The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

GOREN ON BRIDGE Page 11 wtsftct SECTION 1 14 PAGES VOL. 194. NO. 38 Associated Press and Wirephoto LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1951 New York Times Service, United Press 28 PAGES 5 CENTS Siler Wins Nomination Russian President Urges Peace Pact Letter to Truman Supports Moves To Limit Arms, Ban Atom Weapons By W. H.

LAWRENCE Special to The New York Times and The Courier-Journal To Oppose Wetherby Benton Demands McCarthy Resign Wisconsin Senator Refuses and Calls Democratic Critic Midget' By The United Pies Washington, Aug. 6. Senator Benton Conn.) demanded today that Senator McCarthy resign his seat, and urged the Senate to consider expelling him if he In November Election Washington, Aug. 6. Nikolai Shvernik, technical chief i of state of the Soviet Union, renewed today in a message to President Truman a Soviet proposal for a five-power pact to strengthen the peace through disarmament and a ban on manufacture of atomic weapons.

Harry Lee Waterfield Loses In Senate Race Wayne Freeman of Mayfield Beats Veteran Legislator by Over 1,600 Votes By ALLAN M. TROUT Harry Lee Waterfield, Clinton, a member of the House for six terms and Speaker twice, has lost his first race for the State Senate. The veteran legislator bowed to Wayne Freeman, May-field attorney, who has served one term in the House. I if'? Lead Grows To 14,652 Over Meade By HUGH MORRIS Eugene Siler, 50, mountain Baptist lay has won the Republican nomination for Governor. The former appellate judge's opponent, W.

Howes Meade of Lexington and Paintsville, conceded defeat in a personal telephone call to Siler at his Williamsburg home shortly after 11 o'clock last night. Meade's message said: "Congratulations on a great personal victory. "I stand with a unified Republican Party to fight for victory for you, for the Republican Party, and for the people of Kentucky in establishing the high principles you represent in our State Government in Frankfort with victory in November." Lead Mounting Steadily With the tally 80 per cent complete, Siler's margin over W. Howes Meade, Lexington attorney, had widened to 14,652 votes. Meade also was born in the mountains.

Each group of precincts to report yesterday increased Siler's edge over Meade, who had started off in front in early returns. The vote in 3,260 of the State's the proposal for a five-power antiwar pact first was made by Andrei Vishinsky before the United Nations General Assembly in 1949, and since has become a standard weapon in all Communist "peace offensives" designed to slow Western rearmament. The Shvernik letter dealt with the pact in the most general terms and lacked the specific details that would be necessary before any nation could consider the suggestion seriously. It had only this to say about the proposed pact: Would 'Lighten Burden "The duty of all peace-loving peoples consists in steadfastly carrying on a policy of war prevention and preservation of peace, of not permitting arms races, of attaining limitation of armaments, and the prohibition of atomic weapons with the establishment of inspection over the implementation of such a prohibition, and of co-operating in the conclusion of a five-power pact for the strengthening of peace. "The conclusion of such a pact would have an exceptionally important significance in the improvement of Soviet American relations and the strengthening of peace among people.

Such a pact would raise the confidence of all people in the preservation of peace and, moreover, would per refuses. The Wisconsin Republican promptly refused, saying, "It is lucky for this country that Connecticut's mental midget does not run the Senate." Benton introduced a resolution directing the Senate Rules Committee to investigate McCarthy's role in last year's Maryland Senate race and "other acts" with a view toward "expulsion." Under the Constitution, the Senate may expel one of its members by a two-thirds vote. The machinery has been used rarely since the Civil War. Refusal Is Predicted Benton said in a Senate speech that the only way McCarty could "make amends to the people of Wisconsin and his colleagues in the Senate" was by resigning voluntarily. But he rightly predicted that McCarthy would refuse.

McCarthy was not in the chamber when Benton delivered -his surprise speech, but he issued an angry statement to reporters a little later. He said the oust McCarthy resolution would make Benton "the hero of every Communist and crook in and out of the Government." McCarthy said all he did in the Maryland campaign was to "expose the whitewash of Communists in Government" by attacking ex senator Tydings who conducted an investigation of McCarthy's charges that the State Department is Red-infiltrated. 'A Fraud and A Hoax' The Tydings group found Carthy's charges were "a fraud and a hoax." In an implied threat to take up the campaign cudgels against Benton in like manner when he is up for re-election next year, McCarthy said: "Benton will learn that the people of Connecticut do not like Communists and crooks in Government any more than the people of Maryland like them." McCarthy asserted that Benton, a former assistant secretary of state, "worked hand in glove with the crimson clique who have The message from the President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. was in reply to a resolution by the United States Congress expressing the friendship of the American people towards the people of the Soviet Union. (Shvernik's full title is president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

