand omc young fellows full of iah and courage Here are two brother both cap 1 1 Kr'nAet fix z1r1 crtrn GcnJromez ineirname is ucuras aim inty uic duju5 ah was taken quite recently 1 we tt our charmfng bit f' CtbbtA and wrrr 11 the Tld and obt Timn rdmnol rn to it 'i'c 1111 ie 1 is" priestly rab 's fo sisltme Ihesm lihn ara'n 1 1 the she pile of Grm and Judas be a in a Yful 1 anr LEE Wl dem tclegr dey dor came ut nebb had no to loaning money to some to lie swell tne it Mt mow slt ly towards Cm mid Tn rtre ib Lrancl singing and many them of vivid grifn teen a ctinison ii ot pa ibi ir gnincnts in the way uni I pins The Gugs itzo and i mn tjlv ivinr at lat nr: ri up IQoif feet on each ide the On an at the head of his 1 before and on its a rd it garment lilac cms glistened iri abe it 1114 lea 'ng is At last we rwch 'd the proverbial turn rii nlficd ard gfntb' meek and ye: mate tc in the lane and found 0 1 elves the yr that hi 1 once se Hi Pt nt none other than Annirs the High ato Hi Its iplc nre Prieot! Th village band was plt nil tlothd ooriy quite in ke mq wth through str eta welcoming the vi i their lowly Thur long ttavemg little bart Iegged a sta imi'iirt a yeiullur cf piloting tiuir rhnrgi Aldcr ev e' ns un iarance The ptap'o in and out among th or iut: bay ng emerged tro taineers great tail fellows in pie ttu esq tic an tirntiil the taip green hunting suts wri tmrhirs in bir from th ass Thi 1 a qi and hat a a bright hit Of colir le urobti for hi rb'e nji seine Th little 'wl inaltl a i ut ir fashi Tu rs surrouir'r weH lfpi cat'! ns find iho'r I away unnoli'd ''he walls nvrmd with us rr 's 1 ci: made by the appearance of the rfiv ur Ing scilp urnl hinrv is wonderful He tbs Ou tne After 'Iso Ilcfn tirn the no of our earliest imagi aid otl 1 mred drama played bv nation wix we ive imagined ii in propio rrnnntain Ccimitie qradtul i Rle pictures cm to walk in person bi ly gati way I ore th 01 pr 'gr's fore our vv st we hear Him ijauk and the" of time being te' while the people praise ard bits posed such sunph exps os faith But th? of the Httln on t'w Tnus to'Vi nine'centh century Uhri tlans banks A ie thei" fiirl thvrretv suditniy thir rio the old time tn rUit a vow to God world lem ivr a the hut ry which w'? avacina th homu they rm iA 4 1 tju Tr mv! JI I id si tl Kll 4 A a J' Tb wws 'i I' lj and th have kept their vow faiufuTv At 1 'cic lu the mu wing the en'ire vil lage sBdi ri'J by tl ch 1 inonii them tv early' and con 'K Wp Jpart rourt' A II 11 II rra jw fc ii 1 SSBESK 44 A MR wftjr Aj 3 qKOMR a llt 1 sW 'SAS3B5k Ta! fcS? V' Wit I fb'C MbMEWmII driv A A on? 4 iCaSi MSO mIa 'o A A' BMmC iWiill A A XC' 1 A 4 5 0 A JfcS Ay iJX' lllkieBB A' siMfi A 1 i 4 Miol i 14 sm zv iTpryx W3lf os 8 1 Kss fi 'HMI jilET ll11! 'M TMii WMIMMBljMMMfaBgWBMMMMMKM 4 diunation is dark mo tel riLIc Ke pZ A 41 r'" e' irrrt im oa 2 I a eft a wj JkBP111 rn WMTi if I 1: 4' A i A A a Mi 4 'c i a 'r zz Zz jLV cwu srs waba ar rrr Mssr OMrsS: mr i i mcTwi i murTg rrr utsv ua SM as ir vri YM jSW gfvaB ent rit I Oil lMKA Jnw trimme 4J a 1 rlbOEaSCi 'J To MM governor Kf The pa ruined fn aero st3tc I divdu 1 was near cho mouth I 'yrx llcti Hl UC CH 'vr Near Ho SjA5r itboit aaiou VV iiliWllLI ill lIMMW MMBIi 1 fnezeand next Tb I wt nn( a Iy sui it a 7 I i A 41'5 4 that 1 AW LL'I he xff''a'CT i Mt 'M i TMk 'VEIL zjuir I MkWMM MMM C'f or uie eHMHi being hit below the line with 4 a MH eled mill as tne sun rose the wining vr ctnio i cave the air the odor of a lyheli tt "£3 0MHIK ti ar Girri town a SKHraBaSflESBMMntiSTw EZZZ1 JMraik believed to ie beyond "the te mh of I a roit 1 en the great tt ze of i did not 1 hL A '1' rnr hblf I iT toAlMfi Hl the mXgnitICV At a vM 8 a a khmbthbf 1 yt triy £kv (I UKfS the "Z1 I aS mf I 1 The SWmZ 4 1 uad come in a street Ccimr I' 'A Where linot laiwWksftial a 1 loel fj' $1 ms who rs Tne gloom fio iof wolf II i S3 if TY igui ab rv 'for ri inrr a Mb? ing a bymm io rything LTf' bv Lf 4 4 nU3KlK ant JS I i np 1 Nj un I Ss at i 1 1 1 i AN WgMsgBMBlfgjf jKr gf Ki' and ferti S' ft Take si' jS I fnrm 1 gave a 9 team fwjC Lksr Li aiiM' I1" ROSA LANG AS MARY to Blob in lle LoiSt ol ran I fe1 's' I 1 1 Vh pmanii cS Messiah 1 acconipan ri i Song ci 'I on Victor sum Vi Ti all He 1 I irnu in5 rs mr i vi tuple 4 111 3 rt 3 I i the ur I nm kame ami it feeing that it it a Rs'' immMBPW 7 a kw k2xi Lu I I' we were as I ZZZAZA TZ foT 1 VO AL il it Lt nL I 1 nZ wwh A 4 S'K would diut'U IB 4" NfL 1 LX LLLZ the great SB i 9 JYv SB iMk ct 1 igg's 1 1 a MQh fl MBMMOMSMHlMMMTBHiMM 3B iZZZ: i 2 AnnMMWraMffTKoBMM zrz cAnr sf tr bl I THE si' rom a'' 1 imir uwiK xiiii'H m'k 'ii 1 iiv 2 iz irsim vv s' id i The hJ: L' 1 Yjt a iV muated tion the 'Q ''PL 'N I jT K4 flonmg bill The pal i 'v iST fc ffl isyl a 4 IJ 4 A steps arfi of pure LfN A' S' LA c'1' le prcC aloxt end iuxur i i ounli 'ground are re 'LtjY Vm e' visit ir comes avay Lyn t2 tL'1 rr s' 1 1 must De in Sr i N' nt nltM' jsaraeaKiKfeO? l'l vuf S3 oneof 1 vtsreswL Indus CL A rtrnf NEAR b'7N.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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