Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (2024)

Melina Chatah

🛡️Is your Human Firewall keeping you (So)Safe? ✨ | Customer Success Leadership 💼

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Scrolling through my LinkedIn feed the other day, I stumbled upon back-to-back posts from different sales leaders, each offering contrasting perspectives. 🔄 One advocated for skipping small talk and diving straight into the DM pitch, while the other commented on the loss of connections in favor of rapid-fire messages.Now, I'm not a sales leader and I got a chuckle out of the contradiction, but both viewpoints hold merit, since personal preferences shape all of our interactions. 🤝 Life, much like sales or networking strategies, hinges on individual perspectives and frames of reference.Here's my take on heeding others' advice: Stay grounded in your values and principles. 🌱 Embrace advice that aligns with your authentic self, but always keep an open mind. You are unique, and authenticity will bring you closer to success than trying to copy someone else's journey. Stay curious, keep learning from others, and watch your horizons expand! 🌎 And remember; the only thing we all know for certain, is that the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42. 😉 #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth



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Simon Malte Scavenius

Ex-LinkedIn™ INsider 💙 Your B2B consultant to unlock your full commercial potential 🚀 Higher ROI 💰 Better use of tools 👀 Candidate Experience 🧲 Employer Branding 📌 LinkedIn Strategy


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Well said and strongly support you doing whatever is right from your perspectiver 👏🏼👏🏼 If you ask Siri on a certain day of the year, she will say: "all evidence point to chocolate...." 😅

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Eleni Kypraiou

hom*ologation Coordinator


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The answer is 42, but we still don’t know what was the question…

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Sabine Thiel

“Integrity is when our words and deeds are consistent with our intentions.” – Simon Sinek


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Well said and its a great take to have with all "best practice" being presented and shared out here. My experience has also been; If it contradicts with the authentic you, it will never serve you as well as it does others.

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    LinkedIn, what have you read lately that’s challenged the status quo? This week I’m absolutely loving #TheJoltEffect by Matt Dixon and Ted McKenna!Ive been in sales for 28 years, and will attest to the many outdated and archaic approaches to “winning”. Let’s take the often misused practice of “Golden Silence”…Yes, pauses are important but all too often we misjudge when to use them. JOLT affirms the power of “Collaborative overlapping” where the “listener starts talking along with the speaker, not to cut them off but rather to validate or show they’re engaged in what the other person is saying.” (The JOLT Effect)Sellers, remember to be HUMAN, affirming, supportive and emotionally intelligent. Sell with passion, love and purpose. We’re not striving for a Winner/Loser but a true, mutually beneficial Partnership that supports growth, achievement and desired outcomes for all.#salesstrategy #communication #selling #salesapproach

    • Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (14)
    • Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (15)
    • Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (16)



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  • Danielle Cobo

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    • Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (19)


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  • Sheralee Rajah

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    Resharing this post for those that fear putting themselves out there or for those that hate rejection. All it takes is one opportunity. ONE.Yes, you'll probably send hundreds of emails, dms and connections but all it takes is one spark of interest to change the course of your life, brand and business. One yes has the power to cancel out all of the no's. Start somewhere, start today. #leadgeneration #opportunities #repost

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  • Nicholas A.

    Head of Business Development @ Orchestro AI | Commercial Development

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    I am always hesitant to post a message/question(s) like this......but since you're here: Is your sales team off to a running start? Are you looking for a sales leader with a proven track record of success to support your growth? Why the reticence to post this you may ask? 1. Asking for something and not getting it can be disheartening.2. People may read this as too bold, needy, or desperate.3. Some may think, "if you're that good or well connected you would not need to post this."So how would I respond to those objections to someone asking?1. To quote Wayne Gretzky, "you'll miss 100% of the shots you never take."2. Over the years it has become more apparent that what we do for others matters. 3. Fair, but let's consider the reason this platform was built, which I feel quickly diminishes the argumentWith that said, the lag of the holidays are behind us and companies are coming out guns blazing to get revenue on board quickly; I am looking to support those efforts with the right organization. Feel free to contact me directly, repost, or send this to a colleague or peer who may be looking for a leader to help grow and develop their sales team and, as always, I appreciate the support. #winningmindset #focus #execute #letsgo!



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  • Theo Spence

    Founder - Genkai Marketing | Helping home improvement brands with client acquisition

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    Contrary to popular belief, there's no such thing as a 'bad lead.' Success lies in how we engage with each potential client. 📞 Don't limit yourself to one call; pursue the conversation until you receive a definitive answer. And remember, variety is key! Reach out through phone calls, texts, emails, and social media. Concerned about overwhelming them? When approached with genuine support, respect, and value, most leads appreciate the effort and dedication. It's not about persistence; it's about providing unparalleled value every step of the way. 💼💌📲 #LeadEngagement #ValueFirst

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  • Navneet Kaur

    Driving Global IT Excellence | Business Development | Client Relations | Strategic Growth at Tech Superior Consulting

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    “Strategic Conversations That Revolutionized Our Path”Challenge: Imagine a client partner/business development executive, heart pounding, as they dial a potential client’s number. The phone feels heavier than a thousand-pound weight. Cold calls—those nerve-wracking moments when you’re one ring away from success or rejection—can be downright terrifying. Triumph: Actively listening, sharing information concisely, and following up strategically ensures that the importance of a conversation is understood. Against all odds, that call led to a pivotal meeting. The client transformed from a mere voice on the other end of the line into a long-term partner. “The true potential of our hard work becomes evident only when it yields results, and this happens when we persist consistently without losing hope.” Lesson: Sometimes, taking that leap of faith pays off. The leap that defies logic and whispers, “Go ahead, make the call.” Because at that moment, you’re not just dialing digits; you’re dialing destiny. Persistence and confidence matter—they’re the secret sauce that turns a cold call into a warm handshake and a signed contract.Embrace the unknown, my fellow hustlers. Who knows? Your next call could change your trajectory, rewrite your story, and propel you towards greatness. #BusinessDevelopment #SuccessStories #LeapOfFaith #ConfidenceWins #Clientpartners #overcomingchallenges #LeadGeneration #Marketing #Businessgrowth

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Melina Chatah on LinkedIn: #beauthentic #staycurious #personalgrowth (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.