As such, he is titular head of the state. The Presidium of 33 members functions as a sort of executive committee to carry on the administration when Russia's legislature, the Supreme Soviet, is not in session. The 33 are chosen from the 1,300 or so members of the Supreme Soviet. (Shvernik presides at the meetings of the Presidium, but lacks the power of a fellow-member of the organization, Premier Joseph Stalin. Stalin's principal power, however, comes from his position as general secretary of the Communist Party of the U.S.SJt.) Friendship Resolution Sent A long resolution by the Presidium, included in the message from Shvernik, stated that the Soviet people not only have feelings of sincere friendship towards the peoples of all the world, but are unified in their attempts to eliminate the threat of a new war.

The Soviet leader declared that his people well knew there were "forces" in some nations that were striving to unleash a new world war in the hope of enriching themselves. Truman's message to Shvernik was sent a month ago tomorrow, but it still has not been published in the Soviet press or otherwise brought to the attention of the Russian people as he requested. Notwithstanding, Shvernik asked that Truman bring the Soviet resolution to the attention of the American people. First Proposed In 1949 At Truman's direction, State Department officials worked overtime translating the Russian document into English, and made it public a few hours after it was received. State Department officials said Cadets Get Assurance Of Inquiry Senator Pledges Early Action On Mass Ouster By The Associated Press Ninety West Point cadets, facing dismissal, got the promise yesterday of a Congressional inquiry into their cases.

Military Academy officials said they would welcome such action. A Senate investigations subcommittee announced in Washington that it will make a preliminary inquiry into the matter, to be followed possibly by a full investigation by the Armed Services Committee. Earlier, both Maj. Gen. Frederick A.

Irving, academy superintendent, and Earl "Red" Blaik, head football coach, said they would like to see such an inquiry. Doubts Final Condemnation Blaik said he favored a Congressional probe "so the true character of these boys and the true relationship of football to life at the academy can be brought before the country." Of the 90 cadets held guilty of violating the academy's honor code by cheating on exams, Blaik said: "I am sure that when the whole story is understood, no fair-minded man will condemn them." Blaik, whose powerful Army football varsity is reported to be decimated by the mass ouster, said the accused cadets are among "the finest we have in the corps." Parents Organize Fight Blaik's statement came as parents of 17 of the cadets facing ouster organized a committee to fight for review of the case in Washington. Retired Army Col. Harrison Travis of Atlantic Highlands, N. West Point graduate and leader of the group, said a delegation will appeal directly to Defense Secretary Marshall.

Travis' son, Harrison, is a member of the academy's football squad. Irving's attitude was voiced in a short note sent to reporters who had submitted a written question asking what he thought about a Congressional inquiry. "I would welcome it," he wrote. A wave of sympathy for the cadets swept through both houses of Congress, but whether it will save them from the disgrace of expulsion remains to be seen. Many congressmen, shocked at the disclosures, still believe the firings should be carried through.

System Cited Hoey, chairman of the Senate's investigations svbcommi ttee, promised an immediate inquiry by this group. "If some of these boys feel aggrieved, there should be some full investigation by a Congressional committee," Hoey said. "If any one concerned feels there has not been fair determination in the matter. Congress should find out exactly what happened. "I don't think this kind of thing has happened just at West Point, because almost all colleges have been showing favoritism toward athletes.

However, cheating cannot be tolerated at West Point, where there is a high honor system and where they are being trained for the Army." i run ii in i ii mil ii i Unofficial returns from the First District gave Freeman 8,361 to 6.719 for Waterfield. Freeman is assured of the seat because no Republican ran in the district, composed of Graves, Hickman, Fulton, and Marshall Counties. Never Lost A House Race Waterfield, a newspaper publisher and farmer, never lost a race in his House district of Fulton and Hickman Counties. He ran for Governor in 1947, but was defeated in the primary by Earle C. Clements, now the senior United States senator.

Freeman will succeed Senator Charles C. Waggoner, Mayfield, who did not run for re-election. Yesterday's tabulation assured James R. Mansfield, Elkton, of the seat in the Senate from the Fifth District, composed of Simpson, Todd, Logan, and Muhlenberg Counties. In 95 of the 116 precincts, Mansfield piled up the commanding lead of 8,107 votes over Remme E.

Dillery, Guthrie. There is no Republican candidate in the Fifth. Mansfield will succeed Mrs. J. Lee Moore, Franklin, the first woman ever to A story about the House of Representatives races is on Page 13.

serve in the upper branch. Mrs. Moore did not run for re-election. Senator George E. Overbey, Murray, seeking re-election in the Third District, lost the nomination to James M.

Lassiter, Murray, on the basis of unofficial returns. The vote was: Overbey Lassiter Joe E. Nunn, Cadiz, 2,852. There is no Republican candidate in the Third, hence nomination assures election. Homer Losey, Somerset, defeated Hugh C.

Steely, Williamsburg, for the Republican nomination in the Fifteenth District. Unofficial returns showed: Losey 6,540, Steely 5,779. Losey, a former member of the House, will have no Democratic opposition in November. He will succeed Dr. R.

F. Jasper Somerset, who diet not run for reelection. Battle Continues In 12th On the Democratic side, the battle royal continued in the Twelfth District for the unexpired term of Senator Dalph Creal, Hodgenville, who resigned to accept appointment as County judge of Larue County. There is no Republican candidate here, so the nomination means election. Returns from 61 of 91 precincts showed: John M.

2,819. Clyde S. town, 2,482. Williams, Guston, Howard, Elizabeth- Leonard town, 2,062. Bean, Elizabeth- Howard and Bean are former members of the House.

The district includes Meade, Bullitt, Column 1, back page, this section Judge Hints He'll Find A7o Bias at Amphitheatre Shelhourne Hopes To Have Decision In Week After Studying Petitions on Links and Parks Federal Court Judge Hoy M. Shelbourne yesterday indicated he would rule that the City of Louisville has not discriminated against Negroes in the operation of Iroquois Chandler Rips Owners hi Probe of Baseball By ED ED STROM The Courier-Journal Washington Bureau Washington, Aug. 6. Former baseball czar A. B.

"Happy" Chandler had his innings today before the House monopoly subcommittee that is conducting an antitrust HARRY LEE WATERFIELD Collision Kills Louisvillian, Son, 4 Others Mrs. June Williams, 28, Dies In Virginia All six occupants ol an automobile, including a Louisville woman and her 5-year-old son, were killed yesterday in a collision with a big tractor-trailer truck near Wytheville, Va. The mother and son were identified by State police as Mrs. June Williams, 28, and Mark Williams. They lived at 5328 Mit-scher.

Police last night were attempting to locate the husband and father, Mark L. Williams, who has been on a field trip for the area medical office of the United Mine Workers welfare and retirement fund here. He has been in charge of vocational rehabilitation at that office since June, 1950. His wife was understood to have left here Saturday night for Harlan, her former home. Five Die Instantly.

Other accident victims were S. T. Turner, 53; his wife, Mrs. Louella Turner, 48, and their daughter, Margaret Turner, 16, all of Harlan, and an unidentified girl about 18 years old. The collision occurred about 4:30 p.m.

atop a curving overpass known as "Dead Man's Curve." Five passengers in the car, a 1950 sedan, died instantly, and the sixth died a few hours later at a Wytheville hospital. Police identified the driver of the truck as Charles William Waynick, Summerf ield, N. C. He escaped injury and was lodged in the Wythe County Jail on a charge of manslaughter. Before coming to Louisville, Williams was with the Vocational Education and Rehabilitation Division of the Kentucky Department of Education.

precincts gave: Siler 47,566, Meade 32,914. Siler will contest with Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby in the November general election for a four-year term as the State's Chief Executive. Wetherby had swept to a record-breaking lead over his chief opponent, Howell W. Vincent of Covington, when.

the count was 83 per cent complete. Barkley Record Falls The previous primary election record was set in 1944, when Alben W. Barkley, now Vice-President, defeated the late L. Boone Hamilton, County judge of Franklin County, for the Democratic nomination to the United States Senate by 96,496 votes. The gave: vote in 3,435 precincts Wetherby 61,021.

199,697, Vincent Vincent admitted defeat last night, declaring, "It is apparent that the power of the Clements machine has carried another Kentucky election but the principles for which I fought remain unchanged." During the campaign Vincent called Wetherby a stooge of former Governor Earle C. Clements, now United States senator. Weth- erby, as lieutenant governor, succeeded to the governorship last November when Clements was elected senator. Congratulates Wetherby Vincent added: "Kentucky must eventually return to constitutional government. I am grateful to the many thousands who supported me.

They gave unstint-ingly of their time and efforts without promise of money or jobs. Such loyalty is indeed heart-warming. "I am sending this telegram to Governor Wetherby: 'Congratulations upon your victory in Saturday's All Democratic candidates for state-wide offices slated by the Column 1, back page, this section Si. Associated Press Wirephoto SENATOR WILLIAM BENTON been so bad for America and so good for Communist Russia." Senate Republican Leader Wherry was the only senator who answered Benton on the floor. The Nebraskan said Benton had "only political motives in mind" and that his action "was not in the interest of good government." Benton placed in the Congressional Record a sharply worded report on the 1950 Maryland race which was issued unanimously by a Senate elections subcommittee last week.

The report denounced as "despicable" tactics used to elect Senator Butler Md.) over Tydings. It said McCarthy and his staff played a "potent" part in the campaign, especially in helping to prepare a "defamatory" pamphlet containing a composite picture purporting to show Tydings in conversations with ex-Communist leader Earl Browder. cases the Negroes' rights had been violated under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provides that no state (or city) shall deny "any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." On the Amphitheatre question, Shelbourne said it was the Louisville Theatrical Park Association, a private agency, and not the City, that had refused to sell tick ets to Negroes. The association contracts with the City for use of the Amphitheatre. Carter argued that the park association, in actuality, is a City agency.

organization puts on shows on premises built, owned, and maintained by the public, except for an original $5,000 supplied by the association, he said. Some Rights Reserved The City only reserves the I right to see that reasonable ad- mission prices are charged and that wholesome entertainment is i provided. Carter said. Donald Q. Taylor, association i attorney, contended that the asso- ciation is a nonstock, nonprofit, private organization "providing i entertainment at its own expense and under its sole supervision." The City virtually has little to do with the operation, but does get any net profits under the agreement, he said.

Taylor cited a recent decision of the United States Supreme Cnurt in sunnnrt hie srmimont i that the association was not violating Negro rights under the 14th Amendment. Private Interests Exempted In civil-rights cases, the Supreme Court said, "The principle has become firmly embedded in the constitutional law that the action inhibited the 14th Amendment is only such action as may fairly be said to be that of states. That amendment erects Column 3, back page, this section 9-Y ear-Old mit the possibility of limiting armaments, of lightening the burden of military expenditures, which lie with all their heaviness on the peoples' shoulders." Can't Understand U. S. The Soviet leader said the people of his country believed there would be no war "if the peoples take into their own hands preservation of peace and defend it to the end, unmasking the attempts of those forces which have interest in war and which are trying to draw the people into another war." He said governments must support peace with deeds and not with words alone, and that this was the policy of the Soviet Union.

The resolution from the Pre-Column 6, back page, this section the approval of J. Edgar Hoover, two F.B.I, men who knew all the notorious gamblers. They left their posts when Chandler was ousted last July 15 and have not been replaced, he added. "For baseball's sake, I wouldn't want the word to get out td the gamblers that nobody's watching baseball," Chandler declared, straight-faced. Chandler said he considered preserving the integrity of baseball his most important job.

Even in training camps players were warned about associating with gamblers. Young players sometimes didn't know that new associates they had picked up were gamblers, and sometimes had to be warned about whom they went around with. "Just like congressmen," Keating mused. Could Stand Some Changes Chandler made it plain the major-league setup could stand some changes. "It is inconceivable that, considering the growth of the nation in the last 50 years, no change has been made," he said.

The majors control the minors and there is no major-league baseball west of the Mississippi. The 16 major-league club owners could do something about it but probably won't because one veto would kill any such proposal. Chandler urged a survey of all cities with the idea of seeing which could qualify for a Tnajor-r league club, and then realign the leagues. The present leagues could be expanded to 10 or 12 teams, or the Pacific Coast League could be given the necessary encouragement to develop into a third major league, he said. Could Qualify In 5 Years It might be easier to expand the present leagues and then when each league has 12 teams, cut them up into three leagues.

Scheduling would present no problem, he said, "in this age of transportation." Cities that might qualify for major-league clubs would include Baltimore, Milwaukee, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, the New York Borough of Queens, and possibly Dallas and Portland, Ore. If the Pacific Coast League were freed of baseball's draft rule, by which it loses its stars to the major leagues, it could qualify as a major league in five years, Chandler predicted. All eight teams on the Pacific Coast Column 7, back page, this section ,4 tJ II 9 a. 1 fJili investigation of the game. It was Happy's show all the way as he gleefully pitched bean balls at the 16 major-league club owners, "the real barons of baseball, who think they own baseball, who think baseball is big business and not a sport." Some of the owners, whom the former Kentucky Governor and senator did not name, are "very Election of a new baseball commissioner at today's meeting of the 16 club owners appears unlikely, according to a story on Page 5, Section 2.

new, very rich, and baseball would be better off without them." Chandler scored chuckles with his Kentucky-bred sallies and skillfully fielded questions the Congressional probers threw at him. When the subcommittee's chairman, Representative 1 1 Brooklyn Democrat, asked if baseball were "clean and wholesome" and free of gambling, Chandler replied: Says Umpires Are Honest "The players play to win, the games are fairly played, and the umpires are honest." Representative Keating N. told Chandler, "You have some reservations." "I'm not going to pass on the characters of all the fellows who own clubs," the Kentuckian said. "Some owners the sport could do without. It's a wrong idea to think of baseball as big business because it's so tied to the public.

These 16 owners think they own baseball. They're just lucky enough to own franchises. The people own baseball." When he first took office April 24, 1945, Chandler said, the first thing he did was to hire, with Park Amphitheatre. The judge said he wanted to study further the issues involved in petitions to admit Negroes to City parks and golf courses before reaching a decision. At the end of a hearing on the suit to open the recreational facilities to Negroes, Shelbourne said: "Up until today I had intended to rule that Negroes have the right to play golf on these municipal courses.

There not only are not equal golf facilities for them; there just are none." New Points Raised But, Shelbourne added, there had been some points of law raised at the trial that might make him change his mind. He said he hoped to give a formal opinion within a week. The trial involved complaints of three Negro citizens. Dr. P.

Sweeney, dentist, 524 W. Walnut, charged he was not allowed to play golf on City courses. Mona Carroll, daughter of attorney Alfred M. Carroll, stated she was barred from fishing at Cherokee Park. James W.

Muir, a University of Louisville law student, complained he was denied the right to buy tickets to Amphitheatre shows. Amendment Is Quoted The plantiffs were represented by Benjamin F. Shobe and James A. Crumlin, Louisville attorneys, and Robert L. Carter, New York, representative of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

They argued that in all three Fun's Over Furnished By V. S. Weather Bnreau KENTU CKY-TENNESSEE Partly cloudy and continued warm in west and warmer in east portion Tuesday and Wednesday. Scattered thundershowers in east portion Tuesday. INDIANA Clearing and warmer Tuesday.

Wednesday generally fair and warm. Standiford Field Readings 8 A M. 70 2 P.M. 79 8 P.M. 83 9 A.M.

73 3 P.M. 82 9 P.M. 81 10 A.M. 74 4 P.M. 84 10 P.M.

80 11 A M. 79 5 P.M. 87 11 P.M. 80 13 M. 80 P.M.

87 12 P.M. 79 1 P.M. 81 7 P.M. 86 1 A.M. 78 Year Ago High, 83; low, 58.

-Sun Rises. sets. 7:40. Weather map is on 1 i. section la A ii I Mr'; Associated Press Wirephoto COACH "RED" BLAIK Says 90 are "among finest" Interviews Schricker sisted the publisher, reporter, and photographer of The Evansville Bugle.

"She is a very understanding lady and she enjoys it as much as I do," replied the gray-haired Governor. The other questions put to the Governor in his office were routine. The Bugle is a mimeographed neighborhood newspaper published in Evansville every two weeks circulation 130. Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Jess Hallert of Evansville. Br The Associated Press Indianapolis, Aug. 6. "Why is it you always pose with pretty girls?" was one of the questions asked of Governor Henry F. Schricker today by his youngest interviewer a 9-year-old newspaper publisher.

"That's a very personal question," Governor Schricker said with a grin as he answered Steve Hallert of Evansville, "but Indiana has so many pretty girls I appreciate the opportunity. In fact, I delight in it. And you will too when you're older." "What does your wife say about this?" per Associated Press Wirephoto SON. HE'D NEVER SEEN until yesterday embraces Edward Riley, center, 63-year-old vacationer from Montreal, in Philadelphia. Also embracing him is his sister, Mrs.

Eith Weikel. Riley found his son Joe after visiting his birthplace. Joe lived in the same block. The elder Riley left home in 1911, joined the Navy and went to the Orient He had thought his son, born after he left, was dead. Riley since has remarried.

to -lliifV'.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